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and the Golden Ratio

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The Egyptians thought that the golden ratio was sacred.  Therefore, it was very important in their religion.  They used the golden ratio when building temples and places for the dead.  If the proportions of their buildings weren't according to the golden ratio, the deceased might not make it to the afterlife or the temple would not be pleasing to the gods.  As well, the Egyptians found the golden ratio to be pleasing to the eye.  They used it in their system of writing and in the arrangement of their temples.  The Egyptians were aware that they were using the golden ratio, but they called it the "sacred ratio."

hieroglyphics.gif (9677 bytes)

eyer.gif (338 bytes) Egyptian Architecture  eyel.gif (335 bytes)

eyer.gif (338 bytes) Egyptian Art eyel.gif (335 bytes)

 eyer.gif (338 bytes) Hieroglyphics eyel.gif (335 bytes)

eyer.gif (338 bytes) Temples eyel.gif (335 bytes)

hieroglyphics.gif (9677 bytes)

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