Kevin, The Penguinator has counted vistors to this page so far.
16 December 2005: VP8PJ will be active from Antarctic Logistics & Expedition's summer Base Camp at Patriot Hills, located at the southern tip of the Ellsworth Mountain range, deep in the interior of the continental icecap at Eighty Degrees South, Eighty One Degrees West. Click here to access Photo Gallery
I will also try to activate the nearby unoccupied Chilean summer field camp "Estacion Polar Arturo Parodi", established by the Chilean Airforce (FACH) and Instituto Antartico Chileno (INACH) two or three years ago as the staging post for a tractor traverse to the South Pole.  I will use the call CE9/VP8PJ from this location.
I will be active mainly on CW with occasional SSB depending on propagation & pile-up conditions. Approximate dates are December 21st 2005 to approx January 30th 2006  (Oh No ! Not another Christmas / New Year on the Ice !!). I will basically be active on whatever band happens to have the beset propagation whenever I switch the rig on, although I tend to prefer 7.003 10.103 and 14.103 kHz.

Please remember that this is not a DXpedition - I am on a work assignment & my free time is limited but I will try to be operational every day for an hour or so subject to work load. There are also significant power supply limitations & various other operational constraints, so please bear this in mind.  Equipment is a Yaesu FT 897D, 100 Watts into an unterminated Vee beam orientated at 011/191 degrees azimuth. I will be useng a solar powered battery array for my power supply. See below for QSL information. Updates & announcements will be via this site.
73, Alan 
VP8PJ QSL information
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How to have an easy contact with VP8PJ