What Are Aerobatics?

   In simple terms, aerobatics are anything done in a contolled manner other than regular flight. Than can be anything from a simple loop, to the very complex 3D maneuvers. 3D is where the plane is controlled during, just before, a stall. Aerobatics are fun to fly and test your ability as a pilot. You can enter in different contests for aerobatics. For example you can enter in a "Pattern" contest, being a contest where you do fairly basic maneuvers and try to get them as smooth as you can. On the other end of the spectrum ther is IMAC contests, scale aerobatics. This is where you do the same kinda thing as Pattern except with more complex maneuvers, like looks with snap rolls on it and or combitations of maneuvers. For info on how to do maneuvers go to the MANEUVERS PAGE!
