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Walter's Wenches In Waiting
Campaign 2000

Mass Mailings




The following mass mailings should be 'snail mailed' to the following addresses:

The X-Files                                                                        Ten Thirteen Productions
411 North Central                      AND/OR                       
c/o Fox Studios
Suite 300                                                                          
10201 West Pico Blvd
Glendale, CA 91203                                                         
Los Angeles, CA 90035


Mass Mailing #1:  Simply left click your mouse on the banner below.  Click on COPY.  Open your word processing program and PASTE then PRINT.  


Banner Created By:  Elisabeth Bardawill




Mass Mailing #2:   Provided by the talents of Delphi Priestess.  

Follow same cut & paste procedure for the follow two mass mailings, EXCEPT after pasting, you'll want to change the color and font size of the text. (Yellow is hard to read on white paper.)  Make sure that the text appears on a single page of paper, front only.  I'm personally using purple paper to represent my PASSION for THE MAN!!!

Insert your address here                                            

Date: __________________                                                                   

The X-Files                                                                        Ten Thirteen Productions
411 North Central                      AND/OR                       
c/o Fox Studios
Suite 300                                                                          
10201 West Pico Blvd
Glendale, CA 91203                                                         
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Re: More SKINNER in Season 8!

Dear Chris Carter: 

Enclosed please find a little song to tell you what I want out of Season eight. Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease!!!!!


PS.  Did I mention I regard you as a God?



Dear Mr. Chris,
Please listen to this,
Your show is a hit
Yet there's something amiss!
I miss my Walter
Please, Mr. Carter,
I want more Skinner!


Nobody can replace him
He's my sweet SPG
"Surly Pectoral God", Yess!
He's my Divinity!

So Please, Mr. Carter
Don't think me a bitch
Don't make me a martyr
Burnin up here for Mitch!
That's Mitch Pileggi...
And I'm gettin' edgy!

Yours Sincerely,

Proud member of the International Committee to Expand Skinner (ICES), and the International Walter's Wenches in Waiting, North American Division




Mass Mailing #3: Provided again by our very own Delphi Priestess. 

Insert your address here                                            

Date: __________________                                                                   

The X-Files                                                                        Ten Thirteen Productions
411 North Central                      AND/OR                       
c/o Fox Studios
Suite 300                                                                          
10201 West Pico Blvd
Glendale, CA 91203                                                         
Los Angeles, CA 90035

Dear Chris Carter: 

Enclosed please find a little song to tell you what I want out of Season eight. Pleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease!!!!!


PS.  Did I mention I regard you as a God?


You must remember this:
The show just cannot miss
In season 8...or 9
If only you will give us
Much more Skinner Tiiime!!!!

Now Mulder's flown away
To who knows where, okay
With that I can comply.
It leaves the TV screen
a showcase for our Guy!


Burly and brawny
Powerful and smart;
Tall, tanned and tawny,
That's just for a start
Voice, oh so sexy.....
He needs a BIGGER PART
In every episode!

So Chris, please don't delay
Tell everyone today
That Mitch is doin' fine
And that you swear
To give us much
More Skinner time!

Proud member of the International Committee to Expand Skinner (ICES), and the International Walter's Wenches in Waiting, North American Division

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