
On saturday June 23rd 2001 the weather forecast promised a nice day, so we decided to get up early and walk up the Pilatus. This mountain close to Luzern is the first top in the alps above 2000m when you approach from Basel.
As shown on the map beside, and in more detail here, we chose our route not to reach the top as fast as possible, but to enjoy the trip.

Plantatera bifolia

We started walking at 8 am in Alpnachstad. We followed a little road leading to Märenschlag. Up to Lutoldsmatt there were still cars passing now and then, but thereafter we had the road to ourselves, and saw many nice flowers, among which were several orchid species.

snailEriophorum angustifoliumdactylorhiza fuchsii

After Märenschlag we had some harder work coming. A rather steep climb brougth us to Feldalp, from where we had a nice view to the south. From Feldalp we followed the "Grat" to Pilatus. This brought us alpine flowers, great views and some challenging paths and a snowfield. We even saw a few chamois from pretty closeby.

When we approached the Pilatus, the walk became easy once again, although we were both a bit tired by then. We reached the top of the Pilatus bahn at 3 pm. This place was full of tourists and by that time surrounded by clouds, so we took the next train down to Alpnachstad.

Pilatus website

Also visit our homepages for more info, pictures and stories: Sjoerd's Homepage and Aletta's Homepage