Nancy Moran
Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland, Inc.
2000 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218

November 12, 1992

Mr. Jack R.M. Pierce
Executive Director
Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland, Inc.
2000 North Calvert Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21218

Dear Jack:

Per your request earlier today, below is an itemized synopsis of the duties and activities I regularly and/or periodically pursue in connection with my volunteer work with the Prisoners Aid Association of Maryland, Inc.:

  1. Act as advisor, counselor and correspondent to several dozen groups and individuals throughout the Division of Correction in all four regions: Baltimore, Jessup, Hagerstown and Eastern Shore, and all security levels (Supermax, maximum, medium, minimum, pre-release and work release).

    1. Act in the capacity of Division of Correction approved Volunteer and Civilian Advisor with these inmate self-help organizations: (position entails attendance at least monthly with each group of membership meetings, and participation in functions, seminars, and the like).

      1. N.A.A.C.P., Inc. (Maryland Penitentiary)
      2. D.E.T.E.R., Inc. (Maryland Penitentiary)
      3. P.H.A.S.E., Inc. (Maryland Penitentiary)
      4. Legal Clinic Education Project, Inc. (Maryland House of Correction)
      5. Maryland Lifers Association, Inc. (Maryland House of Correction)

    2. Maintain lines of communication open with inmate officers of inmate councils in most DOC institutions.

    3. Issue newsletters, compile clippings, memoranda and/or other notice-type materials for dissemination, duplication and/or posting on a continuing basis.

    4. Participate as a panelist/contributor/attender in seminars and other "outside" events sponsored by inmate self-help organizations.

    5. Refer prison inmates to alternate sources of assistance such as the Legal Aid Bureau Prisoner Assistance Project.

  2. Bring problems and concerns to the attention of responsible public officials before they may escalate and become serious. Have suggested and/or documented a number of areas, especially recently, where costs/expenditures could be reduced with little impact elsewhere in the criminal justice system.

  3. Advocate (collate information, correspond, telephone, testify before, etc.) with public officials including the Governor, Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, the Commissioner of Correction and their designees on prisoner-related issues, such as correctional education, health care, classification, parole, telephone access and the like.

  4. Monitor, promote and communicate between members of the Maryland General Assembly and prisoners in the Division issues impacting criminal justice and actual or proposed pieces of legislation.

    1. Originate ideas for legislation
    2. Collate and track legislation in process
    3. Notify all concerned of updates and changes as they occur

  5. Participate in other criminal justice related organizations such as the Maryland Prison Renewal Committee and the Committee for Responsible Corrections Policy.

    1. Tour prison institutions and facilities, meeting with wardens and their staffs, and conducting follow-up correspondence, research and advocacy.

  6. Monitor/review materials issued by the federal Bureau of Justice Statistics and related agencies. Compile a database of local newspaper reports relating to adult criminal justice. Disseminate findings and items of interest throughout the system.

  7. Perform sundry and miscellaneous tasks and duties in connection with the preceding as the need may arise.

Please also be aware that the nature of my volunteer activities can and may change significantly from time to time depending on factors and events surrounding that work, and in connection with my regular, "paying" work. However, the above list is fairly comprehensive and does state to a large degree what is actually accomplished.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at my home address and number. I will return your call as soon as possible.


Nancy Moran


Nancy Moran
Independent Prisoner Advocate

Email address:

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