Hi there! I'm monicas_dad. I like under-reported current events. This page has been termed THE MOTHER OF ALL POLSCI QUIZES! Dare you except the challenge hereon? GOOD!

#1. What company has three hundred fifty (350)+ violations of law?:KEYWORDS:

Ukraine+"Long Beach"+ICBM. A) Lockheed. B) Boeing. C) Baxter & Bates & Bong. D) Thiokol.

#(2)Who trusted the FBI not to use enzyme-reducing soap to shrink Monica's blue dress? A) Janet (Gotcha Covered) Reno. B) Judge Ken Starr. C) Ringo Starr. D) Nobody can positively prove FBI ruined evidence.

#3) Who bugged Newt Gingrich despite wiretap/privacy laws protecting privacy of phone calls? A) F.B.I. B) C.I.A. C) Unprosecuted Florida retirees who happened to have $2000 worth of electronic evesdropping and recording equipment in their car at the right time and place.

#4)Why have advanced military technical avionics electronic aircraft parts been sold as scrap to the Chicoms (Red Chinese Communista)? A)Gov't SNAFU. B) Well- placed contributions to Democratic National Committee. C) It's Monica S. Lewensky's fault.

#5)Why do juicy stories get religated to page 34 of threporters/editors voted Democrat. e Saturday Late Edition? A) Hurst SNAFU (Situation Normal All Fouled Up.) B) Media has a nose for avoiding trouble with gov't. C)Accidents will happen. Sometimes dumb luck. D) Media types love all presidents the same, so as to be objective reporters of the news. E) Editor Elmer Fudd went hunting waskally wabbit. Left Gilmer Gutless in charge. F) Republicans are too influential and control too much of Congress as the majority party. G) Roughly 86% of all of the reporters in the various media of television,radio,wire services and newspapers voted Democratic.

#6) TV was full of Clinton scandal,Monica testifies again, then we see fires from burning garbage in the Sudan slave quarters or supposed chemical weopon labs on fire-why? A)"Wag the Dog" Syndrome i.e. desparado's diversionary tactic, definitely out of Character. B) Dan Rather could not pass for Moslem to obtain for actual film so instead used "file footage". C) Reporters' boss wanted to play up America's use of "big stick" show of force/get Clinton scandal off front pages. D) All of above (apply to majority of news media.)\

#7) Why was Filegate with over 900 private individuals' private FBI files snooped into vertually ignored without prosecution of anyone, while only ONE (1) file sent a man to prison during Watergate in 1970's A)Punishment reduced to mild scolding. B) Medias' "porthole" to reality fogged up- could not see. C)Livingstone fired by someone since judged to be a "loose cannon" but innocent because no one knew who hired the former barroom bouncer. D) What files? We White House lackies don't know nothin' 'bout no stinkin' files!

#8) Why is Geocities #1? A). Hard work. B) Genius. C) Stole all\ brain power from Tripod. D) Political "kingmakers" plays favorites when it comes to excelence in web-authoring software, so Geocities given "the nod". E) Just "too good-unfair to competition". Exploits unlevel playing field,etc.,etc (boo hoo).

#9) Why do two major political parties select candidates like End-of-liner Beltway Bob Dole from wherever and Sick Willie from Arkansas? A) To show Americans who REALLY runs things. B) Cannot find anyone better. Scrutany discourages best. C) Decadent capitalist swines' incompetent selection system; no hardliners to tell them what to do. D) Wheel Of Fortune stopped on these guy's names. F) All of the above, other factors like the Electorial College and media forecasting worst candidate will win to give "Come on Jump on the winner's bandwagon" advantage.

#10) Why do TV forecasters and others- project the winner before all the votes are cast, and hold back results which are unfavorable to "their" candidate? A) Most people will notice they are biasing the results. B) No one will stake these amoral deviate "talking heads" over fireant mounds. C) The influential media believe they are superior intellectually and thus doing the electoriate a favor. D) They think their favorite needs and deserves every advantage-underhanded- sleazy,and journalistically unethical advantage -AND they are proud and glad and or/sold out, compromised-to help. E) All of above plus spiteful,mean, dispicable,straight-razor-toting,anti-social troublemaking despots of ill repute to the partially informed voters. F) All except E since some do not shave anything.


#11) Why bother to vote? A) It is fun and challenging to play detective and track down that ever-moving polling place. B) Cannot complain about "the Commander in Heat" or others of same ilk if you did not bother to vote. C) That's how you get near the big fish...er you did say BOAT, didn't you? D) We get to ride in the bus,get two desserts, and that big guy driver takes us voting at every Democrat polling place in town. E) Both A. and B. since almost everybody knows that "Monkey Business" is much, much more than a boat name.

#12 What is GERRYMANDERING? A) Abnormal behavior termed psychotic. B) Harrassing behavior with sexual overtones. C) Changing voting district boundaries. D) Voting system with computerized outcomes.

#13 Why does Bob Dornan of California feel "GERRYMANDERED"? A) Psychotic people took his campaign signs. B) His clothing was torn- smears of lipstick stained his face. C) Mostly Democratic voter boundaries changed. D) Votes were mistabulated via keyboard command. E) A and B.

#14 A.C.L.U. means: A) Adobe Christian League of Usuaries. B) American Civil Liberties Union. C) Ah Can't Love Uglies. D) American Criminal Lovers Union. E) B.with indications of D.

#15 Why would a voter select all rejects of A.C.L.U.? A) Group is deemed more infiltrated than former National Lawyer's Guild. B) A.C.L.U. loathes the VERY best. C) Lawyers should be neutered if male, spayed if female. D) A.C.L.U. only suggests according to Marxist-Lennin philosophy, but right 1.9% of the time. E) All of the above.

#16 Who carries a copy of the U.S. Constitution? A) A neutered politician. B) A pundit with a lesbian sibling. C) From D) An admirer of the late Marion Michael Morrison. E) All the above in the person of a former professor named Newt Gingrich.

#17 Who has been called "the nobilest Democrat of them all"? A) A sheriff with tents and low-priced prisoner-feeding. B) A former shariff. C) A politician who favors abortion and gun control,but nobody's perfect. D) A politician who thinks gun control means firing so as to create "tight groups". E) James (the Wiser) Trafficant and B. and C.

#18 Is Bill Clinton "too illigit to quit"? A) Yes, he is a certified, bonified,illegitimate. Biological dad died 9/45. Tombstone in Hot Springs Cemetery. And there was NO artificial insemination in humans in December of 1945. B) No, just acts like he's illegitimate around women except Shelala and Janet Reno. C) Yes! motto is: Alley Cat does as Alley Cat was. Anyway a drum major MUST act macho or be mistaken for gay. Just never grew up. Did YOU ever derive joy from a half-truth that manipulated YOUR parent(s)? D) Yes- as long as he can outlie the media and his phony "approval ratings", there's that O.O.C. radical media again. E) Yes- told an inquisitive Brit " I'll NEVER quit". For Clinton knows that Professor Quigley taught that political parties are just a means to ones own selfish goals. Borrow anything, say anything- to win, join anybody's group for an advantage and Quigley noticed his star pupil hang on every word. Quigley PROBABLY secured Clinton's Rhodes Scholar status with his heavily-weighed approval".

#19 Can one person make a difference in the leadership of this country? A) Yes-termed efficacy, effectiveness...informed voters make all the difference. B) NO- it is too late. C) Yes- history relates that a few Greeks helped forestall the Persians from taking Sparta, Alabama by valorous defense in Battle of Thermopylae. D) A single measly scrawny vote, never has and never will decide anything of importance in the political arena.

#20 Why was Ross Perot so successful? A)Hate-driven. B) Love driven. C) Thought Cubans wanted to get him like JFK. D) Thought to be a "breath of fresh air",somebody different. Non-politician. E). Voters sided with him against "wedding wrecking" dirty rotten, mean,nasty trickster Republicans. F) All of the above and more.

#21 EXTRA CREDIT: Was the Monica Lowensky-Clinton happening a "private matter"? A) Absolutely- everyone has a right to privacy. B) Sexually private until "found out" leading to perjury/power abuse/obstruction of justice and other undisclosed crimes of an earlier ,different time frame constitute grounds for impeachment,later disbarment, heavy fines of millions of dollars as punishment for "delayed justice", unless pardoned by someone who is politically suicidal like poor Gerald Ford. C) Public figures are expected to lead; are subject to intense scrutiny and are held to high values; and whether they like it or not, they are role models for the youth. D) Fine cigar abuse should be a capital offense. E) Other high officials did the same of worse- not a big deal. F) Yes and furthermore my liberal politician/hero of the revolutionary Proletariot can do NO wrong and I know nothing about any wrongdoing unless I see it before me with my own beady eyes. for all meaty, big and bouncy details.

#22 ANOTHER EXTRA:Impeachment means "the end of the line"? A) True. B) False. C) Being battered with over-ripe peaches is "cruel and unusual punishment". D) Since no impeachment has ever been started, much less any having been finished,- consequences and punishment or penalty phase is unknown and undecided for the any and all such perpetrated "high crimes and misdemeanors".** Aside-Did peepholes all over the Whitehouse assist in the purge? Only time will tell as to what Secret Service agents know. Professionalism and fear keeps them silent unless called up to testify as in the October Surprise case when questioned about the whereabouts of George Bush.

For all the answers with references and rationales and MORE try:http://www.askjeeves.com or send $3 for postage /handling to: PolSciQuiz Answers C/O Dovco Publishers,P.O. Box 54, Houston,Texas 77411-0054

"Believe it or not" the Whitehouse Webpage has or by now formerly had a legalese statement from the chief executive's lawyers with line 10 mentioning "ugly details".Seehttp://www.wh.org/ and look at RED line under "Welcome to...".Keep in mind that curious children are encouraged by parents and teachers to access these taxpayer funded and easily accessable documents. These same children will stop at nothing to get at those details even accessing casablanca.com ;-)*GRIN* which is probably but not a confirmed Clinton favorite website. Clinton has been declared a fine and splendid example of a Statesman by the DNC chairman who is obviously a fine-haired fellow and a shrewd judge of character himself. (mid Sept.'98) at Democratic fundraising in New York.

Be it noted that long answers are NOT necessarily the correct answer UNLESS every word is true as in actual HISTORY that has not been tampered with as in "Revisionism being the bane of th Republic, shield of TYRANTS and other human refuse being at odds with Democracy".

?s arise. Who has been THE most successful independent counsel thus far in U.S. history AND who cleaned up American politics before "independent counsels"?

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