Civil Rights Resume
I am a graduate of Harvard Law School.
I've spent the past 29 years prosecuting federal civil
rights cases in trial and appellate courts. I
am a member of the California (1971), District of
Columbia (1969) and U.S. Supreme Court
(1975) Bars. I was a member of the California State Bar Committee on Professional
Responsibility and Conduct (1978-1983); Vice Chair (1980-1981), Chairman (1981-1982). I
was a member of the California State Bar Committee on Federal Courts (1984 to 1987).
My law practice has been limited primarily to federal litigation in civil rights and corporate
securities. I acted as sole or lead counsel in thirteen federal
civil jury trials (134 days), 12 to verdicts (6 wins, 6 losses) and one hung; four were death cases.
I acted as sole or lead counsel in 25 additional federal civil cases (eight were death cases), most
fully pretried and settled on the eve of trial. I acted as sole or lead counsel in briefing 14 Ninth
Circuit appeals, argued 11 (one pending, 7 won, 6 lost). Briefed, argued and lost one case
in the U.S. Supreme Court --Lyons v. City of Los Angeles (Los Angeles Police Department
choke hold case).