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"Protect us not from the truth but from those who hide, misrepresent and obscure the truth" On-line Books=Newsgroups==Links===The New world===Sten Order Freedom's =====Library== Civil Defense=Defense Against=WebRings Last Stand NBC Weapons The Unabomber's=WACO====Book Store = That Ragged ==Preparedness Manifesto Holocaust Old Flag Insights " Psychological warfare, controlled communications, money manipulation and political deception are weapons of today's sophisticated attack upon the American people" Self-Reliance For Self-Defense Police Protection Isn't Enough! One Officer's view I'm a law enforcement officer, a survivalist and the strongest supporter of the responsible citizen's right to keep and bear arms. What turns me off is peoples' association of conspiracy to a idea (survival) which is just plain common sense. I believe that the pandering liberals will one day ruin our society and law enforcement officers like me and my organization won't be in place to maintain an umbrella of security. Those that realize today that the police cannot be there to protect them when confronted by the predatious (and have taken appropriate steps) are far ahead of the game should society meet chaos. But I see a distinct difference in the prepared survivalist and the conspiracy mongering idiot that believes his house is currently being circled by UN black helicopters who are communicating with FBI agents, who have his house under wire tap in preparation for an ATF warrant execution. I'm amazed at what the meager will conjure up to place importance on ! themselves as the enlightened rather than face the reality of their sad existence. Carson 8/99 Survival 1 Home page Is proud to Feature access to : The frugal_Survivor 08//06/99 by Rainer Stahlberg © C.M.I.C. Group 1999 "Knowledge is Power!" And Knowing HOW to SURVIVE is POWERFUL! Survival 1 says: "These Pages Update Frequently! Don't be Left Behind! Hit Your Reload or Refresh Button Every Visit! Here you can enter Survival 1's library where leeching is acceptable. Browse the various aisles to see what's available and download whatever you like. Information Library Hey! Want to converse with some people like yourself right here? Okay, click on the word NEWSGROUPS below to go to some conversation areas to read messages and leave your own on topics that interest you! Oh! Put this page in your bookmarks now or you won't have a way to get back after browsing the newsgroups! NEWSGROUPS the Survival 1's Corner! , a place where Survival 1 can keep you up to date on changes on the WebPages and Late news that you need to know about! Web-page Visitor - Communicate with [The Webmaster of Survival 1] by using this ICQ Respond-Online Panel If you have a running ICQ client (you have ICQ) you can Chat Me, ICQ-Me and/or Add Me to your contact list. Netscape Users: If you are prompted to Pick App or Save File, select Pick App and browse to the location of your ICQ.EXE file (usually in C:\Program Files\ICQ\ICQ.EXE). Internet Explorer Users: If you are prompted to Open or Save As select Open. If you don't have an ICQ client you can press the Page Me button to send me an ICQ message through my Personal Communication Center, the Zoom Me button to view my ICQ Whitepages details and the EmailNotify Me button to send me an e-mail and notify me by ICQ. If I am online, the message will popup on my screen, if I am offline it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon as I connect to the internet. I Do Not Choose to be a Common Man It is my right to be uncommon...if I can; I seek opportunity...not security. I do not wish to be a kept citizen, humbled and dulled by having the state look after me. I want to take the calculated risk; to dream and to build, to fail and to succeed. I refuse to barter incentive for a dole. I prefer the challenges of life to the guaranteed existence; the thrill of fulfillment to the stole calm of utopia. I will not trade freedom for beneficence nor my dignity for a handout. I will never cowar before any master nor bend to any threat. It is my heritage to stand erect, proud, and unafraid; to think and act for myself; enjoy the benefits of my creations and to face the world boldly and say, "This I have done, and this is what it means to be an American." by Dean Alfrange A bit of audio comment on the above. From the Australian Lock Stock and Barrel Magazine Entitled: How to Bury Your Treasure U.S.Army Special Forces - TC31-29 Caching Techniques An Article on Auto Survival Kits ( Edited version) Feel free to E-mail me and let me know your ideas and thoughts........ Do me a favor and sign my Guest book! Guest book users are always the first to be notified of any changes, updates, or new files! Sign my Guest book (anonymously if you like) One final audio comment... Accesses to this page since 12/04/96: Survival 1 says, This site under continual construction. Place us in your bookmarks and visit again
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If you would like to be notified the moment that THIS page has been updated, either with additional material, or changes in general, then please enter your name into form at the end of this page..
"Protect us not from the truth but from those who hide, misrepresent and obscure the truth"
Freedom's =====Library== Civil Defense=Defense Against=WebRings Last Stand NBC Weapons
The Unabomber's=WACO====Book Store = That Ragged ==Preparedness Manifesto Holocaust Old Flag Insights
Self-Reliance For Self-Defense
Police Protection Isn't Enough!
One Officer's view
themselves as the enlightened rather than face the reality of their sad existence.
Carson 8/99
The frugal_Survivor 08//06/99
Rainer Stahlberg
© C.M.I.C. Group 1999
Survival 1 says: "These Pages Update Frequently! Don't be Left Behind! Hit Your Reload or Refresh Button Every Visit!
If you have a running ICQ client (you have ICQ) you can Chat Me, ICQ-Me and/or Add Me to your contact list. Netscape Users: If you are prompted to Pick App or Save File, select Pick App and browse to the location of your ICQ.EXE file (usually in C:\Program Files\ICQ\ICQ.EXE). Internet Explorer Users: If you are prompted to Open or Save As select Open. If you don't have an ICQ client you can press the Page Me button to send me an ICQ message through my Personal Communication Center, the Zoom Me button to view my ICQ Whitepages details and the EmailNotify Me button to send me an e-mail and notify me by ICQ. If I am online, the message will popup on my screen, if I am offline it will be stored and forwarded to me as soon as I connect to the internet.
A bit of audio comment on the above.
From the Australian Lock Stock and Barrel Magazine Entitled: How to Bury Your Treasure
U.S.Army Special Forces - TC31-29 Caching Techniques
An Article on Auto Survival Kits ( Edited version)
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