Nancy Moran
Independent Prisoner Advocate
550 Saint Mary Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201

Spring Hasn't Totally Sprung Newsletter, 1999

Mission Statement: To promote the well being of prisoners in Maryland and, to a limited extent, those released from prison, being mindful of the causes and prevention of crime and ultimately enabling prisoners and ex-prisoners to attain success in their lives.

Standard Disclaimer: The following newsletter may contain editorial content including but not limited to parody, satire, allegory and all out put on. Keep in mind, however, that reality is honored throughout.

Legal Notice: This newsletter does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex [gender, gender preference or level of gender-oriented activity], religion or disability. It DOES, however, discriminate on the basis of very many OTHER reasons. I'm talking about characters without content, laws without morals and work without work ethic.

  • Now that I find myself on the OTHER side of my 40th birthday, it is with great thankfulness and relief I find myself in the streamlined, lucid, easy-to-understand, straightforward, logically-designed criminal justice system as opposed to the complicated, convoluted, pay-up-and/or-die healthcare system or the grant-and-fellowship, fixated, CV-retentive higher education system. It makes a person happy to have gotten out of the University of Pennsylvania with an unrelated B.A. instead of the University of Maryland with an unrelatable Ph.D.

  • I was told very early on that I would always be bridesmaid but never the bride. To date, I haven't been a bridesmaid, either. I was invited once but I handed the job off to someone dumber than myself.

  • Thought(s) for the day (April 15th): Real men don't take itemized deductions ...

  • The march of criminal justice goes on and on and on: "I don't read junk mail from the public defender's office", so said Circuit Court of Baltimore City Judge John N. Prevas as recorded in an official transcript as noted in the Baltimore Sun issue of Sunday, October 25, 1998, page 4B.

    Probably Causative: You don't have to drive up or down I95 to qualify for this one -- There was a time when all my jailbabies had to worry about were suspended licenses, invalid registrations, no insurance and broken taillights. NOW, they have to worry about shoulder harnesses, seatbelts and child restraining seats. It just doesn't make sense to drive up I95 to and from New York OR Philadelphia OR Wilmington, Delaware -- for any reason -- anymore!

    Feature Article: Publickizing the McDonald's Restaurants. Inspired by the leadership of the Department of Social Services, the tactfulness and consideration of the Maryland Food Stamps Unit, infused with the all- encompassing caringness and concern of the Maryland Child Support Enforcement Agency, and the sensitivity and step-wise efficiency and effectiveness of the Maryland Department of Motor Vehicles, the process of publickizing the McDonald's Restaurants everywhere in Maryland has been instituted.

  • In reaction to intense pressuring by regional, county, municipal and local advisory groups, only skeleton staffs will be available from 11:30a to 1:30p Mondays through Fridays so that employees will be able to take lunch breaks and do those errands that cannot be done outside a 8:30a-4:30p timeframe.

  • Persons visiting the restaurants will have to fill out completely (and in black ink) as well as sign in front of two witnesses "Expressions of Intent to File Application for Food Disbursement" as well as (if pertinent) "Supplemental Happy Meal Electives" indicating preference of boy or girl versions (pink or blue) before being admitted to the admitting or ordering areas. (DMV #1)

  • Pens with black ink will not be provided - it will be the responsibility of applicants to arrive properly equipped. If not so equipped, applicants will be disqualified and sent back to a special receiving area where rehabilitation is the goal.

  • If, at the time of admission, an "Intent for Big Mac" or "Quarter Pounder Electing Cheese or no Cheese Options" is entered, the "Expression of Intent to File" shall not only contain the three-part white, yellow and pink copies, but goldenrod copies will apply.

  • To makes matters even more complicated, the Sliding Scale Analyses Unit takes W-2s but not W-4s and only from the previous and not prior tax years. Paystubs were O.K. but they had to be consecutive and had to reflect complete earnings for 52-week periods. Signatures of either both biological parents and/or, in their absence, adoptive parents but only if there was officially-authorized paperwork substantiating the substitution. Due to requirements of the Child Support Enforcement Administration, any party involved also had to sign affidavits to the effect that they had totally abandoned the applicant, the person was no longer welcome in their home and every tax form they had filed reflected that fact.

  • The top, original white copy, is transmitted immediately to the main Mickey D control center. (DMV #2)

  • The yellow goes to the command center of the food dispensing unit, but only if properly stamped and initialized at DMV #2. (DMV#3)

  • The pink is retained by the "food service applicant" and must be produced at the ordering area whereupon it will be compared to incoming machine-generated food request and delivery instructions pursuant to the original white copies that have been properly verified. (DMV #6)

  • McDonalds employees, faced with impossible, Catch 22 type situations, found it was necessary to staple the yellow copies onto the white copies. If the white and the yellow copies did not agree, food disbursement will not proceed.

  • The Food Stamp people were especially disturbed: What right does a person to order a Big Mac with fries when the person has not signed off on and has a "Statement of Household Assets" pending. (You can see how the racial and ethnic choices can get when it comes to a pinch.)

  • Persons who have met all criteria will be supplied with hot and juicy Big Macs, Quarter Pounders (with and without cheese but only if pre-specified), as well as "Value Meal" and "Happy Meal" supplements containing french fry equivalents. Most persons will also receive, if they have matched required requirements, Coca-Cola, Sprite and/or Minute Maid orange juice in 12, 16 and 32 oz. quantities. (DMV #9)

  • The pink copies are to be retained by the recipients for further reference and in the event state auditors may wish to review them for accuracy and completeness. They are not, however, communicable to the IRS with respect to itemized (Schedule A) line items in accordance with federal requirements.

  • Anybody finding themselves is a situation where the whites and the yellows do not match and where the goldenrods fail to match printouts will be referred to the "Administristrative Remedy Challenge Administration Unit (ARCAU)". A panel of seven (7) experts will examine the fact situation and recommend a solution. The recommendation is not legally binding and may be challenged in the most legally-cogent Circuit Court available. That's why the Court of Special Appeals, the Court of Appeals, the federal courts and the U.S. Supreme Court often find themselves embroiled in McDonalds' Restaurants related issues.

  • Instead of focussing on the high schools and retirement centers for employee recruitment, the McDonald's chain is engaging on a concerted campaign to advertise vacancies in African-American and other minority (e.g., Aleutian Islander) weekly or monthly publications (consistent with most federal CFRs) and has beefed up the number of people assigned to its EEOC reporting division (also consistent with federal CFRs).

  • The Department of Human Resources got into the fray early on. Apparently, it was felt "Happy Meals" should come in all colors and for McDonald's breaking down Happy Meals down into "boy" Happy Meals and "girl" Happy Meals tended not to comply with a whole lot of COMARs as well as CFRs and other stuff that cannot even be identified.

  • Proper "letters of grievance" filed, the federal OSHA has arrived at the scene(s), has determined that the cooking temperatures of quarter-pounders and breaded onion rings were a bit too high for those employees compelled to monitor the cooking process, and has cited the restaurant chain even while the (State-chartered) local Board of Healths yet insist on their definition of proper food cooking temperatures.

  • The FDA came in next. For one, the sugar level in the soft drinks not to mention the sugar packets issued with tea and coffee servings far exceeded FDA recommendations. For two, Big Macs grossly outdid the fat, cholesterol and salt standards established by University researchers with regard to extra butter and Movie Theater-style microwave popcorn.

  • The Baltimore City Committee for Historic Preservation (CHAP) came in last: Ronald McDonald was wearing too much makeup, his wig could definitely come in better colors, and finally, Ronald's mode of dress was not in harmony with dress styles generally adopted in "better" neighborhoods such as the ones they hoped to come from. For these reasons, CHAP urged that no further permits from City Government be issued to McDonald's until and unless the Ronald McDonald problem is resolved.

  • Now that the McDonald's Restaurants have met every standard of publickization, it is with great hope these innovation(s) will be extended to Wendy's, Burger King, Pop-Eyes, Subway and Taco Bell soon.


  • All Points Bulletin: Horse Crapola Syndrome: If you want to mess up your mind and f--k your life, all you have to do is have a guy from University of Maryland sign on as an advisor or consultant. A lot of people have found this principle to be tried and true either too late or right on time.

  • Crime Fighting for the New Millennium: Lt. Governor Kathleen Kennedy Townsend and a coalition of bureaucracies towed by the Department of Public Safety and motivated by the University of Maryland Department of Criminology have announced the institution of the "Augustus Institute". [This is for real and there is $476,000 going into it, some of it out of your Department's budget, the first year alone!] Planning has it that all meetings will also be toga parties. But the Institute/Coalition [to be reported as "UMCI" on future Inmate Characteristic reports] never exactly specified Caesar Augustus, Brutus Augustus, Manny Augustus, Moe Augustus or Jack Augustus or a combination of the lot of them. In the case of Jack, there would be a LOT of ramifications as to slot machines just over the Delaware line -- not to mention 24-7 Blackjack 21 two-deck games going over video screens in selected eating establishments' bar and package goods areas. In the case of Manny and Moe -- they have a monopoly in the dry goods business in Ellicott City.

    The joints will never be the same again -- Manny, Moe and Jack are destined to be calling the shots taking direction from (the "New") Sentencing Commission. Of the group, only Caesar befits the vaulted rank and ineffectiveness of the University of Maryland Department of Criminology. Brutus will be taking the job of public speaking. Even the most hardened M25 burglars in the system know that there are jobs programs you have to work for and jobs programs you don't have to work for. Caesar, Brutus, Manny, Moe and Jack sounds like one you can live with.

  • More Amazing Discoveries from the Journal of the Department of Public Safety: DPSCS and Y1K millennium bugs: Official Results of Crime Surveys done with no budget, no grad students, and no work study money:

  • All 100% of the randomly-selected discitizenry expressed ambivalent attitudes when it was presented to them that is costs $+20,000 or more to maintain a person in medium or maximum prison custody even when the person's flower has wilted (so to speak) and/or his propensity and/or proclivity for "crime" activity "ain't what it used to be" and probably "petered" out long, long ago.

  • Almost 81% of all respondents tended to frown on the concept of first degree rape.

  • Nearly 76% of respondents felt that murder, even for a good reason, should not be tolerated in a society considering itself civilized.

  • Not quite 54% agreed with long-term incarceration of an offender even after an actual state of being clinically dead has occurred.

  • There was an even 33%/34%/33% split between "I don't really know", "I'm not really sure" and "I'm not really telling" when respondents were presented with the question: If a person with a criminal record AND a history of residency in the Division of Correction dies, where does he go from there? The respondents hadn't really considered THAT question even when it came to themselves, certain classes of family members, public figures, personalities, celebrities or role models of the same gender - - clergy members not included and notwithstanding.

    The above research was NOT funded by ANY kind of grant from NIJ, BJS, DOJ, DPSCS, NCAA, AAMCO, Midas or Pep Boys.

    Aftercare Alert: If the amorphous blob on the couch snores, you know he's not dead. If the smoke detector in the kitchen goes off for more than a minute, you know he's cooking breakfast. If it goes off for only 30 seconds to a minute, you know he's cooking lunch.

    ELECTIONS IN MARYLAND: Governor Glendening, totally intimidated by Ellen Sauerbrey's campaign committee, went out of ALL limits making a BIG showing that he can kiss the Blarney Stone same as everyone else. Ellen retaliated - she can stick or retract Excalibur into or out of its proper placing same as anyone else! King Arthur, having been dead four or five centuries by anybody's count, opined that it was not his intent to leave swords sticking out of rock material and it was certainly not his intent to leave Blarney Stones around where American politicians could find them.

    NEW, INNOVATIVE, IMAGINATIVE CRIMINAL JUSTICE PARADIGMS: Update on Correctional Options, the Courts and Sentencing Commission Innovations: It was realized recently at the Supreme Bench (aka Baltimore City Circuit Court) that the "Scarlet Letter" technique really does not have a tendency to work as effectively as it did in 1790. Scrambling back to the "drawing board", eminent jurists as well as their support staffs have recognized that persons presenting with offenses not in accord with the State Article 27 merited treatments not devised by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Benedictine monks or J. Edgar Hoover.


  • Let's get the record straight: I have NEVER attempted to reorganize ANY State Department with an operating budget in excess of $700 million while under the influence of PMS. Whenever I do anything like that, it is willful, deliberate, calculated, wanton, intentional, pre-planned, and -- lest I say more -- pre-meditated. Once appropriate paperwork gets spread by fax or mail around Annapolis, Reisterstown Road and Towson, that's when THEN I get PMS -- but not before. I am ALSO old enough and smart enough to know the difference between Phase I and Phase II -- expect to see Phase III coming up sooner rather than later!!!

  • Let's Clarify Things: I'm not Tammy Wynette standing by her man. With States' Attorneys, District Attorneys, FBI, CIA and Interpol, where else is a girl going to turn? It's GOT to be the IIU!!! According to House Bill 125 from the 1999 legislature, IIU ("Internal Investigative Unit") gets full police powers as of October 1, 1999. If you are a CO I, CO II, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, captain, major, commissary, finance, dietary, maintenance, minimum, medium, maximum, or are employed by the Home Detention Unit, if you are looking to get busted, you ARE going to get busted.

  • Shawshank Redemption All Over Again: Entrance Polling: New classification system for recruits getting off DOC busses (destination East or West) after four or five hour excursions without benefit of pit stop:
    TWSB: Total Waste of the State Budget
    TWFB: Total Waste of the Facility Budget
    TWAB: Total Waste of Anybody's Budget
    OOU: One of Us

  • Introducing: The NEW Aristotelian Analysis Unit: Making the most of the footsteps of the Augustus Institute. AAU has come up with the academically objectionable finding that a lot of guys don't really have an idea of what is really right or wrong, only when certain portions of Article 27 [the Criminal Code] are raised to them for their consideration especially by way of yellow copies of charge papers. AAU wades their way past bleeding heart liberals and/or academics needing to secure a constant source of research funding. Countless grad students will receive M.A.s and Ph.D.s as a result of AAU training and will find themselves ensconced in state and federal alphabet agencies in the future.

    Amazingly, unlike other state agencies we know of, the AAU will be able to do everything within existing resources and might even save money in the long run. The Fiscal Services guys have never been happier, that's why they have gone over to redefining themselves as the Policy (vs. Fiscal) Analysis Division of the Department of Legislative Services.

  • All other things being equal, DPSCS found itself having to resort to a Ouija board to assist in its management decisions. The Ouija board didn't lie. All guys coming in with major felonies made it to WCI or ECI -- child molesters and first time burglars and embezzlers suffered the persecutions of EPRU and SMPRU. The technology was found favorable and resulted in the implementation of The "New" Ouija Board Group (OBG) - DPSCS' reaction to the thorny problems defying any other solution - An unnoticed but important part of DPS decision-making. Organizational chartwise, OBG takes off where IIU leaves off. OBG answers the questions: What region are you going to be assigned to? Is your liver disease hepatitis A or B or C? If this ARP is going to be answered logically if not accordance to one or more DCDs? How can Ouija best answer questions presented?

  • Gravy Train Squad (GTS): Always Ken-L-Ration -- never Alpo. Members of GTS have to sleep on cold hard concrete behind bars instead of shag or deep-pile rugs even if they DO sniff out drugs or explosives here and there around the system. The uncaring, inconsiderate, exploitative Department does not even provide girl dogs to break up the monotony or offset the toil. Of all the units of DPSCS, GTS is definitely the most underappreciated and underrated.

  • Get-Em-Out on Bail Unit (GEOOBU): A community services initiative of the (State-controlled) District Courts in cooperation with Baltimore City Council. Even though they have stacked heels, fishnet stockings, maxi-mini-skirts, lots of gum, and oversized platinum wigs, the GEMOOBU has been moving guys faster and more effectively out of Central Booking than ever before. GEMOOBU apparently has better ways to appraise, size up and sell guys than students or even graduates of the University of Maryland or any other School of Law. Fiscally speaking, GEMOOBU has already outdone itself. At the same time, the GEMOOBU candidates are also earning academic credits toward assorted higher education degrees besides without signing any type of student loan promissary note!

  • DOC Exit Preparatory Academy: DOC Exit Curricula for the New Millennium: A budget center for the future:

  • Alphabetic Order Can Spell Success! When things get to be somehow in alphabetical order -- what it can mean to YOU! The One Book and the Yellow Pages are not there just for your own personal edification, AND you will develop insight on why you got the name you got because your mother couldn't spell either.

  • Sesame Street and Milton Avenue: What they have in common.

  • Condoms or No Condoms: What is the question?

  • Gradual, measured phase out the "F" word: All you've got left now are adverbs, prepositions and pronouns. Plus not to mention: What are you going to do for alliteration without it?

  • The Uses and Misuses of the "MF" word: Two, Three and Four Syllables, they have their independent usage. Malevolence, deliberation and intent: Pronouncing one or both the "R"s when context warrants.

  • Math and Life: Solving simultaneous equations when the prices of apples and oranges and other [unspecified] items of commerce do not match as exactly or as much as they should.

  • The Lessons of History: The ability to live and understand historical warps that predate even Elvis Presley or Little Ritchie.

  • Law and You: How the Supreme Court of the United States can mess up your mind.

  • Law and Living: How the Maryland Court of Appeals can mess up your life.

  • Law and Life: Why you should always ask for a jury trial went faced with a District Court judge.

  • Law as Applied: Why if a DOC Case Manager tells you anything, it should not be considered gospel truth.

  • Feed Up with Amy Vanderbilt instead of B-shift regulars.

  • Stretching Your $25 Reserve Allowance into Meaningful Investments.

  • What Mr. Rogers Never Told You About the Neighborhood.

  • Essay Assignment: What You Never Told Mr. Rogers About the Neighborhood.

    Skills Building - Exit Seminars for DOC Regulars:

  • locating the best corrugated cardboard you can use

  • outerwear and footwear most apropos at homeless shelters

  • the best parks and green areas to sleep in around the City

  • the food pyramid vs. reality

  • what is the best course of action if faced with a real fork and a real knife plus a free pair of chopsticks in a Chinese restaurant

  • what to do if the woman who has visited you all these years doesn't want you in her house and doesn't want you mixing with her children

  • why quarters are better than dimes or nickels when you really think about it

  • stretching that property allowance into real-life problems

  • doing deals with that existing property allowance

  • phone manners for the new millennium -- answering phones aptly if not civilly

  • bank practices that are not liable to get you into the federal system

  • The new resolve of the Parole Commission for the next Millennium: When we cut a guy loose, we've got to make sure what loose really is!

  • And you thought DPSCS was bad! Check out the Department of Human Resources!!!

  • In memorium - Ellwood Leuschner - Gone but not forgotten - the best habe writer in the system and they took his typewriter when he got to MHC Annex. They also had the audacity to double-cell him when he was used to the warmth, coziness, intimacy and privacy of South Wing of the Penitentiary.

    Economics even Alan Greenspan couldn't understand: One of the most crushing experiences of my entire life was to be turned down for a Titanium Visa card by First USA Bank. (God! How I wanted it! You can understand that I cried for hours. It was personally crushing!) My credit report was at its end!!! Fortunately, however, NationsBank, MotherBanque of them all, came to my aid with a guaranteed, silver debit card destined to overdraw my checking account without me even trying or even knowing about it. Balance transfer is the ultimate revenge!!!

    Culture and Ethics: Students of the University of Pennsylvania (a joint I've been known to be mixed up with in the past) celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Long Island Expressway and the Long Island Railroad. How else are you going to get from Jamaica in Queens to Montauk Point without a cigarette or going to the bathroom? Whether you start at Penn Station, Jamaica, Mineola or Hicksville, you can always get to Massapequa, Wantagh, Riverhead or the Hamptons on the same or similarly punched ticket. U of P students plan to hold candlelight vigils in the U of P Quadrangle, holding hands and singing ethnically appropriate theme songs, while participating in beer fests in a watering hole located on campus in a state (Pennsylvania, not New York) where the drinking age is not 18, but 21. Solemn occasions such as these do not go unnoticed at U of P. Some of the students are going so far as to offer flowers in honor of the Belt Parkway and the car parts that may be obtained from there in the dark of night or even the light of day if one is skilled in these types of schooling or training.


  • If a guy can't cut it as a heterosexual, the guy obviously can't cut it as the President of the United States.

  • Inside the Legislature: The advantage of reading other people's budget sheets and sitting through their budget hearings while you are waiting for your budget hearing is that you find out where bodies are buried you didn't know were dead. They get to find out where your bodies are, too.

  • Ethics for the Masses: Legal, illegal - wherein lies the difference? Are those foodstamps yours or do they really belong to someone else? When you stick an Independence card into an ATM everywhere, how can you really tell that the proceeds of that transaction really apply to you? Ethical questions such as these continue to befuddle ordinary citizens of Baltimore City. Befuddled or not befuddled, those food stamps and Independence cards are negotiated especially around "Check Day" when universal negotiability is at its height.

  • Lassie Fare banking principles - MotherBanque tendencies:
  • accidental death and dismemberment insurance: an unexpected surprise "benefit" on your new checking account you never asked for and you never knew about (lesson: don't sign anything they send you with a statement)
  • Why settle for a casket chosen by people who hated you in life: We've got a line of credit you can really use and it comes with advances, too!


  • On the home front: It's OK to let jailbabies have free and unfettered access to the phone: They don't know anybody outside the 410 and 301 area codes (save for a small handful in 202), and they know nobody in Mozambique much less Trinidad or Tobago. Crime and punishment tends not to have the same meaning at the local level as it has at the State and Federal levels. Make sure to teach your jailbabies not to accept collect calls even from the payphone down by the pool hall no matter how sweet Candace or James Earl may sound.

  • Phone Fun: James Earl Jones, following in the footsteps of Ed McMahon and Dick Clark, has been indicted in the Federal District of Ridgemont (D.Rch. 4th Cir.) for aiding and abetting the ongoing conspiracy to institute predatory telecommunications prices, including but not limited to exorbitant payphone rates outgoing from certain correctional facilities in Maryland. You have to understand that James Earl, by recordings of his mellifluous voice, causes to gross $2.25 plus tax every single split-second of his adult life on behalf of the company he represents. James Earl denies complicity with regard to the Maryland DPSCS but admits that Bell Atlantic can be heavy-handed some of the time and perhaps most of the time all of the time. Lawyers for Bell Atlantic are referring all inquiries to lawyers for Nynex. James' Earl's legal bills have been mounting, but Nynex has been sympathetic and is covering everything. James Earl sincerely regrets messing with Baby Bells in the first place and has sworn to stay tight with sitcoms and TV miniseries while remaining foot loose and fancy free with Hagerstown and Cumberland.

    Next newsletter: Candace Bergen, getting off at $4.72 plus tax for one minute local calls claiming to be acting on behalf of Sprint.

  • Telecommunications for the Ages

    In an amazing departure from traditional public policy, the State of Maryland has taken out full-page advertisements in both One Book and Yellow Pages containing the "Top 30" most desirable and most appropriate phone numbers pertaining to "stuff" like State IDs and drivers' licenses, tax culpability forms, and General Assembly targeting. For example, if you want "State ID" AND you have the sophistication to guess Department of "Motor Vehicles", you won't then be required to retrothink Department of "Transportation" and be forced to use divination skills after that.

    Let's enter the realm of make-believe: Invoking every redial and speed dial once upon a time recently, I listened to eight minutes of Ferranti and Teicher playing "Born Free" as arranged by Henry Mancini and played by the Jackie Gleason Orchestra before duly running into a live human voice claiming to represent DMV.

    In accordance with the radical departure from previous stances, ALL State phone numbers are guaranteed to be answered the "first time, every time". Baltimore City, always following in State footsteps, has even established a central number capable of being able to "point the way" to dead animal / rat eradication, garbage nights, sewer scheduling, and where in the City, State or private sector a person can file lawsuits.

  • Shutting up the phone bitch (PB): Somewhere around four years ago, the AT&T and Bell Atlantic phone companies working hand-in-hand with DPSCS operations and security to set up a "final solution" as to "monkey business" over prison phone lines, hired a female nothing like Lily Tomlin hoping to become an actress to record the immortal words all of us on the other side have to live with since four years ago. The actress, hoping to get slated next for the Ed Sullivan show or at least Flip Wilson or Sonny & Cher - no residuals - has been quoted interminably at every possible wanted or unwanted phone connection to your friends and families ever since.

    If your only communication with the prison system is over a collect phone line: You have heard and experienced the following message over and over again to the extent that any type of criminal activities will never have the same meaning to you and if you ever had a loved one in the prison system, you don't want to have one now.

    You press "0", you press "9", you press "everything" but the PB keeps pressing on:

    You say: Hello!! (pause while recording kicks in) She exclaims: AT&T or Bell Atlantic. This is a collect call from [an inserted white female voice, lackluster, slightly anemic, and prone to mispronounce names of people of uncertain ethnic origin] - Winston Churchill! - She continues: An inmate at the Maryland [preprogrammed name of an existing Maryland prison, MCIH and MCIJ indistinguishable except by local or long distance carrier].

    The PB continues: If you refuse this call, hang up. If you accept this call, do NOT use three-way or call waiting features or you WILL be disconnected. ... [Another pregnant pause.] To ACCEPT the call, dial "1" now ... [She can't take "1" or anything else until this especially auspicious moment.]

    The call connects if you hit "1" in enough time as cued by the PB. Otherwise, the entire recording goes into another double play. That's why answering machines later give you a rough idea of who called and yield important clues because you know for sure AT&T and Bell Atlantic occupy separate statuses over the system:

    Bell Atlantic comes up 85 cents plus tax a shot - AT&T comes up $3.00 plus on the order of 40 cents a minute Hagerstown, not to mention Cumberland or Westover, plus tax.

    Thank you. ... [The PB evinces a few moments of confusion. ...]

    It then takes another lengthy two seconds before a guy's live voice is heard and you figure out who is really on the other end of the line. (Guys have been known to lie out their ass when phone bills are on the line and Baltimore and Jessup is not where they are.)

  • With Bell Atlantic signing onto a blanket consent degree, soon it was seen the formation of the start-up, radically-conceived WOWee! phone company - combining vertical integration with horizontal cost savings. Modeled after the State Use Industries paradigm, the WOWee! phone company is in the same, uncomfortable position of having to come up with balance sheets and tax payments over and over again at three month intervals unto death or liquidation does them part! The FCC and Maryland PSC have never been the same! WOWee! starts with the concept that intrastate phone services can equal or exceed phone service supplied to and from Las Vegas, Nevada and certain parts of the Bahamas (900 numbers do add up)! WOWee! is planning to get into Internet access as well as Star-69 in the near future. With WOWee!, you will never be pitched involuntarily for Caller-ID plans again! Look for cell-phones and beepers in all DOC facilities soon. Now that WOWee! has been named the official "long and short of it" phone carrier for the Maryland Department of Public Safety, even wardens, case managers and commissary managers will qualify assuming certain alterations and percentage increases in the FY 2003 operating budget and union members will have a check off option on their W-2s designating default carrier.

  • Presidential acts and omissions cannot be tolerated in a civilized prison system.

    Presidential Punitiveness: New crime the U.S. Congress has deemed under federal jurisdiction (much to the dismay of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Rehnquist): Conduct not normally acceptable by persons occupying positions in the Executive Branch not rising to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors but indicatively calling for legislative attention nevertheless. A guy convicted under this one goes to Lampoc instead of Lewisberg or Cumberland. "Community Service" has a variety of meanings under the statute. Expect to see the guy in medium security soon.

  • Inmates at the famous Baltimore MCAC Supermax continue to engage in presidential behavior. DOC Headquarters has gone in there over and over and sent the investigative branch of the Internal Investigation Unit to ferret out any incidence(s) of presidential tendencies. Still, the presidential behavior continues particularly on A- and B- pods. D-, E- and F- pods are also practicing presidential behavior but have managed to keep it to themselves. As far as C-pod goes, presidential behavior comes with the territory.

    The warden of MCAC, enraged by what he feels are unfounded accusations, finds himself at a loss trying to control events never noted in the job description he agreed to and entered into. He has asked for a transfer to the Southern Maryland Pre-Release Unit where the supply of Little Debbies and warranties on 13" TV sets are all he has to worry about.

    Prisoner Litigation Acts: Petitions for Writ of Habeas Corpus on the part of the inmates continue to flow, the court system having to turn its attention from miscellaneous matters such as death penalty appeals, divorce and alimony debates, toxic waste controversies, pfiesteria realities, asbestos and tobacco litigation, product liability challenges, DWI and DUI nuances and so forth and so on.

    Recommended CD-ROM: Encyclopedia Britannica: This is not dumbed-down, happy-think software package characteristic of OTHER software/Internet vendors that we might know. EB is making available to anyone willing to pay $110 plus $7 shipping and handling (no tax in Maryland) access the greatest source of knowledge and information available in the English language. Don't just check into the site with a major credit card yet. Your middle school or high school child, with EB double CD-ROMs inserted into his or her E:, F:, and/or G: drives, might very well receive a comprehensive education -- even before getting mixed up with the college and financial aid application process.

    Depending on your inquiry and how you go about it, you can even find God or a reasonable facsimile but be aware that EB, its successors or assigns do not explicitly guarantee same might occur to all persons who register legitimately and in good faith.

    Enhance your EB experience by going through and actually reading the paper-based documentation! ALSO, even though EB disclaims responsibility for the Internet links it provides, a lot of the Internet links it provides are really links profoundly worth adding to your bookmark/favorites collection (depending on your browser orientation or preference) and you can develop a personalized set of more using your find, back or forward button, or Infoseek, Yahoo or Hotbot search results!

    The Internet site: is pretty good, too, even when you have gotten to it using Microsoft's Internet Explorer 3, 4, or 5!

    Recommended Reading: The Department of Legislative Services has outdone itself by publishing, as Volume IX out of IX of its Legislative Handbook Series, an elegant, succinct and exceedingly thoughtful and well-organized explication of "(State) Criminal and Juvenile Justice Processes", in this case peculiar to the State of Maryland.

    I have testified in Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee that this is the best book on criminal justice I have ever seen but you never know when anyone is listening.

    These are probably the best 186 pages not to miss whatever your capacity in the criminal justice system (inside or outside). You can't find it in any bookstore and has not yet discovered it. The only people who get it without asking have had to run for State office (choose senator or delegate) and win.

    If you look around for it and you offer to pay for it, a number of State employees will think you are misguided and/or deluded and you will have to wander up and down the elevator banks in the Legislative Services building until you reach your quest. (I am withholding at this time where and how I found the quest pending Legislative Sales finding out about it as well.)

    What your strategy should be is to call up Legislative Reference at 410-946-5400 and DEMAND that they send you one AND you have no choice and are going to send them a check even if they are unequipped and discomfited to accept one. When you've got them on the ropes, that it the time to bring up the subject of Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. Sooner or later the non-Fiscal Services end of Legislative Services will come around and the de facto Encyclopedia of Maryland (and other States') Government (aka "Legislative Handbook Series") will become a reality for ALL Maryland and other interested citizens, particularly students of civics, government, criminal justice and assorted other areas. $50 a pop plus shipping and handling for the entire set is not unreasonable. (Hold off mentioning bulk sales until they come around about checks and credit cards.)

    Secret Discovery of the Year and Possibly the Next Millennium: The Baltimore Sunpaper is BETTER than the New York Times! Sundays and all days! Yes, you heard it here first! If it wasn't for their too-hard-to-fill-in-crossword puzzles and the absence of "Wizard of Id" on their comic pages, the Sunpaper might be looking at major acclaim.

    Universal Healthcare Conglomerate, Inc. (UHCI). Dear Patient: Thank you for choosing UHCI for your test. You realize that if the test is negative, you will probably but not certainly be O.K., but if the test is positive, you are looking at no more than 18 months of life expectancy. Your assets will likely become our assets sooner rather than later. Please refer to the 2,000 word essay on insurance needs and requirements on the opposite side of this sheet just to be sure. You will have to comply with all of them before we can tell you how the results turned out -- if they turned out. Thank you for choosing UHCI for your healthcare needs. We look forward to providing you the best in healthcare services in the future.

    White people do stupid stuff, too!

  • Mountain climbing
  • Hang-gliding
  • Bungee jumping
  • Campaigning for President
  • Signing up for home equity loans to get out of credit card debt
  • Going bull in a bear market or vice versa
  • Looking to Jeffrey Levitt for investment advice

    Acknowledgements: Upon my request, this newsletter has been folded and stuffed by the slave labor of an Afro-American paid off with corned beef hash, generous portions of King syrup, pancake batter and three jumbo eggs liberally fried in vegetable oil, a healthy dollop of Welch's grape jelly and the lot of it mopped up with pieces of toasted Schmidt's Blue ribbon bread. The compensation also includes hot showers and bubble-baths with real soap. The Afro-American might have gotten a front-desk job with Denny's or Wendy's except he has an extensive criminal record that cannot be denied. The situation as it stands, I, and you, are the ones stuck with him. He is hoping to sign up for Social Security soon. Medical Assistance already has its eyes on him.

    This is to certify that no bureaucrats, administrators, legislators, or members of the Executive branch, Office of Policy Analysis or Department of Budget and Management were harmed during the production of this newsletter. Some of them, however, may be said to have become uncomfortable along the way.

    Elementary Fact of Life: You can't fire or transfer a person who has never been on the payroll to begin with.

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    Nancy Moran
    Independent Prisoner Advocate
    550 St. Mary Street
    Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1924
    Voice: (410) 225-0697
    Fax: (410) 225-3584


    Email address:

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