[The meetings identified below
with a serial number are those organized directly by International
Pugwash ("Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs").
The others are organized by groups closely linked to International
Pugwash, such as the International School on Disarmament and Research
on Conflict (ISODARCO), which essentially coincides with the Italian
Pugwash Group, or by other National or Regional Pugwash Groups;
but only meetings having an essentially international character
are included.]
- Pugwash Meeting No. 159:
14th Workshop of the Pugwash Study Group on Chemical Warfare,
Geneva, Switzerland, 28-29 January 1989. It focused on the
status of negotiations for a CW Convention; on technical procedures
for monitoring new production of chemical weapons and other verification
issues of compliance under a CW Convention; and on the proliferation
of chemical weapons and security guarantees of signatories of
a CW Convention. It was attended by 60 participants from 22 countries.
More information in the April 1989 Pugwash Newsletter.
- ISODARCO Meeting No. 15:
2nd Winter Course, Folgaria (Trento), Italy, 4-11 February
1989. It focused on two main themes: the current status
of arms control, and security issues in the European theatre.
There were 41 participants from 14 countries. More information
in the April 1989 Pugwash Newsletter.
- Pugwash Meeting No. 160:
3rd Workshop on "Science, the Media and World Affairs",
Brussels, Belgium, 17-19 February 1989. Debate at this meeting
concentrated on how to improve world information on such issues
as the relationship between the industrialized and the developing
countries, man's impact on his environment, the need for global
disarmament. It was attended by 30 participants from 16 countries.
More information in the April 1989 Pugwash Newsletter
and in the Proceedings, The Silent Shout, Belgian Pugwash
Group, Brussels, 1990.
- Pugwash meeting No. 161:
55th Symposium: "Non-Proliferation and the Non-Proliferation
Treaty", Dublin, Ireland, 5-7 May 1989. It dealt with
the technical and economic aspects of nuclear proliferation; with
the political priorities of non-proliferation efforts; with the
impact of the US-USSR relationship, particularly in the arms control
field, on nuclear proliferation. It was attended by 45 participants
from 18 countries. More information in the July 1989 Pugwash
Newsletter and in the Proceedings, Nuclear Non-Proliferation
and the Non-Proliferation Treaty, Springer, Heidelberg, 1990.
- Pugwash meeting No. 162:
17th Workshop on Nuclear Forces, "Restructuring Nuclear
and Conventional Forces: Current Issues and Nuclear-Conventional
Interactions", Geneva, Switzerland, 3-4 June 1989. It
focused on the interactions between nuclear and conventional reductions
in Europe and was attended by 29 scholars, public figures and
military people from the USA, the USSR and Europe. Among them
were Robert S. McNamara, former US Secretary of Defence and former
President of the World Bank, General (ret.) Mikhail A. Milstein
of the USA & Canada Institute of the Soviet Academy of Sciences,
Professor Jack Steinberger, Nobel Laureate in Physics. More information
in the July 1989 Pugwash Newsletter.
- Pugwash Meeting No. 163:
18th Workshop on Nuclear Forces, "Accidental Nuclear War",
Pugwash, Canada, 18-20 July 1989. Debate centred on the factors
that could contribute to accidental nuclear war and on what could
realistically be done to decrease the risks in the near or foreseeable
future. Participants comprised 30 specialists from 10 countries,
drawn from various disciplines and professional backgrounds in
order to provide a multi-dimensional approach to the problem.
More information in the July 1989 Pugwash Newsletter and
in the Proceedings, Accidental Nuclear War, Science for
Peace, Toronto, 1990.
- Pugwash Meeting No. 164:
39th Pugwash Conference, "Building Global Security Through
Cooperation", Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 23-28 July 1989.
Eight working groups focused on the following topics: strategic
forces and their limitations; European security; chemical weapons
and arms control; nuclear weapons proliferation and testing; the
arms trade and regional conflict; the role of the UN and other
multilateral organizations in international security; fuels, forests,
and carbon dioxide--the energy/environment/development interaction;
agendas for East-West and North-South cooperation. It was attended
by 177 scientists, other scholars and public figures designated
as regular participants, 19 members of Student/Young Pugwash,
plus some two dozen additional invited speakers, observers from
national and international organizations and guests. The attendees
came from 42 countries and included 4 Nobel Laureates, 3 members
of the Soviet parliament, 7 current and former ambassadors, 4
active and retired generals, and numerous past and present heads
of universities, research institutes and governmental agencies.
More information in the October 1989 Pugwash Newsletter
and in the Proceedings (published by Pugwash Conferences
on Science and World Affairs).
- Pugwash Meeting No. 165:
56th Symposium, "Peace and Security in the Asia Pacific
Region", Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 September 1989. Its agenda
covered such issues as the political, strategic and economic conflicts
in the Asia-Pacific region; the conditions and prospects for nuclear
disarmament in the region; and the impacts of hi-tech on peaceful
development in the region. The 32 participants came from 12 countries.
More information in the January 1990 Pugwash Newsletter
and in the Proceedings (published by the Japanese Pugwash
- Pugwash Meeting No. 166:
8th Workshop on Conventional Forces in Europe, Porto Vecchio,
Corsica, France, 29 September-3 October 1989. It focused
on the progress made in the first six months of the Conventional
Forces in Europe (CFE) talks in Vienna and on the evaluation of
the agreement emerging in the CFE talks with respect to a conventional
stability regime in Europe. Participants comprised 28 scholars
and military people from Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the United
States and the Soviet Union. More information in the January
1990 Pugwash Newsletter.
- Pugwash Meeting No. 167:
1st Workshop on Non-Military Dimensions of Global Security,
Suraj Kund, India, 21-24 November 1989. It touched upon such
issues as nation-building and development in the Third World,
the international economic order, ecological security, the cooperative
management of interdependence, the international code of conduct
for technology transfer. It was attended by 37 participants,
28 of whom were from the Third World. On this occasion the Pugwash
Executive Committee also met and issued a statement focusing on
the forthcoming Bush-Gorbachev meeting, that was subsequently
widely distributed and printed as op-ed in the International
Herald Tribune of Friday, 1 December 1989, the day beforethe summit meeting began. More information in the January 1990
Pugwash Newsletter and in the Proceedings (published
by Lancer International, New Dehli, 1990).
- Pugwash Meeting No. 168:
1st Meeting of the Pugwash-SIPRI Thiodiglycol Project, Geneva,
Switzerland, 25-26 January 1990. It focused on Thiodiglycol
as a model chemical substance whose production and distribution
should be studied to assess the issues associated with the verification
of non-production of CW in industrial plants. It was attended
by 22 participants from 14 countries. More information in the
April 1990 Pugwash Newsletter.
- Pugwash meeting No. 169:
15th Workshop of the Pugwash Study Group on Chemical Warfare,
Geneva, Switzerland, 27-28 January 1990. It focused on the
status of negotiations for a Chemical Weapons (CW) Convention
and on preparations for the Review Conference, scheduled for 1991,
of the 1972 Biological Weapon Convention. It was attended by
65 participants from 24 countries. More information in the April
1990 Pugwash Newsletter.
- ISODARCO Meeting No. 16:
3rd Winter Course, Folgaria (Trento), Italy, 28 January-4 February
1990. It focused on the current status of arms control and
on the role of satellites in arms control and verification. Sessions
were devoted also to other issues such as: China and the Non-Proliferation
Regime, Perestroika and Developing Countries, the Comprehensive
Test Ban Treaty. There were 33 participants from 12 countries.
More information in the April 1990 Pugwash Newsletter.
- 6th Pan-African Pugwash
Regional Conference, "Development and Security -- Crises
Resolution in Africa", Cairo, Egypt, 21-24 March 1990.
It dealt with both global and regional parameters of African
security, giving special emphasis to economic issues. Crisis
prevention and resolution were also the focus of discussion, together
with the potential role that regional organizations and the U.N.
can play in this sphere. It was attended by 50 participants,
mostly from Africa but also from the US, the UK, Brazil and Italy.
More information in the April 1990 Pugwash Newsletter
and in the Proceedings (to be published by the Pan-African
Pugwash Group).
- ISODARCO Meeting No. 17:
2nd Beijing Seminar on Arms Control, Beijing, China, 4-8 April
1990. The seminar touched upon such issues as: European security,
nuclear test bans, the impact of space weapons on strategic stability,
and the status of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. The meeting was
attended by 84 Chinese and 16 foreign participants. More information
in the July 1990 Pugwash Newsletter.