How to have an easy contact with VKØLD
VKØLD generally operates from some very rare locations. If you have already worked & QSL'ed stations in these locations in the past (e.g. VKØHD, VKØMQI, VKØMM, VKØIC, VKØIR etc.), then do the right thing and don't call. At least let someone who has not worked a VKØ before have a sporting chance. 
VKØLD normally operates split (QSX) and listens between 5kHz and 15kHz up, depending on congestion. I normally use a 250 Hz CW filter. Listen ..  Listen .. Listen ..  Listen.. Listen...  THEN   Call
Please, NO SPOTS of VKØLD on DX clusters. Most operators know the score by now & where the website is etc. All  a cluster spot does is invite the clowns to show up & turns things into a circus. When the circus comes to town, I tend to close down & leave matters to my mate, Kevin the Penguinator.Why Europeans stations even bother spotting VKØLD on a DX cluster when I am very obviously working North America or Japan is a continuing source of deep and profound mystery to every penguin in the Antarctic. If you want to use the Internet to work VKØLD, then send an email instead.
Please do not tailgate. It is rude and inconsiderate. It also slows me down. On CW, everyone has a far better chance of a QSO if stations stick to a single frequency and simply call at regular intervals. I also listen for weaker stations amongst all the Five Element Freds, Rhombic Ronalds and Megawatt Luigis, so if you are running 100 Watts and a dipole out of a condo, stick in there. I can easily work 4 or 5 stations a minute if things are kept orderly.
I always try to work as many stations as possible in a limited time, so don't upset all the other operators by asking stupid question over the air. This website has all the answers to FAQ's like "what is QSL information?"  "What is your QTH ? and "Do penguins lay eggs ?"
ABSOLUTELY NO DUPES. No multiple contacts on the same band and mode. It is up to you to ensure that the contact is a valid one at the time of the contact. Isn't that the whole point of a QSO in the first place? I also have a commercial licence and very rarely get callsigns wrong.
VKØLD does not appear on DX nets/lists and is unable to assist with pre-arranged personal schedules.
In order to minimise cheap imitations and pirate activity, VKØLD does not operate outside of the published times and frequencies.  If VKØLD's signals really are 59+ in North America & Europe, it should be pretty obvious that you are listening to a cheap, non-copyright variation made in Miami or Naples and not the real McCoy.
If these basic guidelines are followed, then the best use can be made of my very limited time on the air and the maximum number of stations can have a contact with a very rare and beautiful part of the world.. If these basic guidelines are not followed......well maybe I'll just go read a book instead. That would also give everyone the time to visit the web links and learn something about Antarctica & why it is far more important than just another QSL card for the collection.
Maybe multi-operator, mega-$$$ DXpeditions and vacation operators can afford to do things differently. I can't, because VKØLD is not a DXpedition and I am not on vacation. Please respect the fact that I am not in the Antarctic for the sole and exclusive benefit of the worldwide Amateur Radio community. 
If you think that you can do better, then you probably can't. I am not operating from a luxury apartment with a 7-11 convenience store down the block;  there's a good chance that I'll be sitting in a tent with an 80 knot blizzard outside. If I'm on the air at all, it is for recreational purposes after a hard day's work in a very harsh and unforgiving environment.
Thank you for your co-operation & remember that a little patience and common courtesy both go a long way.

73, Alan / VKØLD /VP8PJ  & Kevin, the Penguinator.
How NOT to do it   (285k *WAV ) courtesy NOØC