
Need help with tax withholding?

Most wage earners have some problem with withholding the proper amount of federal and state taxes from their paycheck. The problem is that the “one size [or actually two] fits all” withholding tables force taxpayers to guess at what their withholdings should be. With penalties for withholdings of less than 90% of tax bill, the pressure is on for overwithholding and giving the government their hard earned money interest free - instead of using it to pay daily bills, sometimes carrying interest rates of 18% or more. If there are two wage earners in the family - or it takes an extra job to make ends meet, it becomes next to impossible to correctly withhold using the withholding tables.
That’s why I’ve developed tax withholding templates that can be personalized for each household’s individual needs. The withholding tables are based on what the individual taxpayer will actually PAY in taxes at the end of the year. In order to start withholding the correct amount of taxes [with a built in refund(of overpaid taxes) of a reasonable amount - if desired], you will have to do the following.
1] Fill out a brief questionaire regarding your tax status, dependents, and anticipated deductions or income. Either email to my email address below [you must copy the questionaire and paste into body of email message - filling in details] or call me at home: 541-929-5392 to complete application.
email form

2] Send a blank disk [I can furnish one at a nominal cost of $2.50] for your personalized template to: JT Barrie
PO Box 411
Philomath, Oregon, 97370-0411
along with $15 [only $10 for states without state income tax; $12 for states whose income tax is directly proportional to federal tax].
3] Furnish your employer with a signed statement to the effect that you wish to withholding using an alternative method and hand him the disk with your personalized tax withholding tables as generated by his spreadsheet program. Employer is to enter data in the wage section only - the withholdings will be computed by the program as you are being paid. The disk can be run ONLY if your employer has Clarisworks or Excel - or a package that can readily convert Excel or Clarisworks files; since Excel is the most popular spreadsheet package around, that shouldn't present a problem . I will retain a copy of your questionaire information for my files and can easily email or fax this information to your employer.
Index Personalized tax withholding questionaire

Index Here's how it works