*******NATION OF LIBERTY*******


Home of the Libertarian Revolution

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The Nation Of Liberty is a militant revolutionary organization devoted to the destruction of statism and the creation of a libertarian society in America. Our methods of achieving these ends are legal and peaceful, but often confrontational and always ideological and non-compromising.

Our Four Goals are No Taxes, No Regulations, No Vice Laws, and No Imperialism. These four categories cover virtually all of the unjust, freedom-destroying laws which we will abolish.

Our Three Strategies are Information, Political Action, and Co-Operation. These categories of revolutionary action include propaganda, public information, demonstrations, voter registration, petitions, voting, and voluntary, co-operative, non-State projects to solve social, economic, environmental, and other problems. In the event of some future end to free speech and democracy, other revolutionary options will be explored.

We view prejudice in all its forms as the foundation of statism, and reject and oppose it in our own thoughts and actions; therefore membership in the NOL is open to all, regardless of age, "race", gender, sexual preference, "class", language, culture, religion, nationality, etc.. Membership is free of charge.

We promote libertarian American nationalism as a revolutionary strategy and an alternative to divisive group prejudices, but we reject the imperialism and statism with which American nationalism has been falsely associated in the past, and, like the American revolutionaries of 1776, we welcome members from other countries. We believe that libertarians are a nation unto ourselves, a Nation Of Liberty, and we will make America a Nation of Liberty as well. Thus we are both Libertarian Nationalists and American Nationalists. For us, nationalism is unity; unity is victory; victory is Liberty.

America was founded on the idea of Liberty; however oppressive the present statist government of America is, America and Liberty are one and the same. To finally put the American idea of Liberty into complete and universal practice is our goal. Our nationalism is inclusive, tolerant, and voluntary, and opposed to statist nationalisms, which are exclusive, prejudiced, and coercive.

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This website is currently under construction. Like society and the rest of the Universe, it will continuously evolve. Check back frequently, as new information, news, commentary on current events, rants, graphics, audio, links, new pages, and other revolutionary goodies, will be added on a daily or weekly basis. Browse, read, think, and, agree or disagree, enjoy.

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******* WEBSITE INDEX *******

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Times Change, Principles Don't
By Lew Rockwell

(Added 9-14-2003)

During the two years following the shocking and horrific terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001, the government-manipulated communications media relentlessly bombarded us with the idea that "the world has changed". We were told that the time when "government is the problem, not the solution" was over, and that the idea of "getting the government off of our backs" was finished for good. In the new world, all the "top opinion leaders" told us, people love the government and trust it to protect them against the ever-present terrorist threat, and the political influence of libertarian ideas will finally disappear forever. Just as Hitler said his empire would last 1,000 years, the government-manipulated US media confidently predicted that "the new anti-libertarianism" and aggressive global US imperialism would dominate the entire 21st Century.

But now, just two years later, in 2003, things seem to be changing yet again. George W. Bush's war/occupation in Iraq is turning into a disastrous quagmire, and his public opinion poll approval ratings (up to 80% shortly after "9-11") are back to their dismal pre-"9-11" levels and dropping like a depleted-uranium brick, just like the war-taxed U.S. economy. And there have been quite a few other changes, none of them good for government-worshippers, who, oddly enough, didn't seem to change much with the "changing times" they kept badgering us about. I guess it was only friends of liberty who were supposed to change their thinking -- and become government-lovers. Well, the 2001-2003 "War On Terror" Fever is over, and libertarianism is rising again.

Check out this great article by Lew Rockwell, which says it better than we could. We have our doubts about some of the ideas, people, and groups surrounding Rockwell's Mises Institute -- their anti-immigrationism and obsessions with Israel & the US Civil War of 1861-64* suggest a statist-racist hidden agenda insidiously packaged to subtly co-opt unwary libertarians -- but this particular article is right on target from a radical libertarian point of view, and well worth reading. Non-libertarians will find this article an interesting indicator of libertarian reactions to recent events.


* From a strictly libertarian point of view, immigration laws infringe on the rights of both immigrants and Americans to travel, associate, and do business with each other. If the Welfare State taxes Americans to subsidize immigrants, then that is another reason to abolish the Welfare State, not to "save" the Welfare State by restricting immigrants. Unemployment is caused by ever-increasing taxes and regulations, not by "immigrants taking jobs" -- which is a classic distraction, misdirection, and evasion of responsibility by statist rulers and would-be rulers and their supporters. The American Civil War was a liberty-irrelevent power struggle between 2 groups of statist oppressors (the US & Confederate States governments). Should statist governments have the right to secede from each other? Who cares! Statism should be abolished; how statist governments interact and organize, and which ones are "more evil" or "less evil", is trivia which distracts attention away from the libertarian agenda. Libertarians should not waste time supporting any statist governments or statist factions, past or present.

Israel is just one of over 100 countries around the world (including America) oppressed by a statist government; its government is neither unusually respectful of individual rights, nor unusually oppressive, nor a threat to the American people, and therefore should be of no particular interest to American libertarians.

Why any libertarian would take different positions on these issues is truly a mystery. In a world densely riddled with statist delusions and creepy intellectual hidden agendas, however, any injection of statist issues into "libertarian" groups and literature should be regarded with suspicion.

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Recommended Reading:

Go Left, Young Man
by Justin Raimundo

This article exposes the imperialist and anti-civil-liberties treason against libertarianism and the libertarian movement by the Cato Institute, and the implications of this treason.
(Added, 6-18-2002)


Turn Toward The Left
by Justin Raimundo

This important article, following up on the article above, discusses the radical differences between libertarians and conservatives, dating back to their historic 1969 split, which led to the founding of the Libertarian Party in 1971. Mentions the 1989-2001 Libertarian/Conservative Convergence, which was always opposed by radical libertarians and which fortunately ended in the war hysteria following 9-11-2001. Also includes more info on the now-imperialist, ex-libertarian Cato Institute, and the current threat of imperialists trying to infiltrate and take over the Libertarian Party. LP members: read this and fight back! Like the previous article, this one contains lots of interesting links on issues like COINTELPRO, the "ex"-communist "neoconservatives", and the growing anti-imperialist resistance movement within the LP & the broader libertarian movement.
(Added, 6-18-2002)


"I know not whether taxes are raised to fight wars, or wars are started to raise taxes."
--Thomas Paine, in COMMON SENSE (1776)


As a result of continuing imperialist/conservative efforts to infiltrate and co-opt the Libertarian Party, the misguided Party management has scheduled the phoney-"libertarian" conservative radio talk show demagogue Neal Boortz to address the 2004 Libertarian Party National Convention.

Neal Boortz is an uncritical supporter of "Big-Government Conservative" George W. Bush's completely unnecessary and counterproductive military conquest/occupation of Iraq -- the former (and, weirdly, U.S. Government-subsidized) rulers of which were neither able nor planning to attack America in any way, and had no involvement in the Sept 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks. Boortz has also supported and advocated secret government spying on peaceful, law-abiding protesters against the Iraq War, a policy which is an outrageously grotesque violation of the First and Fourth Amendments to the US Constitution, and completely contrary to the ideals of free speech and due process of law upon which our country was founded.

The prospect of allowing this Enemy of Liberty to waste Party members' time spreading boring, already-endlessly-repeated government propaganda at the convention of the Party of Liberty, and thereby concealing from the public the anti-imperialist ideas the Libertarian Party has always stood for, has provoked many Libertarian Party members to fight back. You can join the struggle too!

Click on this link, and read the "Boot Boortz!" petition at http://www.petititononline.com/noboortz/petition.html. If you agree, then please sign the petition, and add your voice to the growing groundswell of opposition to stupid U.S. Government activities which have _nothing_ to do with defending America, and which actually _threaten_ our lives and freedom by _wasting_ our country's wealth and national defense resources, mass-murdering both innocent foreign civilians and U.S. soldiers, and making more enemies for our country! And speak out against the sadly misguided people who are actually -- incredibly -- supporting the U.S. Government's insane, ridiculous, un-American, evil mistakes!

Together, we can convince the Libertarian Party's management to withdraw its invitation to Boortz, freeing up time at the 2004 Convention to give the public ACCURATE information -- about the Libertarian Party's stalwart advocacy of the patriotic foreign policy advised by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and the other Founders of our country! Your signature will help!

The Libertarian Foreign Policy

Thomas Jefferson said that a free American Republic should follow a foreign policy of "peace, friendship, and honest commerce with all nations, entangling alliances with none". This is what today's libertarians advocate too. It is important to note that this is very different from an "isolationist" foreign policy, which involves closed borders, trade & travel restrictions, and other paranoid, hostile, anti-foreigner government controls, as advocated by some right-wingers. It is also very different from a policy of "appeasement", which means the government imposing liberty-infringing controls on its citizens, or otherwise giving material or military aid to aggressive foreign powers, out of fear of attack -- libertarians oppose a foreign policy of appeasement as well.

A non-isolationist, neutral foreign policy like Thomas Jefferson advocated is often called a policy of "Strategic Neutrality". The word "strategic" means that the government following it does not believe that "all governments are created equal", or that any foreign government has a "right" to rule as it sees fit. This kind of neutrality is strategic only, avoiding war except when a foreign government attacks or plans to attack. It is not "moral neutrality" or "ethical neutrality", not a renouncing of the right to military self-defense (pacifism), or an implied approval of the "rights" or actions of foreign governments.

Unfortunately, the U.S. Government today follows the opposite foreign policy -- a policy of Imperialism. "Imperialism" can be accurately defined as "a government trying to non-defensively control other governments", through making alliances, paying money ("foreign aid"), issuing diplomatic and military threats, or sometimes, as the U.S. Government is doing in Iraq, through invasion, conquest and occupation. If a government's dealings with other governments go only as far as necessary to deter attack and defend the lives and liberties of people within its own borders, it may be influencing foreign governments, yet still not be "imperialist". But if attempts are made to control foreign governments which do NOT attack or imminently plan to attack, then these efforts go beyond necessary defense and cross the line into unnecessary and non-defensive imperialism.

Of course imperialists -- advocates of imperialism or empire -- have always claimed that their actions are "in the national interest" or are "defense against possible future attacks". But when their scenarios are based on fears, speculations, scare stories, or convoluted theories (like the "Vietnam Domino Theory" or the "Cold War Theory" which predicted that Communism would last forever) which may or may not work out as predicted, they should be rejected. Only an actual or provably imminent attack on America by a foreign power makes that power a true "enemy" of America.

Our approach as American citizens should be to follow George Washington's advice (given in his famous Farewell Speech) and neither attach ourselves to, nor hate, any foreign countries -- Strategic Neutrality begins with us. But today, many Americans, including, unfortunately, many otherwise-correct advocates of individual liberty, are still under the powerful sway of life-long imperialist brainwashing, which has been universally imposed upon Americans by government schools and by the alarmist government-manipulated news media since the beginning of the 20th Century. We must provide the information needed to help people liberate their minds from this deeply-ingrained, fear-driven, irrational imperialist brainwashing. We must provide the information needed to help Americans discover that Strategic Neutrality is the true and proper foreign policy of a free country. (Today, America is NOT a free country, but after the incompetent self-destruction of the present regime it will be, and our preparations for that day must include straightening out our thinking on foreign policy.)

The U.S. Government's current foreign policy of constantly seeking, provoking, and "fighting" an endless series of phoney "foreign threats" (which, like the former Iraqi regime, are neither able nor planning to attack America) and "defending" phoney "foreign allies" (many of whom are even more oppressive & aggressive than our own metastacizing cancer of a government) is merely an ongoing scam perpetrated by powerful government-subsidized war profiteers & government war bureaucrats, a gang of crooks who use fear to rip off American taxpayers, aided and abetted by those intellectuals (including some alleged "libertarians" and "objectivists") who produce, promote, and are deluded by the relentless, all-pervasive, paranoid, fearmongering propaganda of the "war wackos". This foreign policy is the incompetent expansionism of a paranoid, oppressive, State-socialistic, statist-collectivist (and ultimately self-defeating) Empire, not the proper defense of a free Republic.

History demonstrates very clearly that people resist and react against force, but learn from and copy success. Today the U.S. Government is setting the worst possible example for the governments and political activists (future rulers) of the world to follow -- an increasingly unrestrained policy of international Presidential military dictatorship, with one powerful ruler ordering unprovoked, overwhelming military attacks, invasions, conquests, occupations, and oppression by sock-puppet governments. The only way for Americans to help spread freedom around the world is to set a good example. We can do this by transforming our own oppressive imperial government through peaceful and legal means, and creating a free, peaceful, and prosperous country with a constitutional republic which defends and respects the individual liberty of all people within its borders. Thus we can at last put into complete practice the libertarian vision of our country's Founders. All of human history is the story of the spread of great ideas, from conception, to rejection, to adoption, to -- when successful -- universal imitation. Thus, it is far from a mere exercize of imagination to state that once we succeed in achieving complete Liberty in America, with its many and obvious advantages, the people of all other countries will soon rise up against their oppressors and follow our shining example.

******* MISSION STATEMENT *******

The purpose of this website is to promote the doctrine of pure revolutionary libertarianism in a hard-core, militant, non-compromising format. This is written for radical libertarian political activists and sympathizers, who have made a long-term commitment to the libertarian cause, and who are struggling to "keep the faith" and maintain hope for liberty in our time. In these days of relative stability and rampant oppression in the statist political-economic system, this is not always an easy task.

It is hoped that this website will serve as an oasis of radicalism, of revolutionary spirit, and of ideas and hope for the coming libertarian revolution and the libertarian society of the future.

A different positive message (not necessarily libertarian-approved) appears in this spot every day; worth checking on those days when statism gets you down. Pessimism is defeat! Liberty is coming!

"The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you choose, what you think, and what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny ... it is the light that guides your way." -- Heraclitus


A great introduction to, and overview of, the libertarian movement, its history, and its point of view. As ultraradical libertarian revolutionaries, we in the NOL don't agree 100% with the views expressed here, but a little browsing through will help you put libertarianism in perspective.


A great source for current libertarian news and views!

******* Recommended Reading: *******

Send in the Waco Killers
By Vin Suprynowicz
For more information on this book, click here

"The oppressed should rebel, and they will continue to rebel and raise disturbance until their civil rights are fully restored to them and all partial distinctions, exclusions and incapacitations are removed."
--Thomas Jefferson, 1776




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