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Welcome to The Syrian Problem Section of Jonathan's Likud Homepage!

Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad!

In November, 1996, Syria, and its awful leader, Hafez al-Assad, made clear that it doesn't want peace. It moved its troops to Mount Hermon, almost starting a war with Israel. Israel also moved its troops to Mount Hermon. Syria was also developing tear gases and scud missles. The scud missles are capable of reaching points in Israel. Our former mighty Defense Minister, Yitzhak Mordechai, said that we will protect our country from them. This is a very apropriate remark. If Syria sends these missles to Israel, Israel shall declare war on Syria. Then Israel will not just have The Golan Heights but also take over more land, hopefuly including Damascus. Syria also stated that if they do not get The Golan Heights through peace, they will take it by other methods. This means that they are terrorists just like the Palestinians. They are so stupid for that, because if they use other methods, our mighty IDF, will sack them and completely destroy their air force just like it did to Egypt in 1967. Not only will Syria suffer casualties, but it will lose more land than in 1967. Israel will storm Damascus, and maybe even wipe Syria off the map. Syria is not capable of making peace with these threats. It shows they just want peace as a tool to try to get back The Golan Heights. They don't want the peace that would come with an a peace agreement and after getting The Golan Heights, they would use it as a base to attack Israel just like before The Six Day War. They should have learned their lesson from last time in The Yom Kippur War, when Israel almost took over Damascus. Syria was lucky then that Israel withdrew to the June 10, 1967 line. Next time, Israel won't be so generous. Until Syria is ready to recognize The Golan Heights as Israeli territory, there will never be peace between the two countries. If Syria is willing to do that, then peace is fine, and that means that they want a true peace. Why should Israel have to give up land when The United States didn't have to give back land captured from Mexico? The answer is that it doesn't. It is just like any other country and the rest of The World should stop sticking their nose into Israel's business. There is only one owner of land on the Eastern shore of The Mediterranean Sea and that is The Jews. Jordan and other countries are lucky that Israel doesn't go to the Biblical boundaries, in which it is promised in Deuteronomy 11:22-25. This says that if The Jews follow the laws, it will stretch out all the way North to Lebanon, South to The Sinai Peninsula, West to The Mediterranean Sea, and East to The Euphrates River. When The Meshiach comes, in addition to this land, The Jews will be given all of The Sinai Peninsula and African Egypt up to The Nile River. So therefore, those certain Arab countries are lucky, because God promised us the whole area. We did turn over part of that land to The Arabs but indirectly. The Romans took it from us and the Arabs eventually captured it. We are generous because we don't request that we get our land back in turn for peace. To make it even, then the Arabs shouldn't request our current land for peace. To find out more about Syria and The Golan Heights go to http://www.golan.org.il/syria.html.

Here are some pictures having to do with Syria.

This is a picture of Syria taken from The Observation Point at Kuneitra, in The Northern Golan Heights.

This is a picture of the late Hafez al-Assad, who died on June 10, 2000. His death came on the 33rd anniversary of the liberation of The Golan Heights, a territory occupied by his country from 1945 to 1967, and which he wanted to steal back. It is not a coincidence that these 2 great things in Jewish History happened on the same day. It was also Shabbat and Shavuot in The Diaspora. Assad ranks along with Yasser Arafat and Gamal Abdul Nasser as one of the 3 biggest Jew killers since Adolf Hitler. For this reason, his death is a time of great celebration and rejoicing for Jews all over The World, for The Holy One, blessed be He, brings miracles every single day. His death will cause instability in Syria, and The Syrians will be too busy fighting each other than to steal The Golan Heights. Also Assad's son, Bashar, could be overthrown for making a "peace" deal with Israel. For this, we thank God, for the death of Hafez al-Assad, and we pray that Assad's name and memory be erased forever and ever.

This is a picture of Bashar al-Assad, Hafez al-Assad's son, who is the new President of Syria.

Here is The Syrian Flag.

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