The Top Ten Worst Current Politicans
                 1.Bill Clinton-The sexually harrassing, pot-smoking,
   draft-dodging, lying, criminal is the most dangerous and
                 destructive  politician that exists today.
                 2.Carol Moseley Braun-A world traveler who enjoys all expense

                 paid vacations to the beautiful nation of Nigeria with their delightful

                       5.Ross Perot- This ancient demagogue believes that we ban the

                Legislative branch and vote on the internet with a one hour town

                forum. Maybe Uganda can increase the voter turnout.

                     6.John McCain-The leader of the conservative invertebrates that has

                        betrayed his party and bows to liberal fallacies.
                7.Strom Thurmond-I am not totally sure what specific wrongs he has
                committed, however since he has been alive when the Earth was a

                ball of lava, he must have screwed up.
                       8.Colin Powell-Yeah, you read it here first. He is the official

                        9. Al Gore- The only person pious enough to donate more to pest

                control than to charity.While also being kind enough to take from

               and over again.

                                                              Other Dishonorable Mentions
                     Willie Brown: Still working on those homeless. Perhaps he would be more effective as a pimp than a mayor.

                     Marion Barry: The stage is set for him to be a member of the Dallas Cowboys
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