Bryan - 12/03/00 22:40:49 My URL: My MSRC Member?: no City: Houston | Comments: Please check out our site. We offer a tax-free means of purchasing over 600 brands of cigarettes. Why give state and local governments money every time you buy cigarettes when those are the very institutions that restrict our rights? |
Felt Lair - 11/21/00 20:21:32 My URL:http:// MSRC Member?: Yes | Comments: This site is DEFUNCT. Can still be accessed but can no longer be edited and updated. Go to location of the new Forces Minnesota page. Thank you, Webmaster |
Carol AS Thompson - 08/02/00 08:06:43 My URL: My MSRC Member?: no City: Madison WI | Comments: Left the URL wrong. It's |
Carol AS Thompson - 08/02/00 08:03:40 My URL: My MSRC Member?: no City: Madison WI | Comments: Just dropped by to see what's new. I have started my own web page with a unique point of view. Several pages are up and there will be more soon. Have you ever heard the saying, "Follow the money trail?" Well, I followed it and look what I found. |
Don Oakley - 06/29/00 21:09:24 My MSRC Member?: No City: Gainesville, VA | Comments: |
Ron Ledohowski - 06/10/00 04:11:29 My URL: My MSRC Member?: NO City: Winnipeg Legislative DIstrict: Manitoba, CANADA | Comments: I am the President of the Cabaret Alliance of Manitoba and I am also part of a local coalition here that includes the Cabaret Alliance, Manitoba Hotel Assoc., Manitoba Restaurant Assoc., the two pertinent unions, Legions, Pool halls etc. We have M.H.A. & C.A.M. have started a website at Data regarding second hand smoke is inconclusive at best using smoking in general as an emotional "hot button". Even a Federal Court in the U.S. has very critically struck down findings by the F.D.A. indicating faulty scientific procedures were used to ar ive at an intended and preconceived conclusion. Data exists and new data is continuing to emerge that shows the dangers of second hand smoke to have been greatly exaggerated. To disregard legitimate data that does not support a singularly and preconceived position, to ignore or trivialize substantial and scathing court rulings, and to ignore new emerging scientific data in totality may very well represent a position of those with a much higher agenda: the anti-smoking, prohibitional agenda. The means and f rums being used to achieve such an agenda should come into serious question. Our position is second hand smoke cannot ever reach a dangerous level, as long as a minimum of inexpensive ventilation is provided. Emerging technologies in ventilation, filtration, and air exchange have also been astounding. Perhaps efforts should be red rected towards actual "real world" measurements, actual "on site" readings, and "rational" air quality standards based on definable danger levels rather than knee jerk "0" level bans fueled more so by passion and emotion than legitimate fact. What level, upported by scientific fact, represents a dangerous level of E.T.S.? So far, it has never been defined by anyone. Get rid of the smoke... not the smoker! Accomodate both smokers and non smokers! A "total ban" or any increased restriction in a cabaret setting would be detrimental to the industry as experienced in other markets that have attempted to implement such a ludicrous and unenforceable ban. A ban would immediately cause a significant loss f revenue to our member properties and would in short order lead to the loss of jobs in the hospitality industry and in those industries that support our industry. The ban was not requested nor supported by any labor movement or union. The damage and cons quences are well documented, very devastating, and without question. The ban would create control problems inside and both noise and control problems outside. Given the fact that many nightclubs are located in semi-residential areas, where noise is of concern due to residential components, a ban will cause unwarranted aggr vation to the residents due to the likely potential of noise and other issues when patrons are forced outside of the venues. If you choose to respond, please contact me at |
Diane - 05/30/00 21:27:13 MSRC Member?: Yes City: Duluth Legislative DIstrict: 7B | Comments: Great site! Thanks for all the information. |
Ken - 05/05/00 22:57:19 My MSRC Member?: yup City: dlh Legislative DIstrict: 6b | Comments: Felt, I forwarded your (our) URL to a national ORV/4WD organization, a group of freedom lovers in Duluth, an international group of resource professionals working to save scientific management, 2 developers, a few newspaper reporters, 2 conservative local radio talk show hosts, and a bunch of other e-friends. Ken |
Ken Nebel again - 05/05/00 16:26:32 My MSRC Member?: No City: Duluth Legislative DIstrict: 6 or 7 b | Comments: What is Forces of Minnesota's web page URL? The only way I can find you folks right now is to go to Forces New Zealand and then hit on the link to MN Forces. Since the Forces US web page is down for 60 days, this is inconvenient. I'd like to have the Forces MN URL so I can access you directly -- also to share with others. Thanks Ken |
Victor Fletcher - 04/24/00 07:47:21 My URL: My MSRC Member?: Request is in City: Toronto Legislative DIstrict: CANADA | Comments: May we use some of your articles (with proper credit)? We just formed the Freedom Centre supporting smokers' right to smoke without discrimination or interference. We will be posting more info right away. One of our people saw you on TV in Canada. |
Charlie Sudduth - 02/19/00 18:59:47 My Email:Fsudduth@bellsouth. MSRC Member?: no City: jackson ms | Comments: Thanks for your site. Let's all tell Mike Moore to stop telling us what to do with our bodies. |
Ben - 11/18/99 02:54:19 My | Comments: Smokers rights? Please. What gives you any right to pollute other peoples lungs, help kill your sons and daughters, and corupt the american system of government. You might think the only one you a hurting is your self but really you're all just corpera e tools for misinformation. I would liken your group to a cross between the NRA and heroin dealers,with the political means to get your product coursing through as much of the public vein as possible. |
Ben - 11/18/99 02:33:53 My | Comments: |
Linda - 10/21/99 19:03:08 | Comments: Do you have American spirit? |
Roland Leyser - 10/06/99 15:06:04 My MSRC Member?: I became right now City: L`hof/ GERMANY | Comments: You`ve done a great site, guys.Keep up ,because your work will encourage and support us smokers in our fight against the anti-zealots. Thanks! |
Brett A. Olson - 09/09/99 15:18:38 My Email:n/a MSRC Member?: I am now City: Brooklyn Center Legislative DIstrict: 47B (Carruthers) | Comments: Thank God for people like those of MN Forces. Everyone keeps telling me'those things will kill you', and other anti-smoking rhetoric. I am sure we've heard it all.As if theyexpect us to bid their comments and put it out right then and there or something.I wish they'd mind their own business! Thanks1 |
Robert R. Smith - 04/05/99 16:05:11 My MSRC Member?: National, not state City: Minneapolis | Comments: Archie... please contact me as soon as possible, by email, or phone me at 612-924-0439. I have an opportunity for your organization to discuss with you. |
Dwight Sandberg - 03/22/99 19:39:33 My URL: My City: Hastings, Ne | Comments: Enjoyed your website! I have provided a link to your website from mine. Stop by sometime & view your link at: "" |
Don Ricketts - 02/08/99 04:12:40 My My MSRC Member?: No. City: Near L.A Legislative DIstrict: N.A. | Comments: Great site. |
Spinner - 12/27/98 03:23:22 My URL: My MSRC Member?: Absolutely! City: Alta Loma Legislative DIstrict: CA | Comments: Keep up the good work, guys. Don't let the "aunties" get you down! We'll win in the end if we support each other. |
Georgia Gates - 12/16/98 18:22:06 My URL: My MSRC Member?: no City: Aurora, CO | Comments: Thanks. |
Samantha - 12/16/98 13:20:19 My URL: My MSRC Member?: not yet City: Center Conway, NH | Comments: Howdy! Our links page has lots of great information sites, such as Forces. Check us out With so many people trying to take rights away from Americans, information is our best defense. People don't care that one group has lost a right because they are not involved. This goes on until something happens that involves you and guess what... no ne sticks up for you. Will the anti-gunner, anti-smoker look to us for help when the "fat tax" passes? When your child is in trouble, do you expect single people to write letters for your cause? The list goes on and on... until our lack of compassion or other humans leads us into a government that runs our lives in every aspect, and our grandfathers who died in the military turn over in their graves. Where is this great country of freedom going? Into the hands of the few who use us without our react ing. Are we sheep or Americans? |
Kadi Morand - 12/15/98 16:48:08 My URL:/CapitolHill/Senate/6773 My MSRC Member?: Not yet. City: Van Nuys, CA | Comments: Great site, Archie (Felt). Good work. It's very nice to see so much support for personal liberty. KadiM - Smokers Fighting Discrimination - "We only ask to be treated fairly." |
sara - 12/15/98 07:48:51 My MSRC Member?: count me in | Comments: Good lookimg page! The site is another signal that we are continuing to do what we want to do, and fie on those jack-booted prohibitionists. |
Marty Ronhovdee - 12/15/98 03:53:05 My City: San Luis Obispo, CA | Comments: Your web site looks great and I hope smokers and non-smokers appreciate what you are doing and join you. If ever in doubt, just talk to a Californian who smokes cigars or cigarettes or owns a business and you'll understand why you must continue to fight he government frenzy for money and power. Marty |
Joan Anderson - 12/15/98 02:18:14 My MSRC Member?: Yes City: Coon Rapids Legislative DIstrict: 49B | Comments: |