The following code was adopted by the membership of the Superior Court Clerks' Association of the State of California at the annual business meeting of October 10, 1992. It is now considered to be binding on all Association members.
*Courts exist to promote justice and thus serve the public interest. The administration of justice in a democracy requires ethical conduct by employees of the court system. It is essential that a court system be fair, expedient, accurate and independent to achieve justice. The Court family shall remain aware that the courts exist to serve the public.
*Court Clerks shall, in performing the business of the court, make it useful to the community. They shall be free from impropriety and the appearance of impropriety in order to uphold and increase the public's awareness and confidence in the court system.
*Court Clerks are privileged to obtain confidential information through their position and shall respect its confidentiality.
*Court Clerks shall avoid infractions of law. Said clerks' personal behavior shall be beyond reproach, not only in the performance of the duties of the position, but also in everyday life.
*Court Clerks shall be temperate, attentive, patient and impartial in the performance of court duties.
*Court Clerks shall be courteous to and considerate of all persons who appear before the court.
*Court Clerks shall not undertake duties or incur obligations which might embarrass the court.
*Court Clerks shall do nothing to justify the impression that any person can exercise improper influence or unduly enjoy special favor from the clerk of the court.
*Court Clerks shall refrain from all relations which might affect the impartial performance of their official duties.
*Court Clerks shall not utilize information obtained through their official capacity for purposes of speculation.
*Court Clerks may engage in political activity outside of working hours as long as the affiliations or status with court is not utilized.
*Court Clerks shall not give legal advice.