Mathieu Wong-Rose's Volcano Project

Famous Volcanos

For this section I have decided to the two most well known volcanos.

Mount Versuvius

In 72AD, this volcano, located in italy, desrtoyed the towns of Pompeii and Herculean killing thousands of people. After the eruption the lava hardened and left permanent body casts of the citizens of pompeii, fornatunately the people of herculean managed to escape the mudslide that Versuvius caused.

Mount St. Helens

In 1980, this mountain located in the cascade range, this thought to be extinct erupted and caused quite a stir. The eruption of Mt. Saint Helens produced enormous amounts of damage to the area surrounding the volcano including Spirit Lake that sits to the north of the summit. There have been a few little eruptions after this first one but none as violent as it.