Write Us Your Story!

This site isn't meant to be a solo act. There are probably more men out there who are on the run from Israel's misandrist legal system than any one person can imagine. If you are one of these men or know of one but fear disclosure, you are invited to write us your story.

Originally, the proposal for this page was to include a form, but a form limits you as to what you can write. Instead, you have a choice: either use the form below, if you don't feel that you can put your story into a crystallized form by yourself, or else click on the mail icon and send us an e-mail with your story. You are not limited as to how many words you use, but you must indicate your willingness for your story to be posted. Unless you specifically indicate that you want to be identified, your identifying details will not be included with your story; however, please understand that we cannot publicize anonymous submissions simply because we must have some way of validating our sources. Because many men are still "in hiding", we do not expect you to give us precise details as to your whereabouts, but we do require no less than an e-mail address and a full name.

Please understand: we need true stories, not fabrications. The abyssmal legal status of men in Israel can be improved if and only if we have true stories to present. Even if you fear that your story isn't newsworthy, that doesn't make it untrue; if others haven't believed you in the past, that doesn't make you a liar. The only ones we reject outright are the ones who really are liars and don't care whose lives they ruin with their lives.

Note to Hebrew-speakers: Currently the only means we have of receiving submissions in Hebrew is in Accent/Dagesh format. Prepare your story as a document file in either Accent or Dagesh and send it as an attachment to your e-mail post.

Identifying Information (for our records only)

First name:
E-mail address:
Mailing address:

How did you find our site?

Indicate your willingness to have your story publicized with your identifying details:

Not at all

With initials only

With initials and e-mail address

With initials and mailing address

Other (please specify)

Tell us your story in the space provided below. If the space is not sufficient, send us an e-mail to complete the story. Please resubmit your personal identification details with your story so that we can know which ending to match with the beginning.

If you feel that you would rather submit your story directly via e-mail, click on the icon below and include your story together with all the identifying details given above in the form.

Thank you for your contribution. Hopefully together we can make a difference!

- The Webmaster


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