28-30 August 1996
Oegstgeest, The Netherlands

Pugwash Meeting no. 217
Workshop on Methods for Implementing the Framework
Convention on Climate Change (FCCC)

2-7 September 1996
Lahti, Finland

Pugwash Meeting no. 218
46th Annual Pugwash Conference: Security, Cooperation and
Disarmament: The Unfinished Agenda for the 1990s

21-22 September 1996
Geneva, Switzerland

Pugwash Meeting no. 219
45th Workshop of the Pugwash Study Group on the Implementation of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions: Strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention

11-13 October 1996
Noordwijk, The Netherlands

Pugwash Meeting no. 220
46th Workshop of the Pugwash Study Group on the Implementation of the Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions:
The Chemical Weapons Convention in its North-South Context

25-27 October 1996
London, England

Pugwash Meeting no. 221
25th Workshop on Nuclear Forces:
Problems in Achieving a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World

11-16 November 1996
Cheng Du, China

ISODARCO Meeting no. 33
5th ISODARCO Seminar in China:
Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Non-Proliferation

26 January-2 February 1997
Andalo (Trento), Italy

ISODARCO Meeting no. 34
10th ISODARCO Winter Course:
A Spine of Crises from Moscow to New Delhi

7-9 February 1997
Geneva, Switzerland

Pugwash Meeting no. ?
26th Workshop on Nuclear Forces:
Nuclear Weapons and ABM Issues

3-6 April 1997

Pugwash Meeting no. ?
Pugwash Workshop on : A Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central
and East Europe

1-7 August 1997
Lillehammer, Norway

Pugwash Meeting no. ?
47th Annual (Quinquennial) Pugwash Conference

[Last Update:10 July 1996]

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