
Sævar's Web Site


Main Page

The Planets


Stephen Hawking

Carl Sagan
The Cosmos Episodes
The Cosmic Calendar

Aurora Borealis NEW

About the Web 

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Hello and welcome to my home page. My name is Saevar Helgi Bragason, and I´m 15 years old. I live in Hafnarfjörður, which is a town of 18 000 people (sort of a suburb of Reykjavik) in Iceland. My main hobby is astronomy and everything that pertains to it. I also like football (soccer), physics, mathematics, and to watch great movies.

On this site you can find an assortment of information on: Astronomy, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, and the Aurora Borealis. I hope you´ll like this site of mine, because it is my first attempt at writing web pages. I am currently working on a number of exciting additions to this site, so please visit again soon.


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