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Russian Regional Elections: 1996; 1997; Results

Russian Regional Leaders Elections - 1996

Updated 25.II.1997

[ March-June | September | October | November | December | Score ]

50 regional executive leaders (who also become members of Federation Council ex officio) were to be elected in September - December 1996. Among them governors of 47 regions (run by Chiefs-of-Administration appointed by president Yeltsin) and 3 presidents of republics.
Earlier, in the first half of the year, the elections took place in the 3 regions (Moscow, St.Petersburgh, Tatarstan), where the first elections had been on June, 12, 1991.
The present list is not complete: it includes, however, all the incumbents and candidates officially supported by Yeltsin's coalition (OKS) and all the candidates officially supported by communist coalition (NPSR).
OKS (All-Russian Coordination council), pro-presidential coalition headed by Sergei Filatov, that includes presidential Administration, Chernomyrdin's 'Our Home is Russia' and some democratic parties, meets weekly since 20th of August on Mondays or Tuesdays. OKS has officially declared its support to 47 candidates (43 incumbents and 4 rivals). 2 regions are still under discussion in OKS. Discord in OKS started in October (see RIA). In November OKS decided to support 'second' candidates in 3 regions where it already had its candidates.
NPSR (People's Patriotic Union of Russia), headed by Communist Party chairman Gennady Zyuganov, proclaimed its list of 13 candidates at 11th of September NPSR Presidium session. Some more more candidates were announced in October and November. Earlier NPSR supported A.Gordeyev in Saratov.
ChIR - Chest' i Rodina (Honour and Motherland) headed by Alexander Lebed has several official candidates, but in many regions there are 2 or 3 candidates pretending that they are 'from Lebed'. Colonel Alexey Lebed (general's brother) elected prime minister of Khakasiya.
In all through Sept.-Dec. 1996 20 of 44 leaders were re-elected, 24 failed (counting since Spring-96, including Moscow, St.Petersburgh and Tatarstan - 22 of 47 reelected).
Names of regions are simply transliterated.
  • Respublika Tatarstan. President Mintimer Shaymiyev, who was the only candidate (in contradiction with the Federal Law), reelected by 97%. Participation level - 78%
    MAY, 19
  • St.Petersburgh (1st round) - 14 candidates. Mayor Anatoly Sobchak (29.0%) and his deputy Vladimir Yakovlev (21.6%) came to 2nd round. Independent candidate Yury Boldyrev got 17.1%; communist Yury Sevenard - 10.0%; Leningradskaya Oblast governor Alexander Belyakov - 9.8%; former City Council Chairman Alexander Belyayev - 4.5%. Others (V.Khodyrev, S.Andreyev, Yu.Shutov, S.Vasilyev, V.Karabanov, A.Levashov, V.Ulybin, S.Rudasiov) - less than 1.5%. [Results]
    JUNE, 2
  • St.Petersburgh (2nd round) Elected Vladimir Yakovlev (47.49%), supported by all kinds of opposition (communists, Yabloko etc.). Mayor Anatoly Sobchak got 45.76%. Against all - 5.84%. [Results]
    JUNE, 16
  • Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov reelected (88.49%) with former KPRF Moscow committee leader V.Shantsev as the vice-mayor. Russian communist workers' party candidate O.Sergeyeva - 4.94%; A.Krasnov - 3.31%; A.Filonenko - 0.26%.
  • Saratovskaya oblast' (3 candidates): incumbent Dmitry Ayatskov (OKS) elected by about 81.36% votes; Anatoly Gordeyev (NPSR, former State Duma member, CPRF member) - 16.30%; Vitaly Pavlov (Forza, Russia!) - 0.62%. [Reg.Adm.server | Results]
  • Amurskaya oblast'(3 candidates): Anatoly Belonogov (NPSR, chairman of regional legislature, CPRF member) has won with 41.77%; incumbent Yury Lyashko (OKS) got 41.69% (189 votes less than rival); Pavel Shtein (former member of the Council of Federation, CPRF member) - 9.5%. Results of elections were cancelled by Court in November. [Results]
  • Leningradskaya oblast' (8 candidates): NPSR-supported independent candidate - Vadim Gustov (former chairman of regional Soviet, former member of the Council of Federation) elected with 53.37%; incumbent Alexandr Belyakov (OKS) received 31.66. Other candidates (less than 2.5% each): G.Zolototrubov (pretended to represent ChIR); Yu.Terentyev (Rus.Comm.Workers' Party secretary); V.Stepanov (interior ministry general); S.Modestov (DVR); Ye.Istomin; V.Marychev (former State Duma member). 4 candidates self-withdrawn after registration. 3 of them - in favour of Gustov: N.Smirnov (former vice-governor, supported by Yabloko); V.Kirpichnikov; A.Yegorov. S.Bogdanov self-withdrawn shortly before elections. [Results]
  • Rostovskaya oblast' (3 candidates): incumbent Vladimir Chub (OKS) re-elected with 62.05%; NPSR candidate Leonid Ivanchenko (former CPSU obkom first secretary, state Duma member) was the second with 31.73%; V.Pyatikov (Agrarian party) - 1.63%. S.Shatsky (ChIR) declared that he is withdrawing shortly before election. [Results]
    OCTOBER, 6
  • Vologodskaya oblast' (6 candidates): incumbent V.Pozgalev (OKS) won with 80.76%. Other candidates - M.Surov, M.Beznin (NPSR), former governor N.Podgornov, A.Kiselev, A.Yakunichev got less than 5% each.
  • Kaliningradskaya oblast' - 1st round (7 candidates): incumbent Yu.Matochkin (OKS) got 31.33% and will meet in runoff with seaport director L.Gorbenko - 22.9%. Yu.Semyonov (former CPSU obkom first secretary) got 21.55%. Other candidates - V.Syrovatko; V.Vasilyev; V.Timofeyev; L.Makurov.
  • Kirovskaya oblast' - 1st round (4 candidates): V.Sergeyenkov (NPSR candidate, State Duma member) with 39.65% and fomer vice-governor G.Shtin (30.55%) will meet in runoff. Incumbent V.Desyatnikov (OKS,17.5%) and P.Polyantsev (5.63%) lost.
    OCTOBER, 13
  • Yamalo-Nenetskiy avtonomnyi okrug (4 candidates): incumbent Yu.Neyolov (OKS) won with about 68.88%. V.Goman (State Duma member) - 22.77%; G.Kudryavtsev - 2%; V.Kryuk - 0.5%
    OCTOBER, 20
  • Kaliningradskaya oblast' - 2nd round: seaport director L.Gorbenko (supported in 2nd round by losers of 1st round including communists) won with 49.56%. Incumbent Yu.Matochkin (OKS) got 40.44%
  • Kirovskaya oblast' - 2nd round: V.Sergeyenkov (NPSR, State Duma member) - 50.64%; Former vice-governor G.Shtin (supported now by 'Our Home is Russia' and Yabloko) - 45.46%
  • Kurskaya oblast': 4 candidates - A.Rutskoi (NPSR, registered on the Supreme Court decision 2 days before elections, won with 78.9%. Incumbent V.Shuteyev (OKS) - 17.9%. Other candidates - A.Kureninov (former presidential representative to the region) and V.Molokoyedov. 2 other opposition candidates A.Mikhailov (State Duma member, CPRF obkom secretary) and V.Gukov (former State Duma member, Agrarian party) self-withdrawn
  • Pskovskaya oblast' - 1st round 7 candidates - incumbent V.Tumanov (OKS) - 30.92% - and State Duma member Ye.Mikhailov (LDPR) - 22.71% - will meet in 2nd round. Other candidates - V.Sidorenko (Agrarian party, former Federation Council member) - 14.9%; I.Komar (ChIR) - 14%; V.Pushkaryov (former Oblsoviet chairman, dissociated from NPSR support) - 10.9%; V.Zhukov; V.Asadchy
  • Sakhalinskaya oblast': 8 candidates. Incumbent I.Farkhutdinov (OKS) re-elected with 39.45% (one-round system); A.Chornyi (supported by NPSR) - 25%; N.Dolgikh (former vice-governor) - 27.36%. Others - V.Bersenev (Yabloko); V.Maksutov (legislature chairman); N.Litvin - less than 5%. Self-withdrawn V.Averin; F.Sidorenko (former vice-governor).
  • Yevreyskaya avtonomnaya oblast': 2 candidates. Incumbent N.Volkov (OKS) reelected with 71.6%, the only other candidate - S.Leskov - 16.6%; against all - 11%.
    OCTOBER, 27
  • Krasnodarskiy kray - 10 candidates. Election failed (43.3% took part - 50% necessary). N.Kondratenko (NPSR, former chairman of Kraysoviet) - 57.1%; incumbent N.Yegorov (the governor in 1992-1994, returned to that post in June 1996 after 2 years in Moscow as Nationalities Minister, presidential representative to Chechnya at the start of the war, head of presidential Administration) - 24.7%; V.Krokhmal' (supported by ChIR) - 7.8%; V.Vavilov (LDPR) - 2.3%; Ye.Kharitonov (OKS, Chief of Administration in 1994 - 1996 while Yegorov was in Moscow) - 2%; V.Dyakonov (governor 1991-1992) - 1.1%; others - less than 1%. Self-withdrawn in favour of Kondratenko: A.Tkachov (State Duma member, Agrarian party, supported by Yabloko); S.Glotov (State Duma member, Baburin's party); M.Kurkov (L.I.Brezhnev's fan).
  • Stavropol'skiy kray - 1st round - 5 candidates. A.Chernogorov (NPSR, State Duma member) - 47.8%; P.Marchenko (OKS, incumb., supported by A.Lebed) - 37.63%; A.Korobeynikov (ChIR) - 6.02%; A.Kulakovsky (former presidential representative to region) - 3.03%; V.Garanzha -0.71%.
  • Kaluzhskaya oblast' - 1st round - 3 candidates. V.Sudarenkov (NPSR, chairman of regional legislature) - 45.76%; O.Savchenko (OKS, incumb.) - 39.63%; G.Pushkin (LDPR) - 3.57%. Kaluga city mayor A.Minakov self-withdrawn after nomination as President's representative in the region). A.Vasil'kov self-withdrawn.
  • Chitinskaya oblast' Incumbent R.Geniatulin (OKS) re-elected with 30.88%. Ya.Shvyryayev - 21.71%; V.Bogatov (State Duma member, LDPR) - 19.48%; V.Kurochkin (State Duma member, 'Democratic Russia') - 11.02%; V.Kolesnikov (NPSR, State Duma member, Agrarian party of Russia) - 7.19%.
  • Aginskiy Buryatskiy avtonomnyi okrug - 2 candidates, nobody elected. B.Ayushiev (incumb., OKS) - 49.05%; Yu.Dondokov - 48%.
  • Khanty-Mansiyskiy avtonomnyi okrug: Incumbent A.Filipenko (supported by both OKS and NPSR) - 72.3%; G.Korepanov (deputy Chief-of Adm.) - 9.3%; against all - 14%.
  • Magadanskaya oblast' Elected V.Tsvetkov (State Duma deputy, supported by NPSR and Yabloko) - 44.32%; incumbent V.Mikhaylov (OKS) - 42.66%; V.Miroshnichenko - 2%. V.Kobets self-withdrawn in favour of Tsvetkov. I.Yurov (CPRF) not registered.
  • Pskovskaya oblast' - 2nd round State Duma member Ye.Mikhailov (LDPR) elected with 56.5%. Incumbent V.Tumanov (OKS) got 36.9%.
  • Kaluzhskaya oblast' - 2nd round Elected V.Sudarenkov (NPSR) - 63.51%; incumbent O.Savchenko (OKS) - 30.48%.
    NOVEMBER, 17
  • Altayskiy kray (1st round) - 3 candidates. Incumbent L.Korshunov (OKS) - 43.39% - and A.Surikov (NPSR, chairman of regional legislature) - 46.92% - will meet in 2nd round. 3rd candidate - P.Akel'kin. Former agriculture minister A.Nazarchuk not registered due to 'Settlement qualification'
  • Stavropol'skiy kray (2nd round) - Alexandr Chernogorov (NPSR) - 55.06%; Petr Marchenko (OKS) - 40.14%
  • Kamchatskaya oblast' (1st round) Incumb. V.Biryukov (OKS, supported by Yabloko) - 48% - and B.Oleynikov - 10.7% - will meet in 2nd round. Others - M.Kulak - 9%; N.Tokmantsev;
  • Murmanskaya oblast' (1st round) 8 candidates. Incumb. Ye.Komarov (OKS) - 31.9%; Yu.Yevdokimov (former Oblsoviet chairman) - 20.45%; M.Zub - 13.92%; B.Vorobyov (LDPR) - 10.16%; V.Kalayda (NPSR) - 7.14%; I.Lebedev (Yabloko); V.Kirichenko - 0.99%; Yu.Myasnikov
  • Komi-Permyatskiy avtonomnyi okrug: incumb. N.Poluyanov (OKS) - 70%; A.Fedoseev (former Council of Federation member) - 17%; A.Golubkov - 4%
  • Koryakskiy avtonomnyi okrug: Valentina Bronevich (former chwmn. of Okrispolkom) - 46.1%; incumb. S.Leushkin (OKS) - 25.3%. NPSR candidate N.Solodyakova (CPRF) self-withdrawn
  • Ust'-Ordynskiy Buryatskiy avtonomnyi okrug: V.Maleyev elected - 38.5%; incumb. A.Batagayev (OKS) - 26.9%; I.Ivanov (CPRF) - 25.8%
    NOVEMBER, 24
  • Kurganskaya oblast' (1st round): 3 candidates. O.Bogomolov (NPSR, regional legislature chairman) - 41.53%; A.Koltashov - 31.9%; incumbent A.Sobolev (OKS) - 12.9%; against all - 10.4%. Koltashov and Sobolev self-withdrawn and the 2nd round will be seemingly cancelled
  • Respublika Khakasiya (1st round): 8 candidates. The Republic still has parliamentary sistem of power, headed by Supreme Soviet Chairman V.Shtygashev (Shumeiko's "Reformy - Novyi kurs" member) with premier appointed by the parliament. Chairman of the Government is being elected for the first time. Colonel Alexey Lebed (State Duma member, ChIR) - 45%, "Khakasugol'" director Ye.Reznikov - 19%, Ye.Smirnov (Prime Minister, NDR member) - 11%; N.Bulakin (Abakan city mayor, OKS); V.Shavyrkin, Yu.Shpigal'skikh, N.Luzanov, A.Plastunov
  • Altayskiy kray (2nd round): A.Surikov (NPSR, chairman of regional legislature) elected with 49.36%, incumbent L.Korshunov (OKS) - 46.14%.
  • Ivanovskaya oblast': Incumbent, OKS candidate V.Tikhomirov (former CPSU obkom first secretary, chairman of legislature since 1990, one of 'red speakers' 1990-96 unexpectedly appointed chief-of-administration in February, 1996) - 50.13%; S.Sirotkin (LDPR) - 23.85%; N.Lobayev (DVR, OKS 2nd candidate); NPSR - I.Pimenov (CPRF member); A.Burov; S.Zvonov; Yu.Lebedev
  • Kamchatskaya oblast' (2nd round) Incumb. V.Biryukov (OKS, supported by Yabloko) - 60.9%; B.Oleynikov - 27.7%
  • Murmanskaya oblast' (2nd round) Yu.Yevdokimov (former Oblsoviet chairman) - 44.12%, incumb. Ye.Komarov (OKS) - 40.04%
  • Samarskaya oblast': 3 candidates. Incumbent K.Titov (OKS) - 63%; V.Romanov (State Duma member, CPRF) - 32%; V.Chupshev
  • Nenetskiy avtonomnyi okrug (1st round): Incumbent V.Khabarov (OKS) - 43.32%; regional legislature member V.Butov - 22.05%
  • Khabarovskiy kray: 6 candidates. Incumb. V.Ishayev (supported by OKS and regional NPSR) - 77.13%; V.Tsoi (State Duma member) - 7.23%; Ye.Pokusay; A.Mironenko (LDPR); A.Yarochenko; V.Mantulov
  • Arkhangel'skaya oblast' (1st round): Incumb. A.Yefremov (OKS) - 35.72%; Yu.Gus'kov (NPSR, State Duma member, former CPSU obkom first secretary) - 28.78%; P.Pozdeyev (former presidential representative to the region) - 20.85%;A.Ivanov (supported by DVR)
  • Astrakhanskaya oblast': 2 candidates. Incumb. A.Guzhvin (supported by 'Our Home is Russia' and Yabloko but not by OKS) - 52.36%; NPSR - V.Zvolinskiy (State Duma member) - 39.8%
  • Bryanskaya oblast': 5 candidates. Yu.Lodkin (NPSR, State Duma member, former governor elected in April 1993 but dismissed by Yeltsin in September 1993) - 53%; A.Semerniov (incumb., OKS) - 25.9%; V.Barabanov (another ex-governor); V.Khramchenkov (LDPR); S.Simotin
  • Vladimirskaya oblast': 5 candidates. Incumb. Yu.Vlasov (OKS) - 21%; N.Vinogradov (NPSR, chairman of regional legislature) - 62.2%; N.S.Yegorov (presidential representative to oblast); L.Shergin (Yabloko); S.Sokolov (vice-governor)
  • Voronezhskaya oblast': 7 candidates. New chief-of-adm. A.Tsapin (OKS, appointed 30.IX.1996) - 41%; I.Shabanov (regional legislature chairman) - 48.98%; V.Kotlyar (former State Duma member, DPR); V.Kobylkin (State Duma member, CPRF); N.Matveyev. V.Davydkin (DVR) and S.Kravchenko self-withdrawn in favour of Tsapin 6.12.96.
  • Kostromskaya oblast' (1st round): 3 candidates. Incumb. V.Arbuzov (OKS) - 27.3%; V.Shershunov (CPRF) - 41.7%; N.Romanov - 21.3%. Kostroma Mayor B.Korobov, who was initially supported by OKS, self-withdrawn.
  • Kurganskaya oblast' (2nd round): Regional legislature chairman O.Bogomolov (NPSR) got 67.47% without alternative candidates. 31.9% voted against.
  • Permskaya oblast' (1st round): 6 candidates. OKS - G.Igumnov (incumb.) - 41.4%; S.Levitan (former Federation Council member) - 29.7%; Yu.Perkhun (CPRF) - 5.08%; S.Parkhomenko (LDPR); A.Novikov (RKRP) - 3.22%; V.Il'inykh
  • Ryazanskaya oblast' (1st round): 5 candidates. Acting Chief-of-Adm. I.Ivlev (OKS) - 29.55%; opposition candidate V.Lyubimov (agrarian, auditor of the Accounts Chamber, former Federation Council member) - 38.29%; V.Kalashnikov (former chairman of Oblispolkom, OKS 2nd candidate) - 14.07%; V.Milekhin; S.Dorozhko L.Kanayev (State Duma member, KPRF) self-withdrawn after Lyubimov's registration.
    DECEMBER, 13
  • Nenetskiy avtonomnyi okrug (2nd round): regional legislature member V.Butov - 49%; incumbent V.Khabarov (OKS) - 39.37%
    DECEMBER, 22
  • Respublika Mariy-El (1st round): 6 candidates. President V.Zotin (OKS) failed with 9.8%. Opposition candidate V.Kislitsyn (former Council of Federation member) - 47.5% - and L.Markelov (State Duma member, LDPR) - 28.9% - will meet in 2nd round. A.Popov ('Mariy ushem' movement, former State Duma member, PRES); G.Maksimov
  • Respublika Sakha (Yakutiya): President M.Nikolayev (OKS) - 60%; A.Alekseev (regional Communist party leader) - 26.1%; N.Arkhipov (SDPYa); P.Osipov; M.Sitnikov
  • Respublika Khakasiya (2nd round): Colonel Alexey Lebed (State Duma member, ChIR) - 71.85%; "Khakasugol'" director Ye.Reznikov - 19.77%
  • Krasnodarskiy kray - repeated elections. N.Kondratenko (NPSR, former chairman of Kraysoviet) - 82%; V.Krokhmal' - 7.2%; N.Yegorov - 4.8%; V.Pozdnyakov...
  • Arkhangel'skaya oblast' (2nd round): Incumb. A.Yefremov (OKS) - 59%; Yu.Gus'kov (NPSR, State Duma member, former CPSU obkom first secretary) - 33%
  • Volgogradskaya oblast' (1st round): 5 candidates. Incumb. - I.Shabunin (OKS 2nd candidate) - 37.66%; N.Maksyuta (gorsovet chmn., CPRF) - 28.5%; OKS - Yu.Chekhov (Volgograd city mayor, former member of the Federation Council) - 25.2%; V.Molchanov (LDPR); S.Terentyev
  • Kostromskaya oblast' (2nd round): V.Shershunov (CPRF) - 64.1%; Incumb. V.Arbuzov (OKS) - 30.74%
  • Permskaya oblast' (2nd round): incumb. G.Igumnov (OKS) - 64.6%; S.Levitan (former Federation Council member) - 30%
  • Ryazanskaya oblast' (2nd round): V.Lyubimov (NPSR, auditor of the Accounts Chamber, former Federation Council member) - 56.1%; Acting Chief-of-Adm. I.Ivlev (OKS) - 38.4%
  • Tyumenskaya oblast' (1st round): (7 candidates): incumb. L.Roketskiy (OKS) - 42.1%; S.Atroshenko - 23.4%; G.Raikov (State Duma member); A.Cherepanov (Russian Communist Workers' party) - 8.5%; V.Chertishchev (former CPSU and now CPRF obkom first secretary) - 7.5%; V.Bagin; V.Panteleyev (Romanov-Kshesinsky)
  • Ul'yanovskaya oblast' (6 candidates, one round): incumb. Yury Goryachev (former CPSU obkom first secretary, supported by 'Our Home is Russia' and Yabloko') - 42.3%; OKS - Yu.Cheburov; NPSR - A.Kruglikov (State Duma member, CPRF obkom 1st secretary) - 33.8%; V.Bartkaytis; V.Chinov; N.Semashin; First OKS candidate Yu.Polyanskov (Ulyanovsk State university rector) self-withdrawn as well as 8 other candidates.
  • Chelyabinskaya oblast': Petr Sumin (NPSR, State Duma member, former governor elected in April 1993 but dismissed by president Yeltsin) - 53.9%; OKS - V.Solovyov (incumb.) - 14.6%; V.Grigoriadi (State Duma member) - 9%; V.Golovlyov (State Duma member, DVR) - 5%; V.Belishko; Yu.Vlasov; S.Kostromin; A.Yalovenko (LDPR); L.Ubozhko
  • Taymyrskiy (Dolgano-Nenetskiy) avtonomnyi okrug: incumb. G.Nedelin (OKS) - 64%; G.Subbotkin - 11.8%; V.Nechayev
  • Chukotskiy avtonomnyi okrug: one round. incumb. A.Nazarov (OKS) - 62%; V.Yetylen - 23%; S.Povodyr' (regional legislature chmn.); A.Popov; Yu.Broytman
  • Evenkiyskiy avtonomnyi okrug: one round. According to preliminary information A.Bokovikov (NPSR-supported regional legislature chairman) was elected with 65 votes gap over incumb. A.Yakimov (OKS); V.Gayulsky (State Duma member, NDR); S.Suzdalev. Results cancelled by electoral commission.
    DECEMBER, 29
  • Volgogradskaya oblast' (2nd round): Elected N.Maksyuta (gorsovet chmn., CPRF) - 50.95%. Incumb. I.Shabunin (OKS 2nd candidate) - 44.17%.
    IN ALL
    Through September - December 43 leaders elected. Three of them (Filipenko, Poluyanov and Ishayev) were supported by both OKS and NPSR; five (Goryachev, Guzhvin, Maleyev, Butov, Lebed) - by none of them
    OKS vs. NPSR
    18 : 23

    The approximate correlation of forces between 'executive power party' and left opposition can be counted by excluding from the list of victories of opposition 3 incumbents and 5 candidates supported by NPSR on special aggreements only in second round (Mikhaylov, Yevdokimov and Gorbenko) or just before election (Bronevich and Tsvetkov), and including in the list of victories of the executive power party two governors re-elected without formal support of OKS but with great support from Chernomyrdin's 'Our home is Russia' (Goryachev, Guzhvin):
    Yeltsin's party vs. Left opposition
    20 : 15

    Presidential Administration (Sergey Yastrzhembsky and Alexandr Kazakov), classifying governors as 'acceptable' and 'non-acceptable', claims the score is:
    Acceptable vs. Non-acceptable
    34(+1?) : 8(+1?)

    The list of 'Non-acceptables' included Sergeyenkov, Rutskoi, Mikhailov, Chernogorov, Lodkin, Lyubimov, Shershunov and one more name (seemingly, Surikov). Maksiuta can become the 9th.

  • CONTINUED: 1997
  • LINKS: See Russian version
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