Upcoming Activities, Meetings, & Fund RaisersPenny

Fund Raisers:
Pig Roast: Coming in September 1999 at the Whitewater Community Center. Call RALLE for more information (513) 395-8111 or e-mail Pig_Roast@RALLE.ORG.

Longaberger Baskets: Orders taken by calling (513) 395-8111. If you need a catalog leave your name, address or phone number if you need extra assistance. RALLE profits from all sales.

Recipes from the Heart Cookbook: Contains over 200 delicious and traditional recipes, from appetizers to desserts. Comes in an attractive spiral bond format. Published by The Pampered Chef for organizational fundraising only. Priced at only $10, they make a great wedding, holiday or birthday gift! All proceeds will go to the RALLE. To order send your name, address and evening phone number, along with payment to: RALLE PO Box 122, North Bend, OH 45052.Available through RALLE for more information call (513) 395-8111 or e-mail Cookbook@RALLE.ORG.

Shaklee Products
Available through RALLE for more information CALL (513) 395-8111 or e-mail Shaklee@RALLE.ORG.

Click here for directions to Whitewater Township Community Center.

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