The following account is a from an official transcript and video tape of the show. Please e-mail us if you would like more information on how to access these sources.

After Kelly had applied the available legal means to recover Zenith, she too learned, as we had in July of 1993, that the FBI or any other law enforcement agency would not assist her in her search.

In June 1996, Kelly appear as a guest on the Maury Povich Show for a segment about motherhood for those over 50.

As Kelly gives her history of the events she states:
Kelly: she's Mormon and a lot of pressure was on to have children at that point.
Povich: because the latest husband didn't have children? So she wanted a child for him?
Kelly: Right.

After Povich inquires of Kelly about her family composition, she goes on:
Kelly: I became pregnant. I was ending a relationship. It was kind of an unplanned pregnancy. I'm a single mother. I have two children. I was scared and alone. I didn't know what to do.
Povich: and now you're pregnant and what does she say? Does she want that baby?
Kelly: Well, my daughter became like this spirit child that she's always wanted.

Povich goes into the topic of breast feeding. Then he returns to Kelly's story:
Povich: So your baby daughter is finally born. Kelly, and what happens.
Kelly: Yeah. I had a cesarean, so it was kind of a difficult delivery. I stayed with my parents in Utah. She was about three weeks old. I signed away my rights.
Povich: Why would you do that?
Kelly: I....(Kelly cries)

After Kelly regains her composure, Povich goes on:
Povich: Because you are a single mom?
Kelly: Well, and my self-esteem...
Povich: You had other children. Your self-esteem was low.
Kelly: ...was at an all-time low.
Povich: Your mom wanted your baby.
Kelly: I had surgery. I needed help with my three-year- old. I mean, it was, like, my mom was willing to help me through a difficult time. She was like manipulating and controlling me to the point where I didn't know what I was doing.
Povich: OK. So you signed away your rights. Then what happened?
Kelly: Well, we stayed through the Christmas holidays and just went home with both my children. Like, Christmas is over. And at nine months old she served me with a temporary custody order. Took my daughter from me in Arizona to Utah, which is where they live, when she was nine months old.
Povich: So you went back home with your child.
Kelly: Right.
Povich: And because you had signed this paper, she then wanted to act on that and got a temporary custody order.
Kelly: Right.
Povich: And what happened?
Kelly: Then we had this 18-month court battle where they postponed and delayed the court case so long that she bonded with my daughter. She truly became her mother. And living in this fantasy world of denying that she's her grandmother and kind of pushing aside the fact that I'm her mother and I'm fighting for my rights. And I just wanted us to be a normal family and she just didn't want that.
Povich: Finally, what did the courts do? Who got custody?
Kelly: The psychological evaluation pretty much decided that my daughter be returned to me and her sister. And we went home to Arizona. My mom moved there four days later. Has been fighting me for six months and abducted her October 17th.
Povich: Your mother abducted your child when you had legal custody of her?
Kelly: Three days before her third birthday.
Povich: And this was when? last Christmas?
Kelly: October 17th of '95.
Povich: So she's been gone almost a year?
Kelly: Eight--eight months. nine months.

Povich talks with Kelly about what is currently happening in the search:
Povich: Is the FBI now on the case?
Kelly: Yes.
Povich: So the FBI is searching for your mom and your daughter?
Kelly: They have no leads. I mean. I've been desperate to get her picture on national television so at least people can see her.
Povich: Well, we're gong to do that. I mean, we're doing that right now.

During the audience question and answer period:
Unidentified Woman #2: You said the FBI had no way of finding her. Can't they find her by her Social Security number?
Kelly: It was eight months ago at this point. And they've probably changed their identities and their names. They just don't have any current leads. They are on the case. Of course, the FBI has been very overloaded. And you know she's not in immediate danger.

The rest of the Povich Show is about married women in their 50's who have raised newborns in great joy and family happiness. At the end of the show the pictures were broadcast again and the audience was instructed on who to contact if they should have any information about the Hanes.

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