VHF repeater station, summit of Mt. Jeffryes
There are three 50 Watt VHF repeater stations on Macquarie Island. The main one is on Wireless Hill & services the ANARE station & The Isthmus area. This is also fitted with a TACT so that expedtioners can access the telephone network & make calls home from a VHF handheld.

There are also two "down island" repeaters, one on Mount Elder, servicing the northern part of the island &
one on Mount Jeffryes covering most of the southern part of the island. These repeaters provide routine VHF communications for personnel working in the field as well as a "safety net" in the event of an emergency.

Both installations are solar powered and located in very inhospitable & difficult to access locations. Even a relatively simple repair can take several days of walking and  waiting for the right weather conditions.

Mt. Jeffryes is named after the radio operator in Mawson's Antarctic party who were based at Commonwealth Bay. He was the first person to operate radio equipment on the Antarctic continent, so it's fitting that Mt. Jeffryes has a radio repeater on its summit.
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