alt.eRED is a collective based in Melbourne, Australia.
We aim to provide information and analysis concerning contemporary social struggles.
Our present focus is upon the changing nature of class composition today. We are particularly concerned with understanding the spread of casualised work, and what it means for our ability to act together against capital and the state.
Feel free to contact us if you'd like to exchange views and experiences on these questions.
Massimo De Angelis' Interview with Harry Cleaver
Dave Graham's account of the Liverpool Docks Dispute
Monty Neill on The Zapatistas and New Working Class Strategies
Materials on Casualisation
COMING SOON - The Recent Education Sector Struggles
Materials related to the student
strike at Mexico's National Autonomous University (UNAM)
You can contact alt.eRED
P.O. Box 1006
Brunswick Mail Centre
Brunswick 3056