MORE quotes .....

"Do penguins lay eggs ? "
(An American....what can I say, except penguins are BIRDS)

" Z32**, go ahead..."
" You are 20 dB over S9 in Macedonia. What is your callsign  please ?"  (Z32**)
"Z32**, you should not be calling me if you do not know what my callsign is.."
" I don't really care what your callsign is, I just work the DX in the pile up first then worry about callsign later.... I am from a poor country."
So does living in a poor country excuse rudeness and stupidity ??

"What is your QTH ?? " 
(US Station)
"I'm on Macquarie Island"
"Where is that  ??" 
(US station)
"Umm, it's about fifteen hundred kilometres south of New Zealand"
"Where is New Zealand ??"
(US Station)

"Hallo CQ CQ  Japan & Asia this is
VKØMM ....."
"This is G3***, United Kingdom, United Kingdom"
Er, Singapore, Malaysia & Hong Kong got their independence some time ago from the British Empire......sorry.

"I've been trying to work
VKØMM for the last six months.  The guy's a nob, a complete idiot..."  (G4***)
If you are really stupid enough to insult stations on the air, then I guess you must also really be stupid enough to assume that you are eventually going to get a contact.. If you have a valid complaint, send a private email

"VKØMM, Pleese QSY...Kingman Reef..." (Unknown Italian band-cop)
Guess I'm not flavour of the month on 20m anymore....

" Station with X+Ray Bravo in the callsign, Go Ahead Please...." (VKØMM to 5x9 German Station)
" No, No, No, you have got my call sign  wrong,  it's Italy Tango Nine Kilo Sierra Sierra"

"Alan, I
NEED you !!!!"
I suppose he really meant that he needs a VKØMM QSL card not me, otherwise I'm not sure how to take this....

Yes, they're amusing, but the sad thing is that I did not make any of them up.

Let me know if you hear any gems !!

Want some more laughs ?? (KH2D)