Details: In Dagestan initially were counted 15542 more valid votes than in fact: 4436 mistaken votes were added to Yeltsin, 11018 to Zyuganov, 88 to "against both" (corrected 19.VII.1996). In Mordovia 702 Zyuganov's votes were mistakenly transferred to "against both" (corrected 10.VIII.1996). In other regions 1599 Zyuganov's votes were mistakenly transferred to Yeltsin: 279 in Saratovskaya oblast (corrected 8.X.1996), 708 in Stavropolsky krai and 362 in Rostovskaya oblast (corrected 28.III.1997) and 250 in Karachaevo-Cherkessia (corrected 6.XI.1997). Summing up all corrections, Yeltsin lost 6035 votes, Zyuganov lost 11018 and obtained 2301, "against all" lost 702.
1st round. Sunday, June, 16, 1996
('Rossiyskaia gazeta', June, 22, 1996, 'Vestnik TsIK', N 15, 1996
corrections - 'Vestnik TsIK', N 17, 1996)
Total electorate - 108.495.023
Took part in the elections (i.e. number of balots received by voters) - 75.744.553 (69.81%)
Took part in the voting (i.e. number of valid and invalid ballots found in ballot-boxes) - 75.587.139
Yeltsin 26.665.495 (35.28%)
Zyuganov 24.211.686 (32.03%)
Lebed 10.974.736 (14.52%)
Yavlinsky 5.550.752 (7.34%)
Zhirinovsky 4.311.479 (5.70%)
Fyodorov 699.158 (0.92%)
Gorbachev 386.069 (0.51%)
Shakkum 277.068 (0.37%)
Vlasov 151.282 (0.20%)
Bryntsalov 123.065 (0.16%)
Tuleyev (pre-term*) 308 (0.00%)
Against all 1.163.921 (1.54%)
Invalid ballots 1.072.120 (1.42%)
* - Aman Tuleyev withdrawn his candidature on June, 13.
His name was struck off the already-printed ballots.
The ballots with his name marked considered as invalid EXCEPT those
filled before June 13 (at pre-term voting overseas and in remote regions).
2nd round. Wednesday, July, 3, 1996
('Rossiyskaia gazeta', July, 10, 1996
corrections - 'Vestnik TsIK', 1996, NN 17, 18, 19, 1997, N 3
latest corrections not yet published)
Total electorate - 108.589.050
Took part in the elections (i.e. number of balots received by voters) - 74.800.449 (68.88%)
Took part in the voting (i.e. number of valid and invalid ballots found in ballot-boxes) - 74.691.290
Yeltsin 40.202.349 (53.82%)
Zyuganov 30.104.589 (40.31%)
Against all 3.603.760 (4.82%)
Invalid ballots 780.592 (1.05%)
Boris Yeltsin elected the President of Russian Federation for his second term (4-years). Assumed office on August, 9, 1996.