1980 Cessna
172XP (R172K – HAWK XP II)
Owner – 914-882-5954 or leoma@aopa.net)
Original Paint, Green/White, 7/10
All Cessna Options: strobes,
ground-power plug (GPU), steps/handles, etc
No Damage History – Complete and
Detailed Logs
904 pounds useful load, 620 pounds
payload with full fuel
Continental IO360KB, Fuel Injected, 195 HP, heavy crankcase
Constant Speed Prop,5 SPOH
130 KTAS @ 6000 ft, 10 GPH
52 gallons fuel tank
900 feet/min climb
Avionics: (full King IFR, all king radios installed after 1992)
Bendix/King KX165 nav/com with
GS and HSI output
SigmaTek HSI (coupled to autopilot,
nav, Loran)
Bendix/King KI109 2nd nav
indicator with GS
Bendix/King KN64 DME
Bendix/King KT76A transponder with
altitude encoder
Bendix/King KMA24 Audio Pannel
Northstar M1 Loran coupled to
autopilot (slide in for M3 IFR GPS available)
STEC 50 2-axis autopilot with
altitude hold, coupled to nav/Loran)
SigmaTek Electric standby attitude
indicator for IFR redundancy
PAI700 Vertical Card Compass
David Clark 4-place in-panel
intercom system, dual push-to-talk switches.
Cessna/ARC 300 ADF receiver/indicator
Ground clearance switch to operate
nav/com/HSI only
Antenna plug for handheld nav/com
Avionics master switch
Original Interior, Green/beige,
Cessna Options, EGT, post/flood lights
seats, tinted windows ¼” thick
static source
Based: BDR, Connecticut, Individual Owner, No Liens,
Maintained since 1992 at Three Wings (203-375-5795 - Airframe/Powerplant: Skip
- Avionics: Dave Labord)
Contact: Leo Massarani – 914-882-5954 – leoma@aopa.net
Asking Price: US$ 74,000.00
1980 Cessna
172XP (R172K – HAWK XP II)