Science and World Affairs:
History of the Pugwash Conferences,
J Rotblat, Dawsons of Pall Mall, 1962
Pugwash - the First Ten
Years, J Rotblat,
Heinemann, 1967
Preventing the Spread of
Nuclear Weapons,
C F Barnaby ed., Souvenir Press, 1968
Implications of Anti-Ballistic
Missile Systems,
C F Barnaby and A Boserup eds., Souvenir Press, 1969
Impact of New Technologies
on the Arms Race,
B T Feld, T Greenwood, G W Rathjens and S Weinberg eds., MIT,
Scientists in the Quest
for Peace: a History of the Pugwash Conferences,
J Rotblat, MIT Press, 1972
The Future of the Sea-Based
Deterrent, K Tsipis,
A Cahn and B T Feld eds., MIT Press, 1973
Pugwash on Self-Reliance,
W K Chagula, B T Feld and A Parthasarathi eds., Ankur Publishing
House, 1977
A New Design for Nuclear
Disarmament, W
Epstein and T Toyoda eds., Spokesman, 1977
International Arrangements
for Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing,
A Chayes and W Bennett Lewis eds., Ballinger, 1977
Feeding Africa,
Pan-African Pugwash Group, 1978
The Dangers of Nuclear
War, F Griffiths
and J C Polanyi eds., University of Toronto Press, 1979
Appropriate Technology
and Social Values,
F A Long and A Oleson eds., Ballinger, 1980
New Directions in Disarmament,
W Epstein and B T Feld eds., Praeger, 1981
European Security, Nuclear
Weapons and Public Confidence,
W Gutteridge ed., Macmillan, 1982
Scientists, the Arms Race
and Disarmament,
J Rotblat ed., Taylor and Francis, 1982
Proceedings of the First
Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs,
J Rotblat ed., Pugwash Council, 1982
The Dangers of New Weapon
Systems, W Gutteridge
and T Taylor eds., Macmillan, 1983
We Can Avert a Nuclear
War, W Epstein
and L Webster eds., Oelgeschlager, Gunn and Hain, 1983
Nuclear Disengagement in
Europe, S Lodgaard
and M Thee eds., Macmillan 1983
The Arms Race at a Time
of Decision: Annals of Pugwash 1983,
J Rotblat and A Pascolini eds., Macmillan, 1984
Nuclear Strategy and World
Security: Annals of Pugwash 1984,
J Rotblat and S Hellman eds., Macmillan 1985
World Peace and the Developing
Countries: Annals of Pugwash 1985,
J Rotblat and U D'Ambrosio eds., Macmillan 1986
Strategic Defences and
the Future of the Arms Race: A Pugwash Symposium,
J Holdren and J Rotblat eds., Macmillan 1987
Coexistence, Cooperation
and Common Security: Annals of Pugwash 1986,
J Rotblat and L Valki eds., Macmillan 1988
Global Problems and Common
Security: Annals of Pugwash 1988,
J Rotblat and V Goldanskii eds., Springer-Verlag 1989
The Silent Shout,
Proceedings of the Third Pugwash Workshop on Science, The Media
and World Affairs, A Mechelynck ed., Belgian Pugwash Group, 1989
Naval Arms Control,
Proceedings of the 52nd Pugwash Symposium held in Oslo, Norway,
23-26 June 1988, S. Lodgaard ed., PRIO/Sage 1990
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
and the Non-Proliferation Treaty,
M P Fry, N P Keatinge and J Rotblat eds., Springer-Verlag 1990
Building Global Security
through Cooperation: Annals of Pugwash 1989,
J Rotblat and J Holdren eds., Springer-Verlag 1990
Accidental Nuclear War,
Proceedings of the Eighteenth Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces,
D Paul, M D Intriligator and P Smoker eds., Science for Peace/Samuel
Stevens 1990
Toward a Secure World in
the 21st Century: Annals of Pugwash 1990,
J Rotlat and F Blackaby eds., Taylor and Francis 1991
Disarmament, a
Pugwash monograph, F Calogero, M L Goldberger and S P Kapitza
eds., Westview Press 1990 (Russian version published by Mir Publishers
Verification of Dual-use
Chemicals under the Chemical Weapons Convention: The Case of Thiodiglycol,
a Pugwash/SIPRI report, S J Lundin ed., SIPRI 1991
Striving for Peace, Security
and Development in the World: Annals of Pugwash 1991,
J Rotblat ed., World Scientific Publishing
A Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Desirable? Feasible?, a Pugwash monograph, J Rotblat, J Steinberger and B Udgaonkar eds., F Blackaby, exec.ed., Westview Press 1993 (Paperback edition, 1996)
The World at the Crossroads:
Towards a Sustainable, Equitable and Liveable World,
P B Smith, S E Okoye, J de Wilde & P Deshingkar eds., Earthscan
Publications, London 1994
A World at the Crossroads:
New Conflicts, New Solutions. Annals of Pugwash 1993,
J Rotblat & S Hellman eds., World Scientific 1994
Beyond the NPT,
J Singh ed., India Pugwash Coswa Society, Delhi 1994
World Security--The New
Challenge, CG Jacobsen,
M Miller, M Spencer and EL Tollefson eds., Canadian Pugwash Group
(part of the Science for Peace series, P Derek ed.), Toronto
The Soviet Nuclear Weapon
Legacy, by M De
Andreis and F Calogero, SIPRI Research Report No. 10, Oxford University
Press 1995. (Italian translation, Le Armi Nucleari ex Sovietiche:
Un'Eredità Difficile, CeSPI/Editore OA 1995.)
Towards a War-Free World.
Annals of Pugwash 1994,
J Rotblat ed, World Scientific 1995
Light Weapons and International
Security, Proceedings
of the Pugwash Workshop on "The Spread of Small Arms and
Light Weapons, and their Implications for International Security",
J. Singh ed., Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs,
British American Security Council, Indian Pugwash Society, and
Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, Delhi, December 1995
Does Britain Need Nuclear
Weapons?, by CR
Hill, RS Pease, RE Peierls and J Rotblat, British Pugwash Group,
London 1995
Pugwash Newsletter
(published quarterly), volumes 1-34, 1963-1996
Proceedings of Pugwash
Conferences on Science and World Affairs,
volumes 1-44, 1957-1995
[13 July 1996]