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Rockwall County Democratic Party
Kicking donkey Kicking donkey Kicking donkey Kicking donkey Kicking donkey
Notice: This Geocities site is no longer the official address for the Rockwall County Democratic Party, so please do not bookmark it. Current information and several new features are posted on our site at http://www.rockwalldems.com This site is the address where the Rockwall County Democratic Party began its presence on the Internet in the spring of 1997 as one of the first Democratic County Party websites in Texas, and retains the site design of 1999-2000 with our famous kicking donkeys on top. It is rarely updated as of 2008.

Why vote Democratic?
Why are the Democrats the party that best serves the needs of America? The Democrats initiated many of the programs that made the United States the strongest nation on the globe, from Social Security to the first man on the moon! View list of Democratic accomplishments

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Democratic Gifts
Great Democratic gifts with unique designs at DonkeyMart

Upcoming Events

Third Saturday Rockwall County Democratic Party breakfast, for details visit website more info.

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Articles and News

View a Rockwall Sunset

sailboat border * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

pictures of Rockwall County Democrats
Copyright 2008 Becky Brock - Rockwall Co. Democratic Webmaster 1997-2007
The Rockwall Co. Democratic Party changed webmasters in 2008 and 2009, as I no longer live in Rockwall County.

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