Get ready folks, get horny ladies:


Hello all you young anarchists out there, remember all those sleepless nights you stayed up late thinking about the soon to arrive revolution?

Remember your dreams about a tall, muscular, beautiful ... (oh well we’ll leave that for later) leader that will guide you through this dark era of fascism and imaginary states? Well, you’ve found me!

For I Colonel NIT will be here every week with more advice to the average PLAP anarchist. I have been observing you mortals for several centuries now and I have come to the following conclusion: YOU ALL STINK!!!

That was when I heard about the state of Palavania.

I remember che-guavara once said about the Bolivian regime: "Goddamn those fascist bastards!" (Or was it Fidel Castro who said it?) Forget that, anyway I have seen the light, GOD has spoken to me in my sleep (for he knew I slept well after a vodka/ Johnny walker cocktail):

"Thou shall seek the organization known as PLAP and thou shall lead its young and inexperienced anarchists to a bloody victory over the state of Palavania! Oh yeah and by the way this Wittman president guy really sucks!" So now I take it upon myself to give you this week's advice:

Never mix Vodka with Johnny Walker!

Long live the Colonel and all his allies!!!!!!!

VIVA La revolution!!!!

If you wanna have a drink with the Colonel just write to our PLAP E-mail adress:
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