Go Bibi! You are the best Prime Minister Israel has ever had!

Welcome to The Israeli-Jordanian Relations Section of Jonathan's Likud Homepage!

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!

On March 13, 1997, a Jordanian Soldier opened fire on Israeli girls on a class trip to Peace Island. 7 died. The other Jordanian soldiers then stopped the "madman" as they called him. Aparently, this started because of a remark the late, King Hussein made. It incited the soldier who thought it was appropriate to open fire. However, it wasn't aprorpriate to do so and it cost the lives of 7 innocent Israelis. In July of 1994, peace was made between Jordan and Israel and that shouldn't have happened as a result of the peace. The peace with Jordan is fine, but if these soldiers aren't going to honor it, it isn't. This land used to belong to Israel after they caputured it in The 1948-1949 War Of Independence. But they gave it back to Jordan in 1994 at the peace accord. Jordanian soldiers wouldn't have access to this ground if there would have been no peace. Otherwise the peace is fine, and I have absoulotely no problem with it. I even once sent a letter to King Hussein in 1995 concerning the Peace Negotianions with Syria. One of his generals answered me. I am therefore not holding The Jordanians responsible, only the individual soldier. He was found to be insane.

In September, 1997, a Mossad agent went to Jordan with fake Canadian passports and attempted to assassinate Hamas leader, Khaled Meshal, in Amman. The agent was cought and arrested by Jordanian officials. This strained Israeli relations with Jordan and Canada. This could have been prevented if Israel would have requested the extradition of Meshal to Israel where he could have been put on trial. Instead Hamas won because Israel as a result had to let several Palestinian prisoners out of jail. Since then, relations have improved and Israel apoligized to Jordan and Jordan forgave Israel.

On February 7, 1999, King Hussein died of a long battle with cancer. His loss is a great loss to The Middle East because Jordan had a warm relation with Israel. There were even contacts long before the 1994 peace treaty. King Hussein set a good example for The Arab World. He didn't want The West Bank from Israel unlike The Palestinians. After the massacre at Peace Island, he came to Bet Shemesh to pay a shiva visit to the victims' families and knelt down to the knees of the mother whos daughter was killed. Hosni Mubarak doesn't even come to Israel. He only came to Yitzhak Rabin's, Z"L, funeral. Hussein stood up the hostile Arab nations especially one of the worst ones of them all, Syria, the worst country that borders Israel. On February 8, 1999, Bibi and other governmental leaders went to Amman to attend Hussein's funeral. Bibi and the non-traitors to Zion payed their respects to King Hussein and offered condolences to King Abdullah II, but President Ezer Weizman did an outrageous thing and shook hands with terrorist and Anti-Semite, Nayef Hawatmeh, of "The 'Democratic' Front For The 'Liberation of Palestine'". The only right way is the Right way, the way of Likud and the settlers. Shalom, and God bless you all!

Here are some pictures having to do with Jordan.

Here is a picture of Jordan taken from The South Eastern Golan Heights near Tiberias.

Here is His Majesty, the late King Hussein I, of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Here is His Majesty, King Abdullah II, of The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

Here is His Majesty, King Abdullah II with his wife, Her Majesty, Queen Rania.

Here is the handshake between Yitzhak Rabin, Z"L, and King Hussein, on July 25, 1994, at The White House in Washington, that ended the state of war between Israel and Jordan. President Bill Clinton of The United States watches on.

This is The Jordanian Flag.

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