Date: Tue, 10 Oct 95 13:47:13 CST From: "jim blair" To:,, Cc: BCc: Subject: TERRORISM: Left, Right and Religious The Amtrack derailment reminds me to re-post this from last summer. Date: Thu, 24 Aug 95 21:36:18 CST From: "jim blair" Subject: TERRORISM: Left, Right and Religious Twenty five years ago today a terrorist gang used a truck load of ammonium nitrate-and -fuel oil to blow up the Math Research Center on the UW Madison campus. They were Leftists, protesting the US policy in Southeast Asia. Recently a terrorist gang used a truck load of the same to bomb the NY World Trade Center. They were moslems protesting US society and policy in the middle east. This spring terrorists used a truck load of the same to blow up the Oklahoma City building. They were Rightists protesting the US government. The word is out that anti-US terrorists plan to attack a US airport, and security is being tightened. Now here is my question: if I am in a building and it is bombed, how will I know who did it? I mean if I am going to be blown to pieces, I want the satisfaction of knowing it was done by good patriotic Americans, and not some foreigners, or pinko hippies. But how can I tell? ,,,,,,, _______________ooo___( O O )___ooo_______________ (_) jim blair ( For a good time call