I'm trying to compile a list of Radical, Marxist, Socialist, Leftist
Anarchist, Progressive periodicals. If you know of any publications 
that should be included in this list, please email me the info at 
  • commie@polbox.com
  • Radical Periodicals


    Antifa Forum AFF is a militant antifascist magazine, that is to say we are anti-capitalist and revolutionary as well as anti-fascist, and many of our articles concentrate on links and cnflicts between the far right and the State. Anyways, our web address is at http://burn.ucsd.edu/~aff/ if you want to check out our site, and our mailing information if: AFF, 522 Church St. Box 90 Toronto,Ontario M4Y 2E3 Canada subscriptions are $20 north America/$25 overseas for 4 issues, or single issues are available for $5. Webpage
  • http://burn.ucsd.edu/~aff/

  • Canadian Class Struggle P.O. Box 89095 991 King St. W Hamilton, Ont L8S 4R5 A Marxist-Leninist Newsletter. $2.50 per issue
  • Email hari.kumar@sympatico.ca
    The De Leonist Review published bimonthly by The De Leonist Society of Canada P.O. Box 944, Station F Toronto, Onatario M4Y 2N9
    The Freedom Socialist (ISSN 0272-4367) is published quarterly by the Freedom Socialist Party, New Freeway Hall, 5018 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118. Phone: 206-722-2453. Fax: 206-723-7691. Email: freedomsoc@igc.apc.org. Subscriptions: 1-year $5.00 (institutions $10.00), 2-year Supporting Sub $25.00, 3-year Sustaining Sub $50.00, 5-year Sponsoring Sub $100.00. Add $5.00 for overseas airmail. Back copies 75 cents each. Checks or money orders to Freedom Socialist at the address above. In Australia: $6.00AUD to Freedom Socialist, P.O. Box 266, WestBrunswick, VIC 3055. In Canada: $6.00CAD to Freedom Socialist, 2278 E. 24 Ave., Vancouver, BC V5N 2V2. Webpage
  • Freedom Socialist Party

  • The Socialist is published in Canada and is the magazine of Socialist Resistance, the Canadian Section of the Committee for a Workers International. Published quarterly, The Socialist is available at a rate of $6 for 4 issues. Cheques may be sent to The Socialist, PO Box 91,Station F, Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2L4 Canada E-mail simone@interlog.com Webpage http://www.angelfire.com/on2/socresist
    New Socialist Box 167 253 College St. Toronto, Ont. M5T 1R5 subscription $15 a year Phone (416) 969-3209 E-mail newsoc@web.apc.org Webpage New Socialist
    People's Voice PV is published twice-monthly and is the newspaper of The Communist Party of Canada. People's Voice 706 Clark Drive Vancouver, B.C. V5L 3J1 $25 for a 1 - year subscription $45 for a 2 - year subscription $12 low-income special rate $25 US for U.S. and overseas Email pvc@istar.ca website Communist Party of Canada P.S. if you subscribe please tell them you heard about them from Stec's Commie-Pinko Homepage
    Red & Black Notes R&BN is a mixture of Marxism and Anarchism (hence the title) and loosely falls into the council communist sector, ala "Collective Action Notes" and "Echanges." It is an eight page publication produced quarterly. Subs are $5 for four issues. Sample issue $1. Red & Black Notes PO Box 47643 939 Lawrence Avenue East Don Mills, ON M3C 3S7 Canada E-mail benn@idirect.com
    rEVfEM "A woman's place is in the struggle" rEVfEM is a zine by for and about revolutionary feminism. It is committed to building the feminist movement, discussing feminist issues from a revolutionary point of view and dismantling the system!! For a copy,please send $2 Canadian to (this is a temporary address): Box 167 253 College St Toronto, Ontario M5T 1R5 Subscription are $8 for 6 issues (1 year) E-mail revfem@yahoo.com
    Socialist Action It costs $6 for a single subscription (the institutional rate is $10) and cheques made out to S.A. can be sent to: S.A., 517 College Street, Room 234, Toronto, Ontario M6G 4A2. We are active primarily in the labour movement, but other social movements as well. webpage
  • Socialist Action

  • Socialist Challenge Box 4955 Vancouver,BC V6B 4A6 $12 For Four issues in Canada
  • rbanner@web.net

  • Socialist Worker Box 339, Station E Toronto, Ontario M6H 4E3 Phone 416-972-6391 email sworker@web.net
  • sworker@web.net
  • Regular subscription $20 Institutions Supporting and US $30 Other International $40 (all prices in Canadian dollars)
    The Spark! Discussion Bulletin of the Communist Party of Canada published 3 times a year on programmatic and general political matters. Annual subscription (3 issues) in Canada is $12 Communist Party of Canada 290A Danforth Ave., Toronto, Ont. M4K 1N6 TEL: 416-469-2446 FAX: 416-469-4063 EMAIL pvoice@web.net
    Spartacist Canada Marxist newspaper of the Trotskyist League/Ligue Trotskyste Spartacist Canada Publishing Box 6867, Station A Toronto, Ontario M5W 1X6 $15 joint Spartacist Canada/Workers Vanguard subscription $3 /4 issues of Spartacist Canada (overseas airmail $8) $14 /22 issues of Workers Vanguard, biweekly newspaper of The Spartacist League/U.S. $5 /5 issues of Le Bolchevik (includes French-language Spartacist) SC and WV subscriptions include English-language Spartacist, Women and Revolution. WV subscription also includes Black History and Class Struggle.
    TML Daily and TML Weekly Webpage
  • Marxist-Leninist Daily

  • United States of America

    Challenge is published every week in English and Spanish (Desafio). It is the newspaper of the Progressive Labor Party. Subcription price for the U.S. is $15 a year. You can send a check or money order in the name of Challenge periodicals to GPO Box 808, Brooklyn, NY 11202, USA website
  • Progressive Labor Party

  • Communist Voice "Communist Voice" is a journal of Marxist theory which focuses on the crisis of revolutionary thought and has a unique, anti-revisionist viewpoint. How to subscribe or get in touch with CV Write to: CV P.O. Box 13261 Harper Station Detroit, MI 48213-0261 Sub rates by first-class mail inside the U.S. are $3 per copy; $18 for a six-issue sub. Discounts available for bulk orders Please make checks and money orders payable to Tim Hall--Special Account Do NOT make them payable to CV Back issues are currently available at the same price as current issues. Orders with payment for CV should be sent by snail mail. Comments on articles, suggestions, and other correspondence are welcomed Webpage
  • Communist Voice

  • Insurgent P.O. Box 110 Malvern,OH 44644 USA A free newsletter (but a donation will be accepted) Website Insurgentz Email Insurgentz@aol.com
    Justice Newspaper of Labour Militant Labour Militant P.O. Box 5447 LIC, NY 11105 subscription $20US a year. email fightbak@netexas.com
    Internationalist Perspective An international publication, coming from Belgium, the U.S., and the U.K. (published in both French and English versions): Internationalist Perspective. It comes from the left communist tradition, but maintains that past schemas are now invalid, and what is needed rather is a "renaissance of marxism". Has published 36 issues since 1986. Presently, it comes out twice a year. Subscriptions for the English language version are: $5.00 (regular mail) or $8.00 (air mail) for four issues (i.e., two years). Contact addresses: 1. For the English edition: AM, P.O. Box 40231, Staten Island, NY 10304 USA. 2. For the French version: Destryker, BP 1181, Centre Monnaie, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium.
    The Militant The Militant is available at Pathfinder bookstores around the world, where you can also find books by revolutionary and communist leaders past and present. A 12-week introductory subscription to the Militant is available for $10 in the United States. Longer term subscriptions are six months for $27, and one year for $45. To subscribe send a check or money order to: The Militant 410 West St., New York, NY 10014. The Militant is also shipped around the world. If you would like information on international rates please contact us at the address above, or at CompuServe: 73311,2720, or on the Internet at: themilitant@igc.apc.org Webpage
  • Militant

  • Montelibre Monthly Multicultural community newspaper publilchsed the first week of each month. Subscription is $20 a year. Montelibre Monthly P.O. Box 403399 Denver, 80204 USA fax 303-458-0674 Email: montelibre@worldnet.att.net
    News and Letters is published 10 times a year, monthly, execpt bi-monthly January-February and August-September for $5 US a year News and Letters 59 E. Van Buren St., Room 707 Chicago, IL 60605 USA Telephone (312) 663-0839, Fax (312) 663-9069 It calls itself a Marxist-Humanist newspaper News & Letter also offers books and pamphlets. Their Marxist-Humanist Literature Catalog can be obtained for $.55 postage. The pamphlet On the 100th Anniversary of the First General Strike In the U.S. is available for $1 (plus postage $1?). The pamphlet was first published in 1977. Tell them you heard about them from Stec's Commie-Pinko Homepage.
    The People is published semimonthly on the second and fourth Saturdays of every month, except monthly on the fourth Saturday in January and July (22 issues per year). Rates (domestic and foreign): Single copy 25 cents. By second-class mail--$5 for one year, The People, 111 W. Evelyn Ave., Suite 209, Sunnyvale, CA 94086-6140. USA Email: thepeople@delphi.com Free email subscription available you can send mail to "Majordomo@igc.apc.org" with the following command in the body of your email message: subscribe the_people This e-mail subscription is free, but contributions to help defray the cost of publishing the paper are appreciated. Webpage
  • Socialist Labor Party

  • The Peoples' Tribune is published monthly. a free email subscription is available by sending email to pt.dist-request@noc.org or pt-dist@noc.org with subscribe in subject line Webpage
  • Peoples' Tribune

  • Proletarian Revolution magazine of the League for the Revolutionary Party $7/8 issues, Checks to Socialist Voice, P.O. Box 3573, New York, NY 10008 USA email LRPNYC@earthlink.net www www.lrp-cofi.org/PR
    The People's Weekly World Newspaper of the Communist Party USA 235 W. 23rd St. NYC 10011. A subscription is $20/year ($1 for a two-month trial sub). Email pww@igc.apc.org Webpage
  • CP-USA

  • The Red Penn Newsletter of the Socialist Party of Pennsylvania Socialist Party of Pennsylvania 7393 Rugby Street Philadelphia, PA 19138-1236 USA subscriptions are free but send a donation.
    Revolutionary Worker: Publication of the Revolutionary Communist Party RCP Publication Box 3486, Merchandise Mart Chicago, IL 60654. I would like to subscribe to the Revolutionary Worker: _____English Edition ($40 for one year) _____Spanish Edition ($40 for one year) _____I want to buy a subscription for a prisoner ($40 for one year) Webpage
  • Revolutionary Worker

  • Maoist Internationalist Movement Publications Webpage
  • MIM
  • MIM Notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Subscription Type Individual Price Institution Price 1 Year Domestic $20 $80 2 Years Domestic $40 $160 1/2 Year Trial Domestic $10 not available 1 Year International $50 $100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Back issues of MIM Notes are available for $1 per issue. A bound volume of MIM Notes 1-34 and MIM Theory 1-13 is available for $15, post-paid. Send cash, check or a money order payable to "MIM Distributors" to: MIM Notes PO Box 3576 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3576 USA The Maoist Sojourner is needed in the imperialist countries to serve the population of both the imperialist countries and the population that migrates to the imperialist countries. A sojourner is someone who leaves a country with the expectation of returning. In many cases, sojourners leave, because they have to escape U.S. imperialist-backed puppet regimes and they hope to return after collapse of the imperialist-lackey regime. Individuals 1 year, domestic $12. Bundles of Maoist Sojourner are $20 for 250 copies to domestic addresses. Write for more information or to inquire about overseas bulk rates. Send only cash or checks made out to "MIM Distributor." to either: MIM Distributors P.O. Box 3576 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-3576 MIM Theory is the official theoretical journal of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM). Subscriptions are $18 per year (4 issues per year). Overseas airmail subscriptions are $36 per year. Individual issues are $6 each. Send cash, check or a money order payable to "MIM Distributors" to above address
    Monthly Review an independent Socialist Magazine 122 West 27 Street New York, NY 10001 email mreview@igc.apc.org Webpage
  • Monthly Review

  • Socialist Action Newspaper USA Subscribe to Socialist Action Newspaper for just $4.00 for six months or $8.00 for one year!!! (U.S. Only) You can also receive Socialist Action in by first class mail in a plain envelope for $18.00 for one year. (U.S. Only) Subscriptions for Canada and Mexico one year are just $12.00 for one year. Subscriptions for all other countries are just $15.00 for one year. Please send check or money order (in U.S. dollars) to: Socialist Action 3425 Cesar Chavez Street San Francisco CA 94110 USA
    Workers Voice Subscription prices for WoVo are: $5/year (includes International Trotskyist and supplements) $10/year supporter $15/year overseas (outside U.S. and Canada) $3/year unemployed (incl. IT and supplements) $3/year WoVo only (includes WoVo supplements) $1/year unemployed WoVo only $1/6 months trial FREE/strikers \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\XXXXXXXXXX||||||||||XXXXXXXXXX/////////////// \ Workers' Voice (U.S.) P.O. Box 44593 / \ Detroit MI 48244-0593 UNITED STATES / > (313) 535-7161 Fax: (313) 535-4212 < / workersvoice@labornet.org workersvoice@earthlink.net \ / http://www.geocities.com/~workersvoice/ \ / Voz Obrera: http://www.geocities.com/~workersvoice/vozo/ \ ///////////////XXXXXXXXXX||||||||||XXXXXXXXXX\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Webpage
  • Workers Voice

  • * WORKERS VANGUARD * Marxist Working-Class Biweekly of the Spartacist League Box 1377, GPO New York, New York 10116 Tel: (212) 732-7862 E-mail: vanguard@tiac.net
    Workers World 55 West 17 Street 5th Floor New York, NY 10011 Phone (212) 255-0352 Fax (212) 675-7869 E-mail: wwp@workers.org subscriptions $20 a year For subscriptions outside North America, please write and request pricing information. Webpage
  • Workers World

  • Industrial Worker is available from: (not sure if it should be considered marxist) IWW 103 West Michigan Ave. Ypsilanti, MI 48197 USA Phone 313-483-3548 Subscriptions are $15 a year or free with membership.
    Internationalist Notes P.O. Box 1531 Eau Claire, WI 54702 USA A desktop publication of the Left-Communist thought. Free but send a donation.
    Unity & Struggle P.O. Box 1313 Newark, NJ 07101 USA E-mail: sales@uns.org published monthly, subscription $20US for a year (12issues) webpage Unity & Struggle

    Rest of the World
    Bolshy a cocky and communist zine published in London, England For a copy send an international reply coupon (or your own lefty zine) and your name and address to bolshy, PO Box 823, London SE15 4NA England. Website http://www.bolshy.free-online.co.uk
    LM If you live in the UK, a year's subscription to LM costs you as little as £22.50* Rates for annual subscription are: *Special offer first year UK Direct Debit rate £22.50 (rising to £24.95 in subsequent years) UK cash/credit card £27.50 Europe (airmail) £35.00 Outside Europe (airmail) £45.00 Institutions, please add £15.00 to base rate To order your subscription, contact the LM subscription address for a Direct Debit form, sending appropriate payment in sterling to: LM Subscriptions JP Graphics Ltd FREEPOST LON11341 LONDON EC1B 1LN phone +44 171 269 9222; fax +44 171 269 9235 www: http://www.informinc.co.uk/ lm@jpgraphics
    The Guardian newspaper of the Communist Party of Australia The Guardian              | Phone: (02) 9212 6855 65 Campbell Street,       | Fax:  (02) 9281 5795 Surry Hills.   2010       | Email: guardian@peg.apc.org Australia. website Guardian Website COMMUNIST PARTY OF AUSTRALIA Email: cpa@zipworld.com.au Website of the CPA and "The Guardian": http://www.zipworld.com.au/~cpa Email address for "The Guardian": guardian@zipworld.com.au Would you please make the necessary adjustments to your address book. The former website address and email address will be closed as from September 30th 1999
    Green Left Weekly Green Left Weekly Subscriptions PO Box 394, Broadway, NSW, 2007 AUSTRALIA Australia $10 for 10 issues (Special Introductory Offer) $15 for 10 issues $60 for 12 months $35 for 25 issues $110 for 88 issues New Zealand, Papua New Guinea & the Solomons $A65 for 6 months (Airmail) $A50 for 6 months (Seamail) $A115 for 12 months (Airmail) $A95 for 12 months (Seamail) Oceania $A70 for 6 months (Airmail) $A50 for 6 months (Seamail) $A130 for 12 months (Airmail) $A95 for 12 months (Seamail) Asia $A75 for 6 months (Airmail) $A50 for 6 months (Seamail) $A140 for 12 months (Airmail) $A95 for 12 months (Seamail) USA/Canada/Middle East $A80 for 6 months (Airmail) $A60 for 6 months (Seamail) $A150 for 12 months (Airmail) $A105 for 12 months (Seamail) Europe/UK/Africa/South America $A90 for 6 months (Airmail) $A60 for 6 months (Seamail) $A170 for 12 months (Airmail) $A105 for 12 months (Seamail) Webpage
  • Green Left Weekly

  • The Hobgoblin A Journal of Marxist-Humanism BM 3514 London WC1N 3XX Published twice yearly Subscripitons are 5 pounds for two issues make cheques payable to "News and Letters" Webpage The Hobgolin Email THEHOBGOBL@aol.com
    Weekly Worker CPGB, BCM Box 928, London WC1N 3XX, UK For details of CPGB activity in Scotland, contact PO Box 6773, Dundee DD1 1YL, or call 01382 203805 Webpage
  • Weekly Worker

  • * AUSTRALASIAN SPARTACIST * Quarterly Marxist newspaper of the Spartacist League of Australia GPO Box 3473, Sydney NSW 2001, Australia Tel: (02) 9281 2181 E-mail: ASp@att.net.au WWW: www.icl-fi.org
    "Vanguard" fortnightly newspaper of the Communist Party of Australia(Marxist-Leninist) also "The Australian Communist" the CPA(M-L) quarterly theoretical journal. Contact-- VANGUARD, P.O.Box196, Fitzroy, Victoria 3065, Australia for subscription rates overseas
    Revolution Radical Media Collective P.O. Box 513 Christchurch, New Zealand NZ$ 28 for 1 year (6 issues) make cheques or money-orders payable to the Radical Media Collective. email plf13@pophost.canterbury.ac.nz for oversea rates or subcribe to free email newsletter Red Letter
    The New Worker The New Communist Party P.O.Box 73 London SW11 2PQ U.K. The New Worker subscriptions vary depending on postal costs :- Britain - =A326=20 Europe - =A345 Rest of world - =A375 per year Webpage
  • New Worker
    Lutte Ouvriere A french trotskyst newspaper, edited by the Union Communiste (Trotskyiste) Lutte Ouvriere BP 233 75865 Paris CEDEX 18 France
    Workers' Liberty P.O. Box 823 London SE15 4NA UK Tel 0171-207 3997 E-mail: awl@gn.apc.org
    Anarchist Publications
  • more anarchist publications Anarchy A Journal of Desire Armed. $6 current issue by 1st class in the US or surface mail elsewhere $16 four issues at the regular rate by 3rd class mail in the us $24 four issues at the library/institutional rate by 3rd class mail $24 four issues by 1st class in the US $24 four issues by surface mail outsited the US $36 four issues by airmial outside the US Make all checks payable to C.A.L C.A.L Press POB 1313 Lawrence, KS 6604 USA email jmcquinn@mail.missouri.edu
    Love and Rage NO Longer in publication Revolutionary Anarchist Newspaper. One year subscription (6 Issues) $13 Fast Airmail $9 slow mail free to GIs, PWA, Prisoners Send Check or Money order to Love and Rage 1929 S. 5th St. Minneapolis, MN 55454 USA
    Demanarchie Is 28 pages of local and international revolutionary Anarchist news in French and English. To subscribe send $12 for 6 issues to: Demanarchie CP 32100 Montreal, Quebec Canada H2L 4Y5
    The Match! Is an Anarchist Journal published about once a year by Fred Woodworth. To subscribe and receive four mailings whenever they come out, Send TEN DOLLARS, preferably in CASH (in order of preference after cash: postal money orders, stamps, checks) oversea readers MUST send CASH only, but all local currencies are accepted. The Match! P.O. Box 3012 Tucson, AZ 85702 USA
    Subversion Dept 10, 1 Newton Street Manchester, M1 1HW England, UK Send whatever you can afford. free/donation. Webpage
  • Subversion
    some publications Neil Fettes thinks people might find interesting George Caffentiz "From Capitalist Crisis to Proletarian Slavery." Midnight Notes PO Box 204 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130, USA An analsis of capitals' moves against the working class and prospects for a new slavery. Unduly pessimistic in my opinion, but not uninteresting. No price on my copy Kamunist Kranti "Self Activities of Wage Workers." Majdoor Library, Autopin Jhuggi N.I.T. Faridabad 121001 India A critique of "representation and delegation." Free from this extremely interesting group of Indian communists. Also free "A Ballad Against Work" and "Refelctions on Marx." They also publish in Hindi. Discussion Bulletin #91 PO Box Box 1564 Grand Rapids, MI 49501, USA The latest issue of the DB has articles from IWWs, anarchists, three different left communist groups and DeLeonists as well as reviews. $5 a year. Impact! PO Box 2125 Youngstown, Ohio 44504, USA Straughten Lynd's very useful newsletter has been running letters and excerpts from the Solidarity Unionism conference held in Younstown, OH in June. $15 a year.

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