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Warning!  The Ken Starr INCORRECT!! Website 
has been banned and panned by the following Search Engines: 

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Each of which has refused to index the site after five months of requests.  While the content of the Ken Starr Incorrect!! Website is biting and pointed, it is not obscene (like the XXX-rated sites that are indexed by the above search engines), and is no more offensive than the Clinton-hating websites that are indexed by the above search engines.  

The following Search Engines have indexed this website: 
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   WAIT!!! We've Got More Banned Material! 

     Recently, the CONTRA COSTA TIMES newspaper, a Knight-Ridder paper based in Walnut Creek California, asked its readers write to letters to the Editor expressing their feelings over the Senate verdict in the Impeachment trial. 

I submitted the following letter on 2/12/99, which was denied publication: 

     Minor leaguers. Unfit to govern. That unfortunately is the verdict against the Republican Party. 

     Republicans blew a mole hill into a mountain and, in doing so, demonstrated that they lacked balance, good judgment, and a sense of proportion.  This sordid affair did not warrant impeachment.  It was no threat to the country, the people, or the Constitution.  Judge Wright's court was the appropriate forum for enforcing the rule of law. 

     Worse yet, the Republicans completely dropped their agenda to pursue the affair.  Instead of less government and reduced taxes, we had $20 billion of new pork barrel spending and a party more concerned with carrying out a personal vendetta than the people's business. 

     Thirteen months ago, the media was set to expose Mr. Clinton's affair and do considerable political damage.  Republicans could have effortlessly capitalized on that by abstaining from involvement and by pushing their agenda against an embattled Clinton.  Instead, they interjected themselves and became the issue on many fronts, from overbearing prosecutors to hypocritical adulterers.  

     Republicans often complain that Mr. Clinton wins his battles against them through spinning and lying.  As tough as it might be, Republicans should look to their own inexperience and stupidity for their losses. 

When the responses were printed in the Contra Costa Times on 2/20/99, the editorial page editor noted that the majority of the responses were adverse to Mr. Clinton. 

BUT WAIT, The Editor doesn't stop there. After the 2/20/99 printing, several readers complained about the uneven balanced of letters.  Here are the letters and the Editor's response...... 

   Puzzling letter balance  
    In my four months of informal research of anti-Clinton-Democratic Party letters printed in the Times, these are my conclusions: Two out of three letters are negative, compared to one-third defending Clinton or criticizing Republicans. 
    It's very strange, since Contra Costa County registered Democrats outnumber Republicans three to two. Even in Walnut Creek, after Democratic Congresswomen Ellen Tauscher has been re-elected, the registration is almost 50-50. And the polls were a solid two-thirds against the impeachment of President Clinton, and 60 percent on the average critical of the Congress and the media. 
   Is there a bias in the selection process of who gets their letter published? Or is it only the minority of extremists or "right- wingers" who write the majority of letters? 
   Douglas Demorest     2/28/99  
   Walnut Creek
 Times letter policy 
    Frequently you run a small piece encouraging readers to come see how you select your front page stories. More enlightening would be watching how you select your "letters from our readers." The first imperative is, obviously, at least two anti- Clinton tirades every day, preferably more.  Once a week or so, a letter defending him, to lend a pro-forma sense of impartiality. 
    When Dean Lesher was running the show, your anti-Democrat stance was an understandable reflection of his mind-set. Now that you're Knight Ridder, one might think a more balanced approach would creep in but, on second thought, Knight-Ridder has never been accused of approving anything Democrats have to offer. 
   Ken Alexander    2/28/99  
  (Mr. Alexander's letter immediately followed Mr. Demorest's letter.
And now for the pi`ece de re'sistance ...... 

  Our policy is to publish all letters that address a public issue,  
  are not libelous or in bad taste and meet the criteria given at  
  the bottom of this page, regardless of political viewpoint. The  
  policy has been essentially the same for the past 10 years.  
       --- Editorial Page Editor of the Contra Costa Times, Dan Hatfield. 

Mr. Hatfield's comment immediately followed Mr. Alexander's letter.  The "criteria given at the bottom of this page" noted by Mr. Hatfield is that the letter be 200 words or less (mine was 200 words), and that it be received by 3 pm the Wednesday before the scheduled publication (mine was faxed that Saturday before). 

And now let's add insult to injury... 

    Reason for GOP letters  
    There has been research, speculation, and accusation with the Times reproached for printing more letters to the editor from Republicans than from Democrats. 
   I can attest from personal experience over several years that the newspaper uses all letters that meet its criteria.  
   The answer to the above complaint is rather simple.  The Republicans, in general, have a better education, and are therefore more creative in the ability to express themselves. 
Sam McCommell    3/5/99 

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