The Serious Business of Smoking-Related Death Statistics

A pedestrian crossing the street reached in his pocket for a cigarette. Just then a drunk driver hit and killed him. His death was classified as "smoking related."

Two firemen were killed when a burning building collapsed on them. Since the fire had been started by an arsonist who happened to be a smoker the death was deemed "smoking related."

A man sitting in his living enjoying a smoke was shot and killed by a sniper outside his house. Another "smoking related" death.

A five year old child was killed when he ran insto the street and was struck by a car. Since the driver had smoked a cigarette less than an hour before the accident the child's death was ruled "smoking related."

A hold up victim died from a gunshot wound when he resisted the robber. When apprehended the killer asked for a cigarette. The victim's death was therefore termed "smoking related."

A 47 year old man died from a heart attack while out for a walk. Because a cigarette butt was found near the body the death was recorded as "smoking related."


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