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Circular Motion

After reviewing this site, you should be able to answer these questions:

What is it?
Centripetal Motion and Force
Centrifugal Motion and Force
Coriolis Forces
Site Credits
Physics Links

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In Physics, circular motion is the study of the properties associated with movement in a circular path.  The most common property examined in this study is that of gravitation, or the forces pulling objects toward one another.  Gravitation is so closely tied to the study of motion in a circle since satellites of objects generally travel in circular paths.

In the pages that follow, you will learn a brief history of circular motion theory, and you will begin to understand three types of circular forces - centripetal, centrifugal, and coriolis.  Feel free to use the interactive applets and browse the related physics links.


What force affects this hurricane?
hurricane.jpg (8336 bytes)

Who formulated the theories and laws of circular motion?
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What type of motion does this heavenly body exhibit with respect to the Earth?
moon.jpg (6958 bytes)

Send e-mail to: tbone_tabor@hotmail.com
with questions and comments.

©1999, TWG Physics Services.  Site design by Matt Tabor Media Enterprises.