Libertarian Links

Note: The newest links on this page have been added at the bottom, so if you have been here before, scroll down to the bottom to find the new stuff.

Not all of these links are to pages by libertarians, but are included here because they are of interest to libertarians.

If you find any dead links, or have suggestions for new links we should add -- including your own website -- please let us know by e-mail! Thanks, and happy websurfing!

Libertarian Party USA

The Libertarian Party, founded in 1971, is the hub of libertarian political activism in the United States of America. Over 40,000 members and growing fast, with candidates on the ballot in all 50 states in every election. Excellent website, loaded with interesting and useful information and links. Get involved!

Liberty Activists

A great website with a huge number of libertarian links, excellent articles, practical tips and information for libertarian activists, and lots of other top-notch libertarian material. Highly recommended.


Vast and excellent source for libertarian links and information. One of the top libertarian websites.

The Underground Libertarian Party

Intriguing but unreachable underground group, led by the redoubtable Citizen Z, with a good program, the right revolutionary attitude, and a bitchin logo. May be defunct (?).

"What the heck is libertarianism?" I hear you ask. Click here for a great introduction and overview. Not strictly kosher from a radical libertarian position (contains questionable sentiments), but worth a look.

Sean Gabb's Home Page

Good webpage by a libertarian with an international perspective. Great links to libertarian groups around the world. Many of these links are obscure, unusual, interesting, and hard to find anywhere else. We can't condone somebody calling themselves both a libertarian and a conservative (two ultimately opposed points of view), but we can recommend a visit to his website.

The Digital Underground

Trippy stuff. Follow some links from here, and you will travel far into the internet underground. There you will find all sorts of Forbidden Information that may be useful in the coming revolutionary times. Seems to have a pro-Liberty slant, but we can't endorse it 100%. As always, approach with caution; Big Brother may be watching you!

International Libertarian Network

Highly recommended group and website. Great international libertarian links. Bringing the Libertarian Revolution to a planet near you.


The libertarian movement is not limited to the USA; check out this superb link for more info on emerging and established libertarian organizations in Europe.

(and click here too)

Interesting links to a libertarian nationalist movement working for a libertarian society and independence for Northern Italy. Great links, graphics, and music, and interesting articles in Italian. For an intriguing introduction to the Padania phenomenon in english, click here. Liberty is bustin' out all over!

Fed up with US imperialism? Interested in the antiwar movement or foreign policy/defense issues? Check out this libertarian website. Loaded with links and articles that will get you up to speed on foreign policy and defense issues in a hurry. Very balanced and informative treatment of all sides in these complex issues, which are all too often overlooked by Americans. You'd never guess from US government policy, but the American people are not imperialist at heart. This bodes well for future peace, but unfortunately also translates into an ill-informed and apathetic populace on foreign policy issues. That is how those politicians in Washington, D.C. get away with what they do all over the world.

Once upon a time, nearly everyone believed that "a woman's place is in the home". Along came feminists in the late 1960s and early 1970s, who said that a woman's place is wherever she chooses. At first everyone laughed at the controversial little ladies, and even prominent women rejected feminism. Feminists kept at it, though, and opened many doors for women in business, government, and throughout our sexist society. Today, however, feminism has evolved into an uncontroversial mainstream statist political faction, adopting a new set of stereotypical sexist social roles (female = weak victim; male = sexual agressor), promoting female political separatism, exploiting gender prejudice, and pushing sexual and economic oppression by the State. Individualist Feminists (ifeminists) are a new movement fighting feminism's regression into oppression and advocating real freedom for women. Real feminism is controversial once again! Time for women to stand up for Liberty and kick some statist ass! Individualist feminism has always been an implicit part of libertarianism; at last it is being openly expressed and explored. Check it out! -- Opponents of Drug Prohibition

This link will lead you to many other links opposing the insane, counterproductive, outrageously evil, and obviously doomed drug prohibition laws. Like an increasing number of people throughout the world, we in the Nation Of Liberty believe and publicly declare that it is absolutely none of the government's business what chemicals people do or don't put in their own bodies. We believe that governments have no right to jail, fine, harass, or otherwise use force against anyone for taking, making, having, buying, or selling any kinds of drugs. To believe otherwise is to believe that people's lives and bodies are government property -- that people are and should be property/slaves of the government. It is outrageous that belief in drug prohibition is often considered the only "acceptable" and "mainstream" point of view.

Anyway, we don't endorse or agree with all the web pages or opinions you will find by following this link, but read 'em and make up your own mind! Whatever your opinion on drug prohibition or drugs, these pages will get you thinking -- and they'll get you thinking about a lot more things than drugs or unjust laws.

Libertarian International

Libertarian International's mission is to coordinate various initiatives in the defense of individual liberty throughout the world. They are based in the Netherlands, and have an excellent libertarian website with a European and international focus. Well worth a visit.

Like us to add your own link to this page? Have suggestions of other links we should add? Find any dead links here? Email us! (just click on the envelope icon at the top right-hand corner of this page.)

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