Despite its reserved nature, the Pugwash Conferences have received
many international awards:
In 1987 they were awarded the Olimpia Prize by
the Onassis Foundation ( US$ 100,000 shared with the Archeological
Society of Greece), and the Feltrinelli Prize by
the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei ( Lit. 100.000.000 -- awarded
every four years for work having a high moral and humanitarian
value ). This money was placed in the Interanational Pugwash Foundation
(located in Geneva, and on whose Administrative Board both Robert
mcNamara, ex-U.S. Secretary of Defense and later President of
the World Bank, and Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan take part), which
was set up with the goal (still far off) of raising US$ 5,000,000
as a financial base.
In 1989, UNESCO awarded to the Pugwash Conferences the Einstein
Gold Metal. In 1992, The Albert Einstein Peace
Prize was awarded to Hans Bethe
and Joseph Rotblat, who donated his
half to the Pugwash Foundation.
In 1995 the Nobel Peace Prize (which entail a
monetary award of 7,200,000 SEK, approximately one million US$)
was assigned, in two equal parts, to Joseph Rotblat,
President of Pugwash, and to the Pugwash Conferences on Science
and World Affairs. Joseph Rotblat has donated his half of the
Prize to Pugwash (one-third to International Pugwash, one-third
to British Pugwash, and one-third to a special Pugwash Trust that
he is now setting up). The funds that have thus come to international
Pugwash (two-thirds of the Nobel Peace Prize monies) have all
gone to the Pugwash Foundation.
The Communiqué (Friday, October 13, 1995) which announced
the award of the Prize reads as follows:
The Norwegian Nobel Commitee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 1995, in two equal parts, to Joseph Rotbalt, President of Pugwash, and to the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs, for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and in the longer run to eliminate such arms. It is fifty years this year since the two atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and forty years since the issueing of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto. The Manifesto laid the fundations for the Pugwash Conferences, which have maintained a high level of activity to this day. Joseph Rotblat was one of the eleven scientists behind the Manifesto, and has since been the most important figure in the Pugwash work. The Conferences are based on the recognition of the responsibility of scientists for their inventions. they have underlined the catastrophic consequences of the use of the new weapons. They have brought together scientists and decision-makers to collaborate across political divides on constructive proposals for reducing the nuclear threat. The Pugwash Conferences are founded in the desire to see all nuclear arms destroyed and, ultimately, in a vision of other solutions to international disputes than war. The Pugwash Conferences in Hiroshima in July this years declared that we have the opportunity today of approaching those goals. It is the Committee's hope that the award of the Nobel Peace Prize for 1995 to Rotblat and to Pugwash will encourage world leaders to intensify their efforts to rid the world of nuclear weapons.