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Quest for Glory Series

          Personally, I think that Quest for Glory is one of the best role playing series ever made.  It was a very entertaining series of games with a challenging plot .   The very thought of being a hero in an enchanted land was exciting.  Being able to use swords, magic, and match your wits against the creator's of the game was invigorating.

Quest for Glory I

Quest for Glory II

Quest for Glory III

Quest for Glory IV

Quest for Glory V


The Quest for Glory series has been one of Sierra's longest running games along with the Kings Quest series.  The Quest for Glory Series  is an adventure  role playing games.  It's a series of  games where you become the hero.  It's gives you the feeling as if you are almost  saving the imaginary town and interacting with the people that live there.


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This web site has a series of walkthrough's for each one of the five Quest for Glory games.  It has cheats for most of the games and a full description of each.
I hope that you learn about the Quest for Glory series and that it might help you on your own Quest.