Ariel Sharon was re-elected Prime Minister and The Right won 69 seats in The Knesset in the election on January 28, 2003. However, Sharon won the leadership of The Likud Party by hijacking it and pretending to be a Rightist. Since he continued with the policies of his first government and got even worse with the acceptance of the Anti-Semitic "Road Map" to Auschwitz, he had to be impeached by The Likud Central Committee under the leadership of Jewish Leadership, the faction of Moshe Feiglin that is trying to take over the government from within the ruling Likud Party. That would have replaced him with a Rightist Likud MK. Preferably it would have been Binyamin Netanyahu (Who unfourtenetly ended up selling out to Sharon.), Tzachi HaNegbi (Who also unfourtenetly ended up selling out to Sharon.), or Uzi Landau (Who stayed true to his principles). They would have brought all the Right Wing parties into the government and would have excluded all of the Leftist parties. Since that was not done and Sharon is now trying to carry out the Gaza and Northern Samaria expulsion/PLO impowerment plan, there must be new elections elections immidiately. The Likud Party platform states that The Likud Party is against the establishment of a PLO terrorist state in Israel and Sharon has been defiant of this. Sharon was given a mandate by the voters to be the leader of The Right Wing and not just The Likud Party (He isn't even a true leader of The Likud Party.). The elections were an outright rejection of Oslo and The Left that started when Sharon was first elected in 2001. The electorate's true desire was for a strong Right Wing government that would have lasted the full term of The Knesset until 2007. But Sharon went ahead and made his policy the policy of Former Labor Leader Amram Mitzna, who first proposed the expulsion plan as his election platform which was rejected by the electorate when they re-elected Sharon. The following is the platform I propose be implemented to make Israel a true Jewish state.
I Ending The Oslo War
The Palestinian Authority must be ended once and for all and all terrorists (Including Abu Mazen himself.) should be killed in a military operation.
II Making a Constitution
Basic Policies of The Constitution
New basic laws should be made to make a Jewish constitution to make Jewish religious values part of The State of Israel. This should provide for mandatory religious education for all Jews in Israel regardless of their background without forcing people to change their levels of observance. In matters of state, the government should act according to Jewish values but individual citizens can live their personal lives as they choose. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel should retain full control over its current powers. Marriage, divorce, and conversions should only be carried out according to Halacha. The state should not break Halacha in official business except in the police and army and other areas of government required to maintain public safety.
The consitution should make it illegal to give any parts of Eretz Yisrael to a foreign entity. Judea, Samaria, and The Gaza Strip should be annexed and The Palestinians should be paid a basket of emmigration to move to an Arab country. Israeli citizens should be required to take an oath declaring that they accept Israel as a Jewish state and anyone wishing to emmigrate to an Arab country should be encouraged to leave by being paid a basket of emmigration (Note: The word "any" is used and not "Arab" so The Leftists won't make accusations of racism.).
Reforming the System of Government
The Legislature
All parties that are loyal to Israel as a Jewish state and only parties that are loyal to Israel as a Jewish state should be able to have their members run in Knesset elections. Elections should be direct with the whole country serving as one electoral district. Every citzen above the age of 18 should be able to vote for up to 15 citizens that are loyal to Israel as a Jewish state and are above the age of 25. Knesset elections should be held every 2 years. There should be no term limitations. The new Knesset would still have 120 MKs made up of the 120 people with the most votes. If a seat becomes vacant, the person next in line in the election shall become the new MK.
There should be an upper house of Parliament in addition to The Knesset which will be called The Senate. All Jews and only Jews above the age of 30 should be able to run for Senate. Elections should be direct with the whole country serving as one electoral district. Every citzen above the age of 18 should be able to vote for up to 10 Jews. Senatorial elections should be held every 4 years at the same time as the Presidential elections. There should be no term limitations. The Senate would have 70 senators made up of the 70 people with the most votes. If a seat becomes vacant, the person next in line in the election shall become the new senator.
All bills will have to go through both The Knesset and The Senate.
The Presidency
Any Jew above the age of 35 should be able to run for President in a direct national election. Every citizen above the age of 18 should be able to vote. Presidential elections should be held every 4 years at the same time as the Senatorial elections. There would be a term limit of 2 terms.
After being nominated by their party, a Presidential candidate would name a running mate who would become Vice-President if they were elected. A Vice-President would have to fit the same qualifications as a President and would assume The Presidency in the event of the death, resignation, or removal of The President from office. If the Vice-Presidency becomes vacant, The President must appoint a new Vice-President whose appointment must be approved by The Senate. If both The Presidency and The Vice-Presidency become vacant, then the Senate shall elect the new President and Vice-President. The Vice-President, shall serve as The President of The Senate and vote in the case of a tie in a Senate vote.
The President shall appoint ministers to serve in their government that do not serve as MKs or senators. All appointments must be approved by The Senate. The President must also sign all bills in order for them to become laws.
The President shall appoint the heads of all government agencies and the appointments must be approved by The Senate in order to end The Leftist Bolshevik Establishment. The government agencies' heads shall be re-appointed or replaced after every Presidential election.
A President shall be impeached from office by The Knesset if necessary and shall be removed from office with the approval of 47 senators.
The Judiciary
All current judges must be removed and be replaced by Presidential appointments that must be approved by The Senate. Judges shall be re-appointed or replaced after every Presidential election.
The Supreme Court must follow The Constitution and may not be dictators like the current Supreme Court.
Basic Rights
The Constitution shall include all basic rights of citizens with no limitations including free speech and assembly, the right to protest, and other basic rights modeled after The American Bill of Rights.
III Other Steps To Be Taken
The Economy
The economy should be made 100% capitalist and The Histadrut and other labor unions shall be eliminated. Only national companies such as El Al and Israel Railways shall continue to be government owned and should not operate on Shabbat.
There must be an end to all Kupot Cholim and healthcare must be privatized under private health insurance companies with equal coverage for all medical needs like in The United States or be nationalized with equal coverage for all medical needs like in Canada.
Foreign Policy
Israel shall not be subjected to influence of foreign governments. Israel would stop receiving foreign aid from The United States which only hurts Israel and makes Israel dependent on The United States.
Any Jew in The World will be able to take part in Israeli national elections if they have a connection to The State of Israel.
The laws regarding mandatory military service shall remain as they are now with the exception of allowing yeshiva students to work even if they don't serve in the military. This way they can provide for themselves and not rely on government payments.
Only people defined as Jews under Halacha may be permitted to immigrate to Israel, therefore making all immigration to Israel aliyah since the definition of aliyah is Jewish immigration to Israel.
Holy Sites
All holy sites shall he completely handed over to the religions that have a genuine claim to them. This means that The Temple Mount will be handed over to The Chief Rabbinate and Jewish prayer will be allowed in areas where Jews are Halachically allowed to step foot after going to the mikveh. A synagogue shall be built there and the only parts of The Temple Mount that The Islamic Waqf shall control are The Dome of The Rock and The Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Cave of The Machpelah should be handed over completely to The Rabbinate meaning all parts of it shall be open to Jewish prayer all year. Joseph's Tomb and The Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue shall be rebuilt.
Christian holy sites shall also be free of Muslim control.
A modern railway system shall connect all areas of the country from Kiriat Shmona to Eilat. There should be an emphasis on the high speed train line that will connect Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plans for light rail systems in major cities shall be speeded up.
Here are some pictures of some true Jewish leaders who should play a role in establishing true Jewish Leadership.
This is Moshe Feiglin, the head of Jewish Leadership, the Likud Party faction of true Right Wing Zionists that wants to create a true Jewish State in Israel rather than just a State of The Jews. Jewish Leadership is trying to take over the government from within the ruling Likud Party. Jewish Leadership has a program to replace The Israeli Establishment that is the route of the problem instead of trying to work within the current system.
This is Michael Kleiner, head of The Herut Party. He is shown speaking to a group of English speaking Bar-Ilan University students in a student's apartment in Givat Shmuel on December 25, 2002, as part of The 2003 Elections Campaign.
This is Professor Paul Eidelberg, head of The Yamin Yisrael Party. His party also has a program to replace The Israeli Establishment that is the route of the problem instead of trying to work within the current system. Yamin Yisrael ran together with Herut in the 2003 Elections. He is also shown speaking to a group of English speaking Bar-Ilan University students in a student's apartment in Givat Shmuel on December 25, 2002, as part of The 2003 Elections Campaign.
This is Baruch Marzel, head of The Chayil Party. He is a former Kach Party leader. In The 2003 Elections, he ran as the number 2 behind Michael Kleiner on the Herut Party list.
This is Noam Federman, the spiritual leader of The Hilltop Youth. The Hilltop Youth seize and settle strategic hilltops throughout Jueda and Samaria in order to prevent a PLO terrorist state.
This is David HaIvri, a former Kahane Chai activist in Kfar Tapuach. Following the assassination of Rabbi Binyamin Ze'ev Kahane, ZT"L, HY"D, he started new groups such as the Kahanist publishing house, HaMeir L'David, and Revava.
Here are some pictures of the anti-expulsion Gush Katif chain rally which linked people holding hands as a human chain from Gaza to The Kotel on July 25, 2004.
This picture was taken facing The Jerusalem Central Bus Station.
This picture is of the square across from The Jerusalem Central Bus Station.
This picture is of a woman talking on Channel 2 TV on King George Street across from The Jerusalem Central Bus Station.
This picture is of the protestors in the square across from The Jerusalem Central Bus Station.
These are pictures of the human chain on King George Street.
© 2005