The ultimate challenge....GO

Here I'm playing the japanese board game Go with my friend Corina Tarina. When you know the game you only need one glance to see that there is a huge gap between us, for her to give me 9 stones ahead on a small board (and still win...). But alas, she is a 1st dan, and I am .... (don't know)
Since I'm such a beginner (and don't have enough energy left to advance), I'm not going to try to teach anything about the game, I'll just give a few links that will bring you everywhere!

The Interactive Way to Go, I found this the nicest tutorial I've seen sofar!

Jan Steen has a top site with huge resources

The British Go Association, also contains a lot of links

Just for fun, here is a little applet based on the game that you can play. The first one to capture a stone wins:

Finally, Corina and Mark are running a Go club in Basel, have a look at the homepage of the club.

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at

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