The RSA algorithm, named for its creators Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, is currently one of the favorite public key encryption methods. Here is the algorithm:
The pair of values (n,E) act as the public key.
Note that . Then we may calculate
This step is based on the following result:
where Show that this result is true.
By Euler's theorem
provided E and are relatively prime, which is true by the choice of E. So we obtain
Therefore, we have an equation that can be used to find the "key" exponent D. The central result of the RSA algorithm is that this equation is computationally solvable in polynomial time (actually using the Euclidean Algorithm) whereas solving by factoring n requires exponential computational time. [Note however that this last statement has never actually been proven but only demonstrated given today's algorithms. Should someone discover an algorithm that factors integers in polynomial time, the RSA and similar algorithms could be rendered useless for secure communications.] Central to these calculations is knowing the factorization of n, since we will need to calculate both and .
Charlie Fletcher