January 10, 1998
Dear Bibi,
Hello. My name is Jonathan Shabbat. My father is from Israel, and I am a Likudnik living in The United States. I am 16. I am writing to you to give you my views on The Peace Process.
I am in favor of bilateral peace, much as you are. I think that you should insist on reciprocities. Regarding The Palestinians, I think you should favor the views of Yitzhak Mordechai and Ariel Sharon. I read in The Jerusalem Post that they want to make security zones in Judea and Samaria, along The Jordan River, and The Israeli Border when there is another withdrawl from The West
Bank. I don't think it is healthy for a country to be 10 km. wide at certain points. That would make it vulnerable to attacks. So, I suggest you make very larger security zones circling The West Bank if there is another withdrawl. I think you shouldn't listen to Madeline Albright and not give in to Yasser Arafat.
Also, before any withdrawl, there should be safe roads leading to all settlements. I think these roads along with the settlements should remain under Israeli control. Also, there should be safe roads to all holy sites in The West Bank. These roads also should be under Israeli control. They should connect Rachel's tomb in Bethlehem with The Cave of The Mechpelah in Hebron. I think all these series of roads should have fences around them and if The
Palestinians need a road they should have Israel build an underpass. They should also have I.D.F. troops patroling them. Also, all the holy sites, settlements, and security zones, should have fences surrounding them making it imposible for Palestinians to sneak in.
Once, these safe roads and fences are built, Israel should annex the roads, settlements, holy sites, and security zones. A passport should be needed to travel from Palestinian controled areas into Israeli controled areas, and treat them as 2 totally seperate contries. Concerning the final status of Jerusalem, I think it is non-negotiable with the entire Jerusalem for ever in
Concerning Syria, I think no withdrawl should be made from any part of The Golan Heights and that should be told to Hafez al-Assad before the 2 sides start talking. Concerning Lebanon, if Lebanon can take full control of the entire country and kick out all terrorists, a full withdrawl should be made from Southern Lebanon, as long as The United Nations moves their peace keeping forces all over Lebanon making the possibility of ketyushot being sent to Israel imposible. These are all my views.
I support everything you do. If, Hasvechelila, you lost the next election, I would be afraid of what Ehud Barak would do to Israel. I think you should side with the religious parties on The Secular-Haredi Issue. It is sad about what is happening to Secular Israel. I hope you will take me seriously and write back to me. Thank You. Good-bye.
Jonathan Shabbat.
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