a.m. Mission Control gives Apollo crew a brief review of the
morning news, including sports developments. They are informed
about the progress of the Russian space ship Lunar 15 and
that Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, ranking government official
at the Apollo 11 blastoff, has called for putting a man on
Mars by the year 2000.
p.m. Midcourse correction is made with a three-second burn,
sharpening the course of the spacecraft and testing the engine
that must get them in and out of lunar orbit.
p.m. Astronauts begin first scheduled color telecast from
spacecraft, showing view of the Earth from a distance of about
128,000 nautical miles. During the 36-minute transmission,
views are also shown of the inside of the command module.
p.m. Mission control bids the crew goodnight.
a.m. Mission Control lets Astronauts sleep an hour later than
scheduled on the third day of the outward journey. After breakfast,
they begin housekeeping chores, such as charging batte> Trasferimento
interrotto. uel and oxygen reserves. Announcement is made
to them that course corrections scheduled for afternoon will
not be necessary.
p.m. Astronauts are given report on day's news.
p.m. One of the clearest television transmissions ever sent
from space is begun, with the spacecraft 175,000 nautical
miles from Earth and 48,000 from the Moon. It lasts an hour
and 36 minutes. While in progress, the hatch to the LM is
opened and Armstrong squeezes through the 30-inch-wide tunnel
to inspect it. He is followed by Aldrin.
p.m. Mission Control tells the crew goodnight.
p.m. Velocity of spacecraft has slowed to 2,990 ft. per second
just before entering the Moon's sphere of influence at a point
33,823 nautical miles away from it.
a.m. Astronauts
call Mission Control to inquire about scheduled course correction
and are told it has been cancelled. They are also advised
they may go back to sleep.
a.m. Mission
Control signals to arouse crew and to start them on breakfast
and housekeeping chores.
a.m. Astronauts are given review of day's news and are told
of worldwide interest in Moon mission.
a.m. Collins reports: "Houston, it's been a real change for
us. Now we are able to see stars again and recognize constellations
for the first time on the trip. The sky is full of stars,
just like the nights on Earth. But all the way here we have
just been able to see stars occasionally and perhaps through
monoculars, but not recognize any star pattern."
a.m. Armstrong announces: "The view of the Moon that we've
been having recently is really spectacular. It about three-quarters
of the hatch window and, of course, we can see the entire
circumference, even though part of it is in complete shadow
and part of it's in earth-shine. It's a view worth the price
of the trip."
p.m. The crew is informed by Mission Control: "We're 23 minutes
away from the LOI (Lunar Orbit Insertion) burn. Flight Director
Cliff Charlesworth is polling flight controllers for its status
now." Then quickly, seconds later: "You are go for L0I." Aldrin
replies: "Roger, go for LOI."
p.m. Spacecraft passes completely behind the Moon and out
of radio contact with the Earth for the first time.
p.m. The spacecraft's main rocket, a 20,500-pound-thrust engine,
is fired for about six minutes to slow the vehicle so that
it can be captured by lunar gravity. It is still behind the
Moon. The resulting orbit ranges from a low of 61.3 nautical
miles to a high of 168.8 nautical miles.
p.m. Armstrong tells Mission Control: "We're getting this
first view of the landing approach. This time we are going
over the Taruntius crater and the pictures and maps brought
back by Apollos 8 and 10 give us a very good preview of what
to look at here. It looks very much like the pictures, but
like the difference between watching a real football game
and watching it on TV-no substitute for actually being here."
About 15 minutes later he adds: "It gets to be a lighter gray,
and as you get closer to the subsolar point, you can definitely
see browns and tans on the ground." And a few moments still
later: "When a star sets up here, there's no doubt about it.
One instant it's there and the next instant it's just completely
p.m. A 35-minute telecast of the Moon's surface begins. Passing
westward along the eastern edge of the Moon's visible side,
the camera is focused especially on the area chosen as a landing
p.m. A second burn of the spacecraft's main engine, this one
for 17 seconds, is employed while the spacecraft is on the
back side of the Moon to stabilize the orbit at about 54 by
66 nautical miles.
p.m. Armstrong and Aldrin crawl through the tunnel into the
lunar module to give it another check. The spacecraft is orbiting
the Moon every two hours.
a.m. Aldrin crawls into the lunar module and starts to power-up
the spacecraft. About an hour later, Armstrong enters the
LM and together they continue to check the systems and deploy
the landing legs.
p.m. The landing craft is separated from the command module,
in which Collins continues to orbit the Moon.
p.m. Collins fires the command ship's rockets and moves about
two miles away.
p.m. Armstrong and Aldrin, flying feet first and face down,
fire the landing craft's descent engine for the first time.
p.m. Collins, flying the command ship from behind the Moon,
reports to Earth that the landing craft is on its way down
to the lunar surface. It is the first Mission Control has
heard of the action. "Everything's going just swimmingly.
Beautiful!" Collins reports.
p.m. Armstrong throttles up the engine to slow the LM before
dropping down on the lunar surface. The landing is not easy.
The site they approach is four miles from the target point,
on the southwestern edge of the Sea of Tranquility. Seeing
that they are approaching a crater about the size of a football
field and covered with large rocks, Armstrong takes over manual
control and steers the craft to a smoother spot. His heartbeat
has risen from a normal 77 to 156. While Armstrong flies the
landing craft, Aldrin gives him altitude readings: "Seven
hundred and fifty feet, coming down at 23 degrees . . . 700
feet, 21 down . . . 400 feet, down at nine . . . Got the shadow
out there . . . 75 feet, things looking good . . . Lights
on . . . Picking up some dust. . . 30 feet, 2 1/2 down . .
. Faint shadow . . . Four forward. Four forward, drifting
to the right a little . . . Contact light. Okay, engine stop."
When the 68-inch probes beneath three of the spacecraft's
four footpads touch down, flashing a light on the instrument
panel, Armstrong shuts off the ship's engine.
p.m. The craft settles down with a jolt almost like that of
a jet landing on a runway. It is at an angle of no more than
four or five degrees on the right side of the Moon as seen
from Earth. Armstrong immediately radios Mission Control:
"The Eagle has landed." Aldrin, looking out of the LM window,
reports: "We'll get to the details around here, but it looks
like a collection of just about every variety of shapes, angularities
and granularities, every variety of rock you could find. The
colors vary pretty much depending on how you're looking....
There doesn't appear to be much of a general color at all;
however, it looks as though some of the rocks and boulders,
of which there are quite a few in the near area . . . are
going to have some interesting colors to them." A few moments
later he tells of seeing numbers of craters, some of them
100 feet across, but the largest number... ....only one or
two feet in diameter. He sees ridges 20 or 30 feet high, two-foot
blocks with angular edges, and a hill half a mile to a mile
away. Finally, in describing the surface, Aldrin says: "It's
pretty much without color. It's gray and it's a very white
chalky gray, as you look into the zero phase line, and it's
considerably darker gray, more like ashen gray as you look
up 9O degrees to the Sun. Some of the surface rocks close
in here that have been fractured or disturbed by the rocket
engine are coated with this light gray on the outside but
when they've been broken they display a dark, very dark gray
interior, and it looks like it could be country basalt." The
first task after landing is that of preparing the ship for
launching, of seeing that all is in readiness to make the
ascent back to a rendezvous with the command spacecraft orbiting
p.m. With everything in order, Armstrong radios a recommendation
that they plan to start the EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity),
earlier than originally scheduled, at about
p.m. EDT. Mission Control replies: "We will support you anytime."
p.m. Later than proposed at
p.m., but more than five hours ahead of the original schedule,
Armstrong opens the LM hatch and squeezes through the opening.
It is a slow process. Strapped to his shoulders is a portable
life support and communications system weighing 84 pounds
on Earth, 14 on the Moon, with provision for pressurization;
oxygen requirements and removal of carbon dioxide. Armstrong
moves slowly down the 10-foot, nine-step ladder. On reaching
the second step, he pulls a "D-ring," within easy reach, deploying
a television camera, so arranged on the LM that it will depict
him to Earth as he proceeds from that point. Down the ladder
he moves and halts on the last step. "I'm at the foot of the
ladder," he reports. "The LM footpads are only depressed in
the surface about one or two inches. . . the surface appears
to be very, very finegrained, as you get close to it, it's
almost like a powder."
p.m. Armstrong puts his left foot to the Moon. It is the first
time in history that man has ever stepped on anything that
has not existed on or originated from the Earth. "That's one
small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind," Armstrong
radios. Aldrin is taking photographs from inside the spacecraft.
The first print made by the weight of man on the Moon is that
of a lunar boot which resembles an oversized galosh. Its soles
are of silicon rubber and its 14-layer sidewalls of aluminized
plastic. Specially designed for super-insulation, it protects
against abrasion and has reduced friction to facilitate donning.
On Earth, it weighs four pounds, nine ounces. on the Moon,
12 ounces. Armstrong surveys his surroundings for a while
and then moves out, testing himself in a gravity environment
one-sixth of that on Earth. "The surface is fine and powdery,"
he says. "I can pick it up loosely with my toe. It does adhere
in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole and sides
of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of an inch. Maybe
an eighth of an inch, but I can see the footprints of my boots
and the treads in the fine sandy particles. "There seems to
be no difficulty in moving around as we suspected. It's even
perhaps easier than the simulations...." Feeling more confident,
Armstrong begins making a preliminary collection of soil samples
close to the landing craft. This is done with a bag on the
end of a pole. "This is very interesting," he comments. "It's
a very soft surface, but here and there . . . I run into a
very hard surface, but it appears to be very cohesive material
of the same sort.... It has a stark beauty all its own. It's
like much of the high desert of the United States." He collects
a small bagful of soil and stores it in a pocket on the left
leg of his space suit. This is done early, according to plan,
to make sure some of the Moon surface is returned to Earth
in case the mission has to be cut short.
p.m. After lowering a Hasselblad still camera to Armstrong,
Aldrin emerges from the landing craft and backs down the ladder,
while his companion photographs him. "These rocks . . . are
rather slippery," Armstrong says. The astronauts report that
the powdery surface seems to fill up the fine pores on the
rocks, and they tend to slide over them rather easily. Armstrong
fits a long focal length lens into position on the TV camera
and trains it upon a small, stainless steel plaque on one
of the legs of the landing craft. He reads: "Here men from
the planet Earth first set foot on the Moon. July 1969 A.D.
We came in peace for all mankind." Below the inscription are
the names of the Apollo crew and President Nixon. Armstrong
next removes the TV camera from its fixed position on the
LM and moves it away about 40 feet so it can cover the area
in which the astronauts will operate. As scheduled, the astronauts
set up the first of three experiments. From an outside storage
compartment in the LM, Aldrin removes a foot-long tube containing
a roll of aluminum foil. Inside the roll is a telescoped pole
that is driven into the lunar surface, after which the foil
is... ...suspended from it, with the side marked "Sun" next
to the Sun. Its function will be to collect the particles
of "solar wind" blowing constantly through space so that they
can be brought back and analyzed in the hope they will provide
information on how the Sun and planets were formed.
p.m. From a leg of the spacecraft, the astronauts take a three-by-five-foot,
nylon United States flag, its top edge braced by a spring
wire to keep it extended on the windless Moon and erect it
on a staff pressed into the lunar surface. Taken to the Moon
are two other U.S. flags, to be brought back and flown over
the houses of Congress, the flags of the 50 States, the District
of Columbia and U.S. territories, the United Nations flag,
as well as those of 136 foreign countries.
p.m. Mission Control announces: "The President of the United
States is in his office now and would like to say a few words
to you." Armstrong replies: "That would be an honor."
p.m. The astronauts listen as the President speaks by telephone:
"Neil and Buzz. I am talking to you from the Oval Room at
the White House. And this certainly has to be the most historic
telephone call ever made For every American this has to be
the proudest day of our lives. And for people all over the
world I am sure they, too, join with Americans in recognizing
what a feat this is. Because of what you have done, the heavens
have become a part of man's world. As you talk to us from
the Sea of Tranquility, it inspires us to redouble our efforts
to bring peace and tranquility to Earth. For one priceless
moment, in the whole history of man, all the people on this
Earth are truly one." As the President finishes speaking,
Armstrong replies: "Thank you, Mr. President. It's a great
honor and privilege for us to be here representing not only
the United States but men of peace of all nations. And with
interest and a curiosity and a vision for the future. It's
an honor for us to be able to participate here today." The
two astronauts stand at attention, saluting directly toward
the television as the telephone conversation concludes. Armstrong
next sets up a folding table and opens on it two specimen
boxes. Using tongs and the lunar scoop, a quantity of rocks
and soil are picked up and sealed in the boxes, preparatory
to placing them in the ascent stage of the landing craft.
Aldrin, meanwhile, opens another compartment in the ship and
removes two devices to be left on the Moon, taking each out
about 30 feet from the ship. One is a seismic detector, to
record moonquakes, meteorite impact, or volcanic eruption,
and the other a laser-reflector, a device designed to make
a much more precise measurement of Earth-Moon distances than
has ever been possible before.
a.m. After checking with Mission Control to make sure all
chores have been completed, experiments set up, and photographs
taken, Aldrin starts back up the ladder to re-enter the LM.
a.m. Armstrong joins Aldrin in the landing craft.
a.m. The hatch is closed. The astronauts begin removing the
portable life support systems on which they have depended
for two hours and 47 minutes.
a.m. Astronauts are told to go to sleep, after attending to
final housekeeping details and answering a number of questions
concerning the geology of the Moon.
a.m. Shortly after arousing Collins, still circling the Moon
in the Command/Service Module, Mission Control observes: "Not
since Adam has any human known such solitude as Mike Collins
is experiencing during this 47 minutes of each lunar revolution
when he's behind the Moon with no one to talk to except his
tape recorder aboard Columbia."
a.m. The astronauts in Eagle are aroused. Aldrin announces:
"Neil has rigged himself a really good hammock . . . and he's
been Iying on the hatch and engine cover, and I curled up
on the floor."
p.m. Answering a question raised before they went to sleep,
Aldrin reports: "We are in a boulder field where boulders
range generally up to two feet, with a few larger than that...
Some of the boulders are Iying on top of the surface, some
are partially exposed, and some are just barely exposed."
p.m. Ascent engine is started and LM, using descent stage
as a launch pad, begins rising and reaches a vertical speed
of 80 feet per second at 1,000 feet altitude. The astronauts
take with them in the ascent stage the soil samples, the aluminum
foil with the "solar wind" particles it has collected, the
film used in taking photographs with still and motion picture
cameras, the flags and other mementos to be returned to Earth.
Behind they leave a number of items, reducing the weight of
the ship from 15,897 pounds as it landed on the Moon to 10,821
pounds. The largest item left behind is the descent stage,
that part of the landing craft with the plaque on one of its
spidery legs. Others include the TV camera, two still cameras,
tools used in collecting samples, portable life support systems,
lunar boots, American flag, rod support for the "solar wind"
experiment instrument, laser beam reflector, seismic detector,
and a gnomon, a device to verify colors of objects photographed.
p.m. Eagle redocks with Columbia while circling on the back
side of the Moon.
p.m. The landing craft is jettisoned.
a.m. While on the back side of the Moon, with the LM 20 miles
behind the CSM, the transearth injection burn of Apollo 11
is begun, with the spacecraft traveling at 5,329 feet per
second at an altitude of about 60 nautical miles
a.m. Astronauts start sleep period.
p.m. Astronauts begin waking for first full day of return
p.m. Spacecraft passes point in space, 33,800 nautical miles
from the Moon and 174,000 from the Earth, where the Earth's
gravity takes over and begins drawing the astronauts homeward.
p.m. Midcourse correction is made to readjust the flight path
of the spacecraft.
p.m. Eighteen minutes of live TV transmission to Earth begins.
a.m. Crew starts sleep period.
p.m. Crew awakens. Begins relaxed checking of systems and
conversation with Mission Control.
p.m. Spacecraft passes midway point of journey homeward, 101,000
nautical miles from splashdown .
p.m. Final color television transmission begins.
a.m. Crew awakens and begins to prepare for splashdown.
p.m. Command and service modules are separated.
p.m. Command module re-enters the Earth's atmosphere.
p.m. Spacecraft splashes down 825 nautical miles southwest
of Honolulu and about 13 nautical miles from the recovery
ship, the U.S.S. Hornet.
p.m. Hatch of command module opens and frogman hands in isolation
p.m. Astronauts emerge from the spacecraft in isolation suits
and are sprayed with a disinfectant as a guard against the
possibility of their contaminating the Earth with Moon "germs."
p.m. Astronauts arrive by helicopter on the flight deck of
the Hornet. Still inside the helicopter they ride an elevator
to hangar deck and then walk immediately into the mobile quarantine
trailer in which they will remain until they arrive at the
Lunar Receiving Laboratory at Houston early July 27.
p.m. President Nixon welcomes the astronauts, visible through
a window of the trailer. Speaking over an intercom, he greets
them, extends them an invitation to attend a dinner with him
August 13. and tells them: "This is the greatest week in the
history of the world since the Creation.... As a result of
what you have done, the world's never been closer together
.... We can reach for the stars just as you have reached so
far for the stars."
p.m. The command module arrives on board the Hornet after
traveling 952,700 nautical miles since July 16. So ends man's
first mission to the Moon. It has lasted 195 hours, 18 minutes
and 35 seconds or a little more than eight days. It is recognized
as the most trouble-free mission to date, almost completely
on schedule and successful in every respect.