How it is reproduced the violence

Upon observing the types of acts of the individuals in your relationship to the other, we find that aside from positive actions that help for good, the construction of the order, the harmony of the members of a society, and the life, also are observed in the human beings negative actions whose effects cause damage, disorder, social degradation, disease, violence and death.

Even though, it is not prudent to define the social force concept in the terms in which is defined the concept of "force" in physics "as all action that makes to accelerate a body"(1), if can be defined as an action that, it can have trend for the evil in a society, or it can motivate positive actions, and consequently to offset those negative actions that affect to the individual.

To facilitate the compression of the problem of the reproduction of the violence in the society, they can be recaptureed the universal law of Newton, specifically those that make reference to the behavior of the forces and the movement.

The first supposed of the study is to observe that the social force continues an accountable course within framework of the Newton's third law, this law says thus:

"Whenever one object (individual) exerts a force on a second object (individual), the second object (individual) exerts an equal and opposite force on the first." (2)

Action (versus) Reaction

This law for the social world would be:

"Whenever one object (individual) exerts a force on a second object (individual), the second object (individual) exerts an equal and opposite force on the first, less than exist in the individual affected a factor or other force that affect and change the reaction.

We observe the following history

A shock of vehicles

To exemplify the model in the one which if is increased the violence, imagíne to the conducting of a car1, that in an annoyance state beats with his car (negative Action - A) to other car2. The first action that is observed is the cleavage that caused in the other vehicle, the second is the cleavage that the other vehicle caused to your to the own (negative reaction).

Action car1 (versus) Reaction car2

Action car1= - A

Supposes that in the same place of the facts if found the owner of the car2, and a third person that is constituted in an independent witness. The reaction of the conducting of the carro2 before the negative action of the carro1 can be classified in one of the following two categories:

A)if it does not exist a factor or antidote that modify response, it should wait that a subject in the society react with a negative response when affects it an equally negative action. Also it can react positively when it affects it a positive action. Under this model it is increased the violence.

-- category 1--

B) when is observed a subject that answers negatively before a positive action, that is to say that pays wrong by good, or on the contrary when is observed that a subject reacts with a positive response before a negative action, that is to say that pays well to change of the wrong. As supposed can be considered that in this case the reaction or response of the individuals has been mediated by a factor, force or antidote that affects the initial action and modifies it. Under this model is not increased the violence.

- - category 2- -

1 Eugene Hecht, Physical in Perspective. Mexico: Ibero-AmericanAddison-Wesley S.A, 1987, pg 114.

2 Eugene Hecht, Physical in Perspective. Mexico: Ibero-American Addison-Wesley S.A, 1987, pg 114

Model under the one which yes is increased the violence

- category 1-

In this category the conductor of the car2 answers in equal form, that is to say being annoyed (negative reaction) with the conductor of the carro1. Drawing this reaction would remain thus:

Action car1(- A) -(versus)- Reaction car2(- R)

The independent witness observes that the reaction of the conducting of the car2 in spite of be in opposite address (against the car1), has the same sense of the car1 (violent or negative reaction). For so much if the independent witness wanted to make a balance of the acts that runs out of to see, would say the following: that it observed a negative provocative action (-A), further more saw an equally negative reaction (-R). If are added would obtain an accrued total from two equal negative actions to (-2A).

Imagining the conclusion of the event, the final balance possibly would be of two hurt vehicles, two conducting fighting, with a balance of aggresived and lost material or probably human.

Even, yet if the conductor of the car2 for some reason did not make express their reaction in immediate form. It is probably however that in him stay hides that negative reaction, that has their origin in the action of the conducting of the carro1, until possibly it will be expressed thereinafter either toward the source that caused it or toward thirds.(3)

Being the reaction of the conducting of the car2 equally negative that the action of the conducting of the car1, then we can represent it in the following formulates:

Reaction car2 = Action car1

-R = -A

It can be said then that the impartial witness observed two equal actions, by so much if the subject wanted to add the actions that observed, would say that: the reaction was equal to the action by so much the total actions sum is:

Total actions sum = action car1 + reaction car2

Total actions sum = (-A)+(-R)

It was shown previously that the Action car1=-A, and that Reaction of the car2 =-A, Then:

Total actions sum = -A + -A
Total actions sum = 2 (-A)

In this model response or reaction is equal to the action, the sum of the negative actions tends to be increased.

When the action represents violence and there is not no factor or antidote that is opposed to reduce it is waited, by so much, that the reaction will be of the same type that the action, that is to say violent, by something which, the violence level tends to be increased.

3 Eugene Hecht, Ibid, Pg 120. The conservation of the linear moment.

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