Collins v City of Los Angeles, et al
Case No. LA CV 03-6651 RGK FMOx

This is federal class action lawsuit filed by a victim of civil rights abuse claiming that local government action of settling civil rights actions for a "lump sum, including all attorney's fees" conflicts with a federal law, 42 U.S.C. Section 1988, providing for payment of attorney's fees by the government when a plaintiff prevails.  Collins claims this prevents him and other victims of civil rights abuse with only modest damage or equitable claims from obtaining a lawyer.

A hearing on Collins' motion for a preliminary injunction was scheduled for November 17, 2003 at 9 am at the Courtroom of U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner, 840 Roybal Federal Office Building, 225 E. Temple Street, Los Angeles, CA. However, on November 12, 2003, Judge Klausner took the motion under submission. On December 5, 2003, Judge Klausner dismissed the action without prejudice and denied plaintiff's motion for preliminary injunction as moot. See order below.

The City has refused to allow its pleadings to be posted here.

                     DOCUMENT                                                                                       DATE FILED
 Initial Complaint September 16, 2003
     Exhibit A to Complaint
     Exhibit B to Complaint
 Notice of Motion and Motion for Preliminary Injunction; Points and Authorities (Superceded by Amendment Filed Oct. 13 -- See Below) September 24, 2003
 (Proposed) Preliminary Injunction September 24, 2003 (lodged)
 Declarationof E. Thomas Barham September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Gary S. Casselman September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Michael Collins September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Carl E. Douglas September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Joe H. Freeman September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Michael R. Mitchell September 24.2003
      Exhibit A to Mitchell Declaration
      Exhibit B to Mitchell Declaration
      Exhibit C to Mitchell Declaration
      Exhibit D to Mitchell Declaration
      Exhibit E to Mitchell Declaration
 Declaration of Howard R. Price September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Robert A. Seeman September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Carol Sobel September 24, 2003
 Declaration of Carol Watson September 24, 2003
 Plaintiff's Motion for Expedited Discovery Rejected. Refiled October 16, 2003, see below
 Plaintiff's Interrogatories (Set One) Lodged October 16, 2003
 Plaintiff's Requests for Production (Set One) Lodged October 16, 2003
 Plaintiff's Requests for Admissions (Set One) Lodged October 16, 2003
 First Amended Motion for Preliminary Injunction October 13, 2003
 Declaration of R. Samuel Paz October 13, 2003
     Exhibit A to Declaration of R. Samuel Paz
 Plaintiff's Motion for Expedited Discovery October 16, 2003; Denied October 28, 2003
 (Proposed) Order For Expedited Discovery Lodged October 16, 2003; Denied October 28, 2003
 Plaintiff's Reply to Opposition to Motion for Preliminary Injunction November 10, 2003
 Order of Dismissal December 5, 2003


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