HaYom Kulam Yod'im She'Kahane Tzadak!

Welcome to The Pre-Jewish History Section of Jonathan's Right Wing Zionist Homepage!

Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad!

Table of Contents

I The First Day to The Creation of Adam.
II The Creation of Adam to The Expulsion from The Garden of Eden.
III The Expulsion from The Garden of Eden to The Birth of Seth.
IV The Birth of Seth to The Birth of Noah.
V The Birth of Noah to The Landing at Mount Ararat, which is in what is now Eastern Turkey.
VI The Landing at Mount Ararat to The Tower of Babel.
VII The Tower of Babel to The Birth of Abraham.

I The First Day to The Creation of Adam.

In the beginning, God created The Heavens and The Earth. On The First Day, God created light to seperate day from night. The World was all water.

On The Second Day, God created the sky and seperated it from the oceans below.

On The Third Day, God created dry land. This seperated the seas and the dry land. On this day God also made plants and trees.

On The Fourth Day, God made The Sun, The Moon, and the stars to differentiate between the brighter light of the day and the dimmer light of the night.

On The Fifth Day, God made fish and all the living creatues of the water and birds.

On The Sixth Day, God made all the animals of the dry land and the first man, Adam.

II The Creation of Adam to The Expulsion from The Garden of Eden.

After God finished creating The World, He rested on The Seventh Day, which is why we have Shabbat.

God created Adam from the dust of The Earth. God created The Garden of Eden in what is now Iraq and placed Adam there and told him he could eat from any tree of the garden except The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad.

God cast a deep sleep upon Adam and while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that spot. God made the first woman, Eve, from the rib.

One day, a snake told Eve to eat from The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad and she listened and gave some of the fruit to Adam too and he ate it. God cursed Adam, Eve, and the snake and expelled Adam and Eve from The Garden of Eden.

III The Expulsion from The Garden of Eden to The Birth of Seth.

After they were expelled from The Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had 2 sons: Cain and Abel. God had respect for Abel's offerings unto Him, but He didn't have respect for Cain's offerings. Cain was jealous and killed Abel. God put a mark on Cain so no one would kill him and he left God's presence and went to the land of Nod.

Cain had a son name Enoch. Enoch had a son named Irad. Irad had a son named Mehujael. Mehujael had a son named Methushael. Methushael had a son named Lamech. Lamech had 2 wives, Adah and Zillah. Adah bore him Jabal and Jubal. Zillah bore him a son and a daughter. The son was Tubalcain and the daughter was Naamah. Naamah was Noah's wife. At this time, Adam and Eve had another son, Seth. The descendants of Cain were evil, but the descendants of Seth were good and men once again called upon The Name of The Lord.

IV The Birth of Seth to The Birth of Noah.

Seth had a son named Enosh. Enosh had a son named Kenan. Kenan had a son named Mahalalel. Mehalalel had a son named Jared. Jared had a son named Enoch. Enoch had a son named Methuselah. Methuselah had a son named Lamech. Lamech was the father of Noah, so he had Noah.

V The Birth of Noah to The Landing at Mount Ararat, which is in what is now Eastern Turkey.

Noah had 3 sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. All the other people of The Earth at the time were evil and God decided to destroy the whole World except for Noah and his family. God told Noah to build an ark for him and his family because He was going to send a Flood to destroy The World. He also told Noah to bring one male and one female of each animal onto the ark so they could reproduce after The Flood. In addition to one male and one female of each animal, Noah was commanded to bring 7 males and 7 females of each kosher animal for sacrifices when it was time to leave the ark.

God made it rain 40 days and 40 nights which flooded the whole Earth. The waters prevailed for 150 days. The ark rested on Mount Ararat. Noah sent out a raven and it went back and forth under the waters dried up. Then he sent a dove but there was nowhere for it to land. 7 days later he sent the dove again and this time it brough back an olive leaf. 7 days later he sent the dove again but this time it didn't return. About a full year after the rains first started, God told Noah to leave the ark with his family and the animals and to be fruitful and multiply. Noah then made animal sacrifices to God.

VI The Landing at Mount Ararat to The Tower of Babel.

After Noah left the ark, God made a covenant with him establishing The Seven Laws of Noah that apply to all of mankind, both Jews and Non-Jews, and promised never to destroy The World again. He sealed the covenant with a rainbow so people would remember the covenant every time there was a rainbow.

These are The Seven Laws of Noah.

1. The esablishment of courts of justice.
2. The prohibition of blasphemy.
3. The prohibition of idolatry.
4. The prohibition of incest.
5. The prohibition of bloodshed.
6. The prohibition of robbery.
7. The prohibition of eating flesh cut from a living animal.

One day Ham uncovered Noah's nakedness and Noah cursed him and his descendants for that. Ham is the father of all Non-Caucasian races as well as Middle Easterners that are not Semitic or Japhetic. Japheth is the father of The Indo-European Sub-Race of The Caucasian Race. Shem is the father of The Semitic Sub-Race of The Caucasian Race.

All the people spoke the same lanugage. They decided to build a city and a tower with its top in Heaven to make a name for themselves. This tower is The Tower of Babel. God saw the tower and decided to make them all speak different languages and scattered them upon the face of all The Earth because if they all spoke the same language, then there would be nothing that they couldn't do.

VII The Tower of Babel to The Birth of Abraham.

Shem had a son named Arpachshad. Arphachshad had a son named Shelah. Shelah had a son named Eber. Eber had a son named Peleg. Peleg had a son named Reu. Reu had a son named Serug. Serug had a son named Nahor. Nahor had a son named Terah. Terah was Abraham's father so he had Abraham.

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